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Friday, July 5th, 2002

Time:12:45 am.

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

That's odd.

Oh. I think HTML is very annoying, by the way.

Good night.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Subject:hi everyone
Posted by:electricviolin.
Time:6:11 pm.
hello everyone. i'm new and i have a question for you all.

i'm a virgin, but i do masturbate. i don't really get off on vaginal stimulation. in fact, the one time i did try it it was a little uncomfortable. what i really get off on is clitoral stimulation. if i'm wet and horny i can orgasm in about twenty or thirty seconds.

the only thing is, nothing really comes out when i orgasm. i mean, my fingers don't really get drenched or anything, but it just doesn't feel like a real orgasm or anything. i was wondering if anyone else has this problem with coming when they masturbate and if you could give me any tips. :o) thanks!
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Time:10:36 pm.
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Subject:it's some thursday evening...
Time:5:31 pm.
Mood: pensive.
Music:david gray-babylon.

do this because i say so. go on, it's all for the best, really.

right, how does one go about asking someone else if they are gay or not?!? i've never had to ask before, possibly my radar is off. my initial instinct is "gay", but when i talk to this person, i got a completely different signal. i may just lick and see for myself. i'm usually not having trouble being bold at people, but this one...i don't know.

ok, last night i was incredibly tired and evil-feeling. today i had some good day while away from home. now i'm back, and i find myself not tired, but feeling evil again. i suspect that it's the lack of alcohol, but i'm not sure yet. either that, or i'm just moody. i'm off work tomorrow, so i'll be home all day, we'll see how it goes. i'm going to get my room all fixed up tomorrow, and possibly put some thingy back up on my site that i've been meaning to for a million tomorrows.

i'm wondering why certain people really seem to rub me the wrong way. i try to be nice, or at least not totally ignore certain people, and yet, when i *do* talk to them, the reaction i get is so ufcking annoying i want to bite them. then i remind myself that one in particular is some immature thing who hasn't had enough experience in life to build up sufficient self-esteem and/or social skills to be responsible. maybe i should just bite to give it some life lesson. of course, then *i'll* be the bad one. again. sigh. i may or may not be willing to live with that.

i had some awful dream last night, mentioned in aglami, that i woke up from crying. it involved death of someone, a new thing. it's been lurking in the back of my mind all day today. i wish i was better at figuring out what dreams mean. i'm sure this one has some significance. i'll ponder.

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Time:4:14 pm.
Mood: apathetic.
Music:Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Minarets.
Santa Maria choose your children
Santa Maria virgin child
All our wars over you we are fighting
And all our time faith justifying

Brother caged Babylon will fall
Sister chained and bound, beaten and bleeding
The TV's on, to me this explains it
Wearing a tie like Daddy speaks it
Screaming from the Minarets

Rain on the ground in a space
God has grown
Alone till a man looking glass in his hand
He is holding up to you

What you see
What you see
What you see
What you see is human
Screaming from the Minarets

A minaret is a type of architectural appendage on buildings found primarily in Islamic lands. These are used for a person to stand on who calls out to Muslims telling them it is time to pray.
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Posted by:thelovebirds.
Time:1:26 pm.
So in the last 2 days I have heard the terms 'butt dart' and 'nipple boner'. Who the f*ck comes up with this crap?

(That is an actual question)
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Posted by:lesh.
Time:3:42 pm.
Mood: excited.
Music:Refugee Camp - Rumble in the Jungle.
Showering with your mate is a good thing. Very good thing.
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Time:2:41 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Crystal Method - Busy Child.




(idea stolen from a friend.. but yeah..)
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Subject:My turn to share!
Posted by:spookycam.
Time:3:21 pm.
Mood:grossed out.
Ok, so I met the guy at the ice cream shop where I worked at the time (I was maybe 17). He and his friend were customers (He was 21). I don't even remember how I wound up giving him my number, but I did and he called me many times, we talked, it was good. I really wanted to be attracted to him, because everyone at work was always calling me a "lesbo" and, while it turned out to be mostly true (I am bi with about 90% of the time developing attractions to women), I was horrified by the idea as a teenager.

So, one night he said he really wanted to be with me and he'd drive down from New Jersey (I lived in PA) to pick me up. We would go to the park and watch the sun rise together. After a lot of persuading (I was a good girl and didn't want to sneak out), I left a note for my parents and went off with him.

We get to the park and he throws down an army blanket. It is indeed lovely, with the trees creating a thin canopy, and the sun rising over the mountains. We're lying next to each other, talking, and then he rolls over onto me. I popped a breath mint in my mouth so I'd be nice and fresh, and offered him one. We chewed in silence... and then....

