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Why Do They Tell Us This in January!? Sam Sifton explains how to roast a whole pig in your backyard in a plywood box. It's only $250 for the box, $130 for the pig, and $25 for the charcoal. Then, voila, "pig candy." Le Divorce, encore. (See previous listing.) The Los Angeles Times defends their state's big-bodied reds against the wine snobs. If the traditional food matches with wine don't work with these luscious powerhouses, find some food that does. Emily Green opines. Le Divorce. What wine do you pair with coconut ravioli in soy sauce or a Parmesan cheese ice cream sandwich? Mike Steinberger opines on the breakup of a wonderful relation in Slate. Alan Davidson, author of THE OXFORD COMPANION TO FOOD and several other important culinary works and founding editor of Petits Propos Culinaires died on Tuesday, December 2. Obituaries in The New York Times (by William Grimes) and The Guardian (by Tom Jaine).

What John had for breakfast...and for his midnight snack.

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Eat Our Words. Fifteen years of independent food writing.

Made to Taste. A generous serving of our favorite recipes.

MangeTout. The Simple Cooking food book reviews.

25 Sept 2002

Our Order Form. Subscribe, find back issues, buy our books.

Table Talk. Culinary quotations and other literary feasting.

Our Readers Write. Communiques, queries, and adventures.

The CookBook Reviews. The best of our former newsletter. 

Hanging Out at the No-Name. Diner fiction, diner fact.

The Artisanal Loaf. A bread baker's home companion.

Something About Us...and about food letters in general.

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The Cookbook Sale. Second round is available now.

7 Dec 2003

Our Links. Favorite food stops on the World Wide Web.

24 Feb 2003

In Defense of the Savory Breakfast. A manifesto and a diary.

My Life Apart From Food. Okay, it's mostly sleeping.

The Pile on the Night Table

updated 9 April 2003

Wondrous Strange Reading For Sale, Cheap

updated 15 Nov 2002
