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A shattering critique of psychological views of famed libertarian thinkers
Libertarian Principles & Psychiatric Practices
by Thomas Szasz
Buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
In 1961, Thomas Szasz published The Myth of Mental Illness, which argued that the concept of mental illness abets the destructive practices of coercive psychiatry. In many later works exploring his thesis, Szasz wielded an enormous analytical and polemical firepower -- aimed mostly at minions of the Therapeutic State.
Now Szasz targets fellow libertarians, claiming they sometimes contradict their own beliefs by buying into dangerous psychiatric assumptions. He first explains "Why Libertarians and Psychiatry Are Incompatible." Three chapters discuss "civil libertarians," and then Szasz considers how major libertarian thinkers of our age shape up:
Ayn Rand. Though marred by some hostility for Rand, the chapter is mostly an intriguing analysis of correspondence between Rand and John Hospers. Rand gets credit for "intelligence and courage to see through the sacred dogmas of law-and-psychiatry."
Nathaniel Branden. We knew Branden disagreed with Szasz about the concept of mental illness, and Szasz's answer isn't pretty. Even Branden's harshest critics may be stunned.
Ludwig von Mises. "My admiration for Mises's work and person is unbounded. Hence it is with some reluctance and regret that I present his comments about psychiatry."
F.A. Hayek. Szasz laments that Hayek failed to show the same skepticism toward psychiatric concepts that he showed toward the concept of God.
Murray N. Rothbard. Rothbard's criticism of The Myth of Mental Illness "stood the thesis of my book on its head." But his understanding of Szasz improved over time.
With its sharp-edged, sweeping polemics, Faith in Freedom demands to be read and reckoned with. It's a book that will be passionately debated in libertarian circles, and inspire soul-searching. A book you can't afford to miss.
"People who call themselves libertarians and civil libertarians shouldn't need reminding that psychiatry is among the gravest threats to liberty in the modern world. Unfortunately, they do. Thankfully, we can count on Thomas Szasz. His expose of libertarian complacency in the face of psychiatric preventive detention and other assaults on the freedom and dignity of individuals is startling."
--Sheldon Richman
SZ8828 (hardcover) 287 pages
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by Hans F. Sennholz
"With an engaging mixture of logic and history -- thoroughly grounded on the rock
of Austrian monetary theory and his own personal experience with inflation in
Germany -- Sennholz serves up a feast of good reading upon the economic
problem that has become the curse of the world."
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EC8813 (paperback) 207 pages
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How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression
by Jim Powell |
"There is a critical and often forgotten difference between disaster and
tragedy. Disasters happen to us all, no matter what we do. Tragedies are
brought upon ourselves by hubris. The Depression of the 1930s would have
been a brief disaster if it hadnt been for the national tragedy of the
New Deal. Jim Powell has proven this."
--P.J. ORourke, author of Peace Kills
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AH8719 (hardcover) 270 pages
List Price $27.50
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