–These four resolutions are mentioned in the address excerpt from Bishop Wimberly below–KSH.
Sexual Intimacy Resolution
Be it resolved, that this 155th Diocesan Council affirms that sexual
intimacy is to be expressed and enjoyed only between a man and woman having
committed themselves to each other in marriage.
Explanation: The recent decisions of the 74th General Convention to give
consent to a non-celibate homosexual person to become the Bishop of the
Diocese of New Hampshire and to recognize same sex blessings in dioceses
that permit it is to contradict the teachings of God regarding the
appropriate manner of sexual expression between God’s people as found
in Holy Scripture.
Because it is becoming increasingly popular in our culture for men and
women to become sexually intimate with each other before marriage, and it
is also becoming increasingly popular in our culture for people of the same
gender to become sexually intimate with each other, and It is also
prevalent in our culture for men and women to become sexually intimate with
someone other than their spouse, many of us are concerned that the
children, youth, and adults of our diocese could be misguided by these
decisions of General Convention and the irreligious values of our culture.
We believe that neither individual Christians, nor ministers of the Word of
God, nor congregations, nor Councils of the Diocese of Texas, nor General
Conventions may take away from or lessen God’s prohibitions of and warnings
against the practice of sexual intimacy being expressed in any relationship
other than between a man and a woman who are married to each other.
We also believe that individual Christians, ministers, congregations,
dioceses, and national assemblies should compassionately proclaim the Good
News of forgiveness and the admonition to sin no more to those involved in
premarital, homosexual, or extramarital sexual Intimacy and receive them
into the fellowship of Christ’s Body - the Church.
Submitted by: The Rev. Mike Baker, Holy Cross, Sugar Land.
Endorsed by: The Revs. J. Michael Wheeler, Dale Chrisman, Susan Bear,
Wayland Coe, Trey Garland, William (Billy) Disch, J. Alien Green, David W.
Price, Stephen K. Ferguson. Walter L. Ellis. W. Scott Blick, LannyGeib,
Gary D. Hill, Albert Lawrence, jr., Stephen Whaley, James Nelson, John N.
Himes, R. William Dickson. Bill Laucher, William L. Russell, Mitchell
Keppler, Reagan W. Cocke, Bob Wismer, John R. Bentley. Jr., James Hamilton,
Jeffrey Black, Paul D. Felton, David Alwine, and Larry Gipson; and Lay
Vicar, David Kirkaldy.
(The Resolutions Committee remains neutral and will introduce the
resolution without calling for its adoption)
Repudiating the Action of the 74th General Convention
Be it resolved, that we, the Diocese of Texas meeting in our 155th Diocesan
Council re-affirm the Biblical standards of celibacy and of sexual intimacy
only within marriage as is clearly stated in the Moral Discipline Canon 43
of the diocesan canons, and therefore we repudiate the 74th General
Convention’s confirmation of a non-celibate homosexual person to be a
bishop of the Church, and its acceptance of the blessing of same-sex
relationships as part of our common life.
Explanation: These actions have broken fellowship with the larger Body of
Christ in the Anglican Communion by specifically violating the spirit of
resolutions of the 1998 Lambeth Conference, of the Primates meeting in
Brazil (May 2003), of the Anglican Consultative Council, of the Primates
meeting in London (October 2003), and the clear mandate of the
past seven General Conventions, and consequently have created a pastoral
emergency and threatened the unity of the Anglican Communion.
Submitted by: The Rev. John R. Bentley, Jr., St. Dunstan’s, Houston.
Endorsed by: The Revs. J. Michael Wheeler, Dale Chrisman, Susan Bear,
Wayland Coe. Trey Garland, William (Billy) Disch, j. Alien Green, David W.
Price. Stephen K. Ferguson, Walter L. Ellis, W. Scott Blick, Lanny Geib,
Gary D. Hill, Albert Lawrence, Jr., Stephen Whaley, James Nelson, John N.
Himes, R. William Dickson, Bill Laucher, William L. Russell. Mitchell
Keppler, Reagan W. Cocke, Bob Wismer, Mike Baker, James Hamilton. Jeffrey
Black, Paul D. Felton, David Alwine, Larry Gipson, and Mark Crawford; and
Lay Vicar, David Kirkaldy.
(The Resolutions Committee remains neutral and will introduce the
resolution without calling for its adoption)
Commending the Bishops, Deputies, and Alternates to the 74th General
Resolved, that in thanksgiving for their unanimous stand in support of the
historic faith of the Episcopal Church at the 74th General Convention, this
155th Council of the Diocese of Texas does hereby commend our bishops: the
Rt Rev. Don A. Wimberly and the Rt. Rev. Ted Daniels; and our Clergy
Deputies: the Rev. Canon Dena A. Harrison. the Rev. Canon Rayford B. High,
the Rev. Kenneth W. Kesselus, the Rev. Uriel Osnaya-Jimenez; and our Clergy
Alternates: the Rev. James W. Nutter, the Rev. John K. Graham and the Very
Rev. Joe D. Reynolds: and our Lay Deputies: Ronald D. Null, Mary M.
