Hello, I am Jim Roepcke. I am Canadian, a programmer, and operate as an independent contractor as Roepcke Computing Solutions.
I specialize in WebObjects development, which I have found to be the most fulfilling and productive way to develop Internet software, but also have experience with pure Java, ASP, and many other technologies, as my résumé describes.
My résumé/CV can be found at http://www.roepcke.com/resume/.
I've been maintaining a personal weblog, have browser, will travel, since June of 1999. I update it daily, or try to. Sometimes I miss a day, but not often anymore. HBWT is where you'll find what's new with me.
The information that was on this site years ago is horribly outdated, horribly ugly ;-), and no longer available. If you need to find something that used to be on this site, contact me and I'll see what I can do.
Thank you for visiting my web site! If you haven't found what you're looking for, I recommend the Google search engine, or, email me.
My AIM screen name is JimRoepcke (click to add my screen name to your Buddy List). I'm usually available to chat while online.
Jim Roepcke