Florida Sun Sentinel
March 14, 2004
Excerpts from letters and testimonials from five of 75 dissidents serving time
in Cuba's prisons.
They were provided by the dissidents' wives to Staff Writer Vanessa Bauza.
The prisoners' conditions are impossible to verify independently because the
Cuban government does not allow reporters or human rights groups access to its
The Red Cross was last allowed into Cuba's prisons in 1988.
Hector Maseda, 61.
President of the Liberal Democratic Party of Cuba sentenced to 20 years.
Jan. 28:"A prosecutor from the province arrived. It is the third time she has
visited us. The first time I mentioned two or three important things -- the
absence of some medications, problems with the food and noncompliance with our
daily hour of sun.
"The result is that nothing was resolved. … This time I didn't mention any
complaints. What for? They don't solve anything. …
"These days I have received additional visits from Captain Anibal [in charge of
La Pendiente prison] to talk about my ideas, projects, future plans and the
stance of the [Liberal Democratic] Party.
"He talks of the indestructibility of the revolution. My responses have been
sincere but meditated, well studied and very reasoned. Evidently he is complying
with instructions to obtain information."
Jorge Olivera, 42.
Independent journalist sentenced to 18 years.
December: "Today I count myself among the native species of the Cuban fauna.
Frequently I receive visits from frogs and lizards. The spiders are guests who
are here to stay. Wise rodents wait for nightfall to go over my belongings.
Though small, their stomachs are insatiable.
"In 8 months of zoological experiences I have only managed to condemn one of
them to a death sentence. [The cockroaches] walking across the slight glow of
the moon, which manages to insert itself in the window, have interrupted dozens
of dreams.
"Extremely noisy, they do not spare any bag or container in the room. … I write
from my little cage so as not to lose that secret pact with the page, which
always awaits its inky caresses."
Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, 42.
Human rights activist sentenced to 25 years.
Feb. 1: "Today I am in the same detachment I was in during the first days of my
stay in this prison, but in cubicle 3. Today I feel much better. The
psychological damage of the dark and isolated cells has diminished.
"Remember, I hold fast to God almighty and they can only do to me what God
permits. Have faith the light will appear to bless not only our meeting in
freedom but that of the entire nation."
Adolfo Fernandez Sainz, 54.
Independent journalist.
December 2003: " [After watching several inmates shove another inmate] I started
to shout that in this prison abuses were committed in front of the guards and
they did not do anything about it. …
"I don't remember anything about the blows I received. I was shouting and the
next thing I remember I was in the hospital. I could have been unconscious for
five minutes or half an hour, I have no idea. …
"It could be that [inmate Fidel] Sanchez Ricardo [responsible for discipline in
Sainz's unit] punched me the first time on my left temple while I had my back
turned. … I am proud of what I did, especially because I did not do it for
myself but rather for a poor [inmate]. …
"I may not be able to change prison, but I will try not to let it change me."
Manuel Vazquez Portal, 52
Independent journalist Sentenced to 18 years
Sept. 18, 2003: "I have good news. The small sores I got from sleeping on the
floor without bathing during the hunger strike have healed.
"With all the goodies you brought I have started to gain weight. From 49
kilograms [107 pounds] at the end of the strike I now weigh 54 [118 pounds]. …
"The food here is as deficient as the one at the jail in Boniato. The same
recipes -- rubbish -- are repeated with disgusting frequency. I try to eat them,
but it is impossible. How I miss your culinary arts, which I sometimes
complained about; I don't know how to excuse myself!
"The books you brought have also fed me. They are the precise antidotes to the
alienation, the daily brutishness I am exposed to."
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