MacGregor, William Gammon ffl. John Bennet Waters, Sr., and our Lay
Alternates: Woody Mann, Jr., Thomas C. Fitzhugh III, David Grizzle, and
James E. Cunningham.
Submitted by: The Rev. John R. Bentley. Jr., St. Dunstan’s, Houston.
Endorsed by: The Revs. J. Michael Wheeler, Dale Chrisman, Susan Bear,
Wayland Coe, Trey Garland, William (Billy) Disch, J. Alien Green, David W.
Price, Stephen K. Ferguson, Walter L. Ellis, W. Scott BUck, LannyGeib, Gary
D. Hill, Albert Lawrence, Jr., Stephen
Whaley, James Nelson. John N. Himes, R. William Dickson, Bill Laucher,
William L. Russell, Mitchell Keppler, Reagan W. Cocke, Bob Wismer, Mike
Baker, James Hamilton. Jeffrey Black, Paul D. Felton, David Alwine, and
Larry Gipson; and Lay Vicar, David Kirkaldy.
(The Resolutions Committee remains neutral and will introduce the
resolution without calling for its adoption.)
Endorsement of Certain Historic Anglican Doctrines and Policies
Resolved, that the Diocese of Texas affirms that “Holy Scripture containeth
all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein,
nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should
be believed as an article of the Faith, or be
thought requisite or necessary to salvation,” as set forth in Article VI of
the Articles of Religion established by the General Convention on September
12, 1801; and be it further
Resolved, that the Diocese of Texas re-affirms that “it is not lawful for
the Church to ordain [that is, establish or enact) any thing that is
contrary to God’s Word written, neither may it so expound one place of
Scripture, that it be repugnant to another,” as set forth in Article XX of
the Articles of Religion established by the General Convention on September
12,1801; and be it further
Resolved, that the Diocese of Texas affirms that every member of this
Church is conscience-bound first of all to obey the teaching and direction
of Our Lord Jesus Christ as set forth In Holy Scripture in any matter where
a decision or action of this Church, or this General Convention, may depart
from that teaching; and be it further
Resolved, that the Diocese of Texas re-affirms that the statements known as
the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral of 1886,1888, as set forth in “The Book
of Common Prayer, 1979″ continue to be true and accurate statements of the
faith and policy of this Church, and the Anglican Communion; and be it
Resolved, that the Diocese of Texas affirms that councils of the Church
have. and sometimes will, err but that Our Lord Jesus Christ, present
through the person of the Holy Spirit, can and will correct such
Explanation: Recent actions by the 74th General Convention and statements
by leaders of the Episcopal Church have clouded the minds of some of our
brothers and sisters in Christ on the nature of Holy Scripture and its
relevance in the life of the Church. This resolution is to declare that
this diocese accedes to Article VI of the Articles of Religion.
The action of the 74th General Convention has placed in jeopardy our
relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. This
resolution would indicate to our
sisters and brothers in Christ our desire to stand with them in the face of
the discrimination that they face in the context of a variety of cultures
in which Anglican Christians do not have the same religious freedoms
enjoyed in this country and the actions of the Episcopal Church in the
United States has placed them in harms way.
Throughout the history of the Church, the secular ideas of’humanity have
found their way into teaching of the Church to the detriment of souls.
Sadly, such actions have also become canonical and resulted in the
persecutions of faithful women and men in the Church. This resolution holds
to the supremacy of Scripture over the actions of a fallible human council.
The resolution affirms that the Diocese of Texas holds to the traditional
position of the Church on the nature of developing ecumenical relations and
the nature of unity within the Church.
This resolution reflects that Christ and only Christ is head of the Church
and that those in positions of leadership in the church when in err in
guiding the Body of Christ will seek to repent of their sin and seek the
will of God as revealed in Holy Scripture for healing and restoration of
the Body of Christ.
Submitted by. The Rev. John M. Himes, OSF. Church of the Ascension, Houston.
Endorsed by: The Rev J. Michael Wheeler. Dale Chrisman, Susan Bear, Wayland
Coe, Trey Garland, William (Billy) Disch, J. Allen Green, John R. Bentley,
Jr., Davld W. Price, Stephen K. Ferguson, Walter L. Ellis, W. Scott Blick.
Lanny Geib. Gary D. Hill. Albert Lawrence, Jr, Stephen Whaley, James
Nelson, John N. Himes, R William Dickson, Bill Laucher, William L. Russell,
Mitchell Keppler, Reagan W. Cocke, Bob Wismer, Mike Baker, James Hamilton,
Jeffrey Black, Paul D. Felton, David Alwine, and Larry Gipson; and Lay
Vicar, David Kirkaldy.
(The Resolutions Committee remains neutral and will introduce the resolution
without calling for its adoption.)