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So, while some of you know from reading her journal, some of you don't. Leah is leaving this coming Monday, and moving back to Jacksonville. It's something we talked about extensively, and we both decided that we're young, and that 4 years is quite a long time, and we're not going to make it 5. And yeah, I'll go ahead and say that while this is pretty much her idea, i can see where she's coming from, and I'm not going to try to change her mind. It's not working out. So thats that. I'll miss her, but she had to do what she needs to do. We're going to keep in touch, and we'll see how that works out. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
Recently, I was in Orange Park doing some surveillance, and I decided to drop by and give my good buddy Davey a visit. When I got to his house, his dad informed me that he was at the hospital with a shattered L5 vertebrae, a shattered heel, a broke heel, and his ankled were pretty badly messed up as well. He fell off of a 3 story roof and landed on his feet and hurt himself pretty badly. When I visited him he was in good spirits, but he couldn't move his back at all, or his legs. Luckily, he's not paralyzed as he managed to avoid any spinal cord injuries, and he should be able to walk in about 3 months (right around his birthday, what a present). It was depressing to see Davey like this, as he's always been so mobile, active, and outgoing. He's since been moved back to his house and is staying in a hospital bed there (since he can't move his back on his own), and I've had the chance to chat with him a few times online. Davey, if you're reading this, I love you like a brother, and if you ever need anything, dont hesitate to ask. I'll see you soon.
Job. Going ok. It's really hit and miss as far as getting surveillance done, as some people really don't do shit. Unfortunately, my boss is getting less and less understanding when I come back empty handed. I had some car trouble the other day (my tire completely blew out on me about 50 miles from Orlando, in the middle of nowhere at about 6am in the morning), so that was kind of shitty. It's a fun job, at times. Other times, when I'm sitting in my car, in the heat for 8 hours, and then have to drive 3 hours each way, and come back with no video, it's less than stellar. I have to be up in the morning usually around 2 or 3, and a lot of times I don't get back until 5 or 6pm. That's a pretty long day. But, once I get my raise, hopefully it will all be worth it (100$ a day is nice, but not when you have 20$ minimum expenses every day, to around 35-40$ to go to miami, not to mention mileage on your car). It's easy to get discouraged, but I'm really just working towards getting 150$ a day, and I'm sure I'll feel a lot better about things.
Other than that, let's see... I haven't had much time for music, but I've worked on a couple of things, I'll see how that goes. At this point, money is kind of tight, so I'm probably going to sell all my synths. I just dont get 1500$ use out of them at this point, and I guess I can buy some new ones later, when I actually have money in my bank account.