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June 16, 2004   
Abroad at Home
by Jonathan Cohn
In Iraq, Abu Ghraib is an outrage. In Texas, it'd be a typical prison.


The Editors:
Ronald Reagan and the politics of happiness.

John Kerry's silly rhetoric on gas prices.

The impact of images of the Iraq war upon ideas of the Iraq war.

What John Kerry should say about Iraq.

The good news is that the Bushies care about Africa. The bad news is why.

Advocates of withdrawal say the Iraq occupation is immoral. Tell that to the Kurds.

The other torture scandal.

How to talk about human rights, and America, after Abu Ghraib.

The World:
Union Label
The EU expands on Saturday. Will its foreign policy change?

Iraq needs more U.S. forces--and fewer troops from everywhere else.

The EU botches its response to the Madrid bombings.

Did Al Qaeda win its first election in Spain yesterday? Only if the incoming Socialist government allows it to.

Chicago School:
False Moves
Are Western democracies set for another grand political realignment?

How most Americans will explain Iraq, and why they'll be wrong.

The art of good political apology is nearly dead, with steep consequences.

Why failure in Iraq could be good for Bush and bad for Kerry.

That's Life:
The Bush campaign is assembling a mighty army of religious warriors.

Don't blame Bush for the high prices at the gas pump.

Why Michael Moore should stop whining about Disney.

Americans prefer dwelling on 9/11 failures to fixing today's.

On the Hill:
Line in the Sand
Congressional Democrats suspect Iraq is hopeless. So why do they want to redouble our efforts there?

Senate Republicans want to hurt John Kerry. But they keep hurting themselves.

Congressional Democrats don't have logical arguments against the Bush administration's $87 billion request for Iraq.

On the stump, Dick Gephardt says he tried to stop President Bush from going to war without the United Nations. The historical record suggests the opposite.

White House Watch:
Run On
Bush's reelection bid begins.

The '04 contenders share a stage.

Ryan Lizza on how Bush sells his budget.

The politics behind dividends.

Bully for Him
Eliot Spitzer for vice president.

What is compassion, if not an exercise in moral equivalence?

A fuel shortage? In Iraq?

Conservatives pin Abu Ghraib on reassuringly liberal villains.
Power Grab by Spencer Ackerman
The next CIA director won't just have to deal with Al Qaeda. He'll have to deal with Stephen Cambone.

Wrong on Rights by Andrew Sullivan
Why the Federal Marriage Amendment has floundered so far. web only

Disunion by Frida Ghitis
The loser in last week's EU vote? France. web only

Prevent Defense by Michael Levi
Kerry's nonproliferation plan has promise, but still comes up short. web only

Most Valuable by Jonathan Chait
With last night's win, the Detroit Pistons rescued the ethos of basketball--again. web only

Soft Power by Vladislav M. Zubok
It wasn't Reagan the hawk who brought down the Soviet Union. It was Reagan the dove.

The Child Monarch by Hendrik Hertzberg
From the September 9, 1991 issue of TNR: Ronald Reagan, America's silliest world-historical figure. web only

Thank God by Dana Mulhauser
For advocates of church-state separation, a loss in the Pledge case would have been a legal setback; a victory would have been a political disaster. So liberals hoped for something other than a win or loss. Yesterday the Court answered their prayers. web only

Springtime for Realism by Lawrence F. Kaplan
With Iraq awash in violence, foreign policy realism is the rage in both the Bush and Kerry camps. But can realists really fight the war on terrorism?

Death Trap by Gregg Easterbrook
Against Reagan's state funeral. web only

Achille Heel by Ryan Lizza
If Reagan was good on communism, why was he so bad on terrorism?

A Philosophy of Money by Leon Wieseltier
From the April 4, 1981 issue of TNR: Reagan's contempt for small business. web only

Puttin' on the Ritz by Emily Yoffe
From the May 23, 1981 issue of TNR: How Reagan brought class to the capital. web only

Unsuitable by Yonatan Lupu
The Supreme Court's terrible decision on suits against foreign countries. web only

Q: Is He Running? A: Why Not? by Morton Kondracke
From the September 12, 1983 issue of TNR: If Reagan is running in 1984, why is he taking so long to say so? web only

Mr. Average by Andrew Sullivan
From the January 9, 1989 issue of TNR: Reagan did not lead; he followed. web only

Nap-Master Ronnie by Fred Barnes
From the January 9, 1989 issue of TNR: Reagan was breathtakingly glib. web only

Heir Pollution by Joel Kotkin
Ronald Reagan's idelogical heir does not live in the White House. He lives in Sacramento. web only

Tale of Two Cities by Aaron Schatz
D.C. and L.A. are both seeking sports teams. Only one knows what it's doing. web only

Euro Trashing by Niall Ferguson
The dollar may be dying. And it could take the U.S. economy down with it.

Profit and Loss by Michael Crowley
Democratic praise of Reagan is as false as it is calculated. web only

Unorthodox by Jonathan Chait
Reagan was not an ideologue. So why do conservatives remember him that way? web only

Smart Choice by Stéphanie Giry
Brahimi may have been the right man for the job after all. web only

The Reagan Hangover by the Editors
From the October 13, 1986 issue of TNR: Reagan doesn't lead. web only

Blurred Vision
From the August 4, 1986 issue of TNR: Reagan has had many successes--and much luck--but for heaven's sake, get a grip on yourself. web only

Where's The Rest Of Him? by the Editors
From the February 6, 1984 issue of TNR: Ronald Reagan is making fools of the American people. web only

Risk Averse by Larry Johnson
Put aside 9/11 and Iraq. History will still judge Tenet harshly. web only

Favorite Sun by Andrew Sullivan
How Ronald Reagan made me an American. web only

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