The Lawyer


This organization started in Chicago as The Libertarian Lawyers Alliance of Illinois (LLAI) in 1978. As part of its goal to start an alliance of libertarian lawyers--a strike force able to handle governmental attacks. The Alliance published a newsletter, entitled "The New Z Letter." This publication, the whole 11 issues of which can be found in the libraries of The University of Kansas (Wilcox Collection of Contemporary Political Movements) and, also, the Social Documents Collection of the University of Iowa Libraries, is a Toffler-like examination of news reports and cartoons concerning politics and economics in 1980-1981. Reading between the lines of the "message" of the mass media is an important tool to predict the future.

In 1981, Shelly Waxman, the founder of LLAI and publisher of the New Z Letter moved to Bakersfield, California to represent Paul Bell (a "notorious" tax protestor) and the Belanco Religious Order. While in California, Shelly started the American Criminal Tax Bar and the National Association of Shelly Waxman & Associates, an association of 12 lawyers in different states, who were all libertarians and willing to take on the IRS. After Shelly was arrested and jailed and forced to withdraw from his representation of his client, Shelly returned to Chicago only to find that he was a persona non gratis. In 1984, he moved to South Haven, Michigan resort town on the western shore of Lake Michigan..

In 2002 after almost 20 years of writing and revising, Shelly published his book, entitled, In the Teeth of the Wind A Study of Power and How to Fight It.

Shortly after the election of November, 1994, Shelly converted the LLAI into the Freedom Lawyers of America (FLoA) and through this page on the Internet we are soliciting memberships from lawyers and other sponsors and supporters who believe in FREEDOM. The idea behind FLoA is to develop of pool of Freedom Lawyers who know how to fight government in the courts against unreasonable governmental intrusions.

Freedom lawyers are in keeping with the tradition of our founders, who were mostly lawyers.


FLoA, is interested in pursuing the following GOALS. The reasons for this can be best explained by reading, In The Teeth of The Wind.
  • Repealing laws and regulations, especially the Internal Revenue Code;
  • Reducing the prison population and ending the death penalty;
  • Adopting a Flat Rate Income Tax or a suitable Selling Tax;
  • Repealing Capital Gains, Estate and Gift Taxes, Payroll Taxes and other onerous forms of taxation;
  • Making Social Security voluntary and returning "contributions" to all who request it;
  • Requiring strict adherence to the Rights of the People by governments at all levels;
  • Assisting all organizations fighting for Freedom;
  • Providing a pool of Freedom Lawyers (Lawyers who know how to fight government in the courts) to all who are fighting unreasonable governmental intrusions;
  • Fostering growth of independent businesspeople and eliminating the current employment systems; See, independent contracting;
  • Repealing government control of charities;
  • Moderating the law enforcement industrial complex and the "snitch" network;
  • Repealing drug prohibition;
  • Balancing the federal budget, removing government from engaging in private business and fostering a laissez faire economic free enterprise system;
  • De-monopolizing our medium of exchange, fostering the privacy and growth of the Internet and eliminating the monopolistic federal reserve banking system;
  • Stopping the march toward one world government;
  • Ending all government subsidies to private business, except those approved by the voters at a referendum.
The foregoing goals are not 'carved in stone' and only represent Shelly's opinions. You do not have to agree with any of his opinions but they should be the subject of discussion. I am sure that if you have reached this page, you agree with many of them.

If you are interested in furthering our projects, PLEASE JOIN US. The nominal annual membership fee is $20.00. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A LAWYER. We need support from the public at large.

Freedom Lawyers is a project designed to involve the public in the work of Freedom Lawyers. By affiliating with us you will have access to the best and most comprehensive SELF-HELP AND PRO SE law PORTAL on the internet brought about by the countless hours of work of our ASSOCIATE, R. J. Tavel, J.D.

We, THE FREEDOM LAWYERS, will provide the backup to your own research from FREEDOM LAW into the arcane law arena and membership insures that we will reply to your questions, ALL AGAIN FOR THE MEASLY $20 annual membership fee.

It is necessary for the public to get into the court system on a personal level to see for themselves the corruption that exists. It is better to see it on a personal level--one on one, like James Traficant--without a mouthpiece to front for you.

As a special deal to get us off the ground, Shelly's Book, "In the Teeth of the Wind: A Study of Power and How To Fight It" (a $16.95 value) will be personally inscribed to you, as part of our membership package. Please email the following information and we will provide you with a membership package, Shelly's Book and an invoice.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Profession
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The Black Messiah Murders: A Sam Cohen Case Adventure, Number 1

Piranhas On The Loose: A Sam Cohen Case Adventure, Number 2
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