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HighlightsSunday, June 13, 2004 

Situation in Darfur
Secretary Powell (June 11): "In all of my conversations with the Sudanese in recent weeks, and that's principally with Vice President Taha as we worked on the Lake Naivasha situation, I would always raise Darfur as well .... And we've made it clear to them that ...we had a disastrous, dire situation on our hands that was unacceptable, and that we had to move promptly in light of the upcoming rainy season. We are also trying to take action to open up other roads coming into places that might compensate for the loss of traffickability during the rainy season."  [full text]

The National Funeral Service for President Reagan
Secretary Powell (June11): "It's a sad day for me, but also a day of celebration. He was a wonderful man. He lived a full and long life. He served his nation in so many ways. He was not only my boss and my Commander-in-Chief, both in my capacity as a soldier, but also as his National Security Advisor. But we became very good friends, both during the two years that I worked with him and in the years after he retired, as I did with Nancy Reagan."  [full text]

Statement on Libya
Secretary Powell (June 10): "Mr. Qadhafi knows what is expected of his
government with respect to terrorist activities. A roadmap has been put out
there that is well understood by the Libyan Government and certainly by us." [full text]

G8 Group photo on June 9 from Sea Island, Ga. AP PhotoGroup of Eight
President Bush hosted the 30th G8 Summit in Sea Island, Georgia, June 8-10, 2004. "Thank you all. Thanks for coming. We just completed a very successful summit. The nations of the G8 are united in our desire to help..." [full text]
In Other News
The U. S. welcomes the June 10 Statement on Sudan by the leaders of the G-8. We share the hope that the implementation of the agreements signed on May 26 by the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement will end the conflict in Sudan.

Senior Coordinator for International Women’s Issues Charlotte Ponticelli's interview in Cairo after addressing the International Arab Women Forum.

“South Asia and the Nuclear Future” is one of the important issues we face today. Certainly, this is a major concern for the U.S. Government.

At the National Defense University, Deputy Secretary Armitage spoke, among other things, about the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan and America’s "greatest generation."

Human trafficking is a multi-dimensional threat: it deprives people of their human rights and freedoms, it is a global health risk, and it fuels the growth of organized crime.

New Background Notes have been posted for Burkina Faso, Germany, Honduras, Iran, and  Macedonia.  

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