About Jakarta






Resources (Unofficial)

How to Get Involved

Every volunteer project obtains its strength from the people involved in it. We invite you to participate as much or as little as you choose. The roles and responsibilities that people can assume in the project are based on merit. Everybody's input matters!

There are a variety of ways to participate. Regardless of how you choose to participate, we suggest you join some or all of our mailing lists.

Use the Products and Give Us Feedback
Using the products, reporting bugs, making feature requests, et cetera, is by far the most important role. Your feedback allows the technology to evolve.

Contribute Code or Documentation Patches
In this role, you participate in the actual development of the code. If this is the type of role you'd like to play, here are some steps (in addition to the ones above) to get you started:

Here is one developer's advice how to get involved. It specifically talks about Tomcat, but the general idea can applied to any of the Jakarta subprojects.

Here is another comment that was sent to the Turbine Mailing List about the opensource process and the contrast between how an opensource product and a proprietary product improve through the user community.

Contribute To The Jakarta Newsletter
The Newsletter once known as "The Jakarta Newsletter" had outgrown to "The Apache Newsletter". This is prepared here on the Apache Wiki. Anyone can contribute - especially all you lurkers out there!

Create a new subproject
Not every software product is suited for life at Jakarta, but we welcome candidates that follow the Apache Way. See Jakarta Subproject Proposals for more.

Copyright © 1999-2004, The Apache Software Foundation