Melvyn Bragg
Margaret Busby
Tracy Chevalier
U A Fanthorpe
Alan Garner
Dave Gorman
P D James
Brian Keenan
Garrison Keillor
Rageh Omaar
Raj Persaud
Terry Pratchett
Joanna Trollope
and more...

Latest News...

There will be a Public Meeting on Tuesday,
23 March 2004, from 6.30pm at the
Guildhall, Bath.

Please come along to express your views, offer suggestion for improvements, and meet with the Bath Literature Festival staff.

Wine, soft drinks, and nibbles, will be provided.

Bath Literature Festival

This year's festival took place between 28th February and & March 2004.

Please browse this site to see the range of events and calibre of writers attending. If you wish to insure you are one of the first to receive a brochure for the 2005 festival, Simply click on the 'order a brochure' button above.

If you would like to give us your opinion on this site, or on any aspect of this year's festival, please click here to send your message.

Thank you for visiting.

Jessica Marklew
Head of Marketing, Bath Festivals Trust

 Reviews and Audience Feedback

Please visit this site at the end of March to see press reviews, and audience feedback on this year's events.