My first kiss (did I mention I was a good girl?). His breath nearly killed me. I was HORRIFIED. I mean, you've never smelled breath this foul. This is after an extra-strong mint too. He must have noticed me making a face because he said:

"I don't believe in brushing my teeth. Everyone I know who does has endless tooth problems and has to visit their dentist constantly. So I don't do it, haven't for years...."

He then engulfs me with his mouth again- this guy kissed like a giant suckerfish. So I have this stinky warm mouth all over my face and the smell is nearly making me vomit. He's busy sucking everywhere he can find to suck, and vibrating against me, fast. His right hand is sorta poking at my "parts" like that's gonna get me off.

I must have looked like a deer in the headlights.

So he continues this painful sucking for a while while I kind of try and elbow him away. I say: "Hey, let's just talk...", and try not to inhale. He doesn't move. Suddenly, I look down and SCREAM.

Slugs, everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean, I think every slug in the state had come to chill on our blanket as the sun rose and the grass became soaked with the fog. There were legions of them, everywhere. There were slugs on me, slugs on baraccuda boy... *shudder* I stood up and started YELLING and FLAILING.

We wound up in the car, him sulky because he hadn't gotten to the sex yet (little did he know I wouldn't have put out). Me more grossed out than I'd ever been before in my life.

He drops me off at work. I walk in and everyone starts snickering. I am too busy trying to drink every beverage in the store to get the foul taste of my mouth, and don't bother to ask what's funny. I finally glance in the mirror that runs along the side of the store.

Holy shit.

BIG HICKIE... on my forehead and on my chin. I mean huge, and since I bruise easily, dark... like two giant birthmarks. One of my co-workers, nearly helpless with laughter, gave me foundation and powder to try and cover them up, but it didn't even make a dent (plus her skin was at least 3 shades darker than mine so I looked funny.)

*oy* *shakes head*
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Subject:bob dole is my hero
Posted by:gloria_m.
Time:2:02 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:White Rabbit......Jefferson Airplane.
i would like to know about your experiences with and women......did you use it as an enhancer or do you have ED???? did it work??? is it worth it??? did it feel better??? did you last longer??? did you satify your partner better???? have you tried the herbal alternatives???

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Time:1:14 pm.
Mood: contemplative.
drunken midnight strolls through the neighborhood are fun. :)

it's the 4th of july, i'm not patriotic in any way, but i like having a day off to just hang out and watch dvd's in my apartment. my mom called me yesterday, to let me know she'd be calling periodically through the weekend. she thinks something bad and terroristy is going to happen to chicago today.
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Posted by:paperdolldecays.
Time:11:57 am.
SO means significant other right?
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Time:7:50 pm.
Flar, I need a project to do, other than the million I've already got. The thing is, I keep starting things, and then failing to finish them off, because I really just wanted to have a go t the general idea, it's like what Tailsteak said in one of his rants, but I don't remember which one and I certainly can't be bothered to go and look for it.
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Posted by:tearyeyeddreamr.
Time:1:08 pm.
Mood: crappy.
My boyfriend of like 7some months who i lost my virginity to are breaking up...he lives near this girl from school-his best friend-and she had bigger boobs than me and as he says is more fun than me...he's always like why can't you be fun like aleesh? Alicia is fun i wanna hang w/her...and so they always do unless she ditches him for one of her gfirlfriends...yes she's bi...he wishes i was bi...and so i feel like shit that he want to leave me for her...and my stomach hurts and i keep like barfing b/c of it i think...i fucking loved him and i thought everything was cool we hung out 2 nights ago but last night he hung out w/her and she kept trying to get him to break up w/me so he comes home and talks to be and is being really mean..... i just wanna go cry but i'm not really a crier ya anyone have anytips on how to get over him.?
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Posted by:carriegurl.
Time:1:09 pm.

Happy 4th of July to the American Sextips members!!
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Friday, July 5th, 2002

Time:1:33 am.
egad! you suck much wang.
sheesh be a little more vaugue next time.
why the fuck post something that makes no sense and just entices questions to be asked that will recieve no actual answer.
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Time:1:26 am.
meh Cbf fucking with it at this hour.
I should be in bed as I have an early start but Im still awake for some reason, especially after taking the garbage out in that frickin wind.
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Time:1:23 am.
Mood: relieved.
Music:Creed - My Own Prison.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Posted by:firekracker.
Time:11:19 pm.
Can sperm penetrate through clothes ?
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Friday, July 5th, 2002

Subject:"time to see..."
Time:1:05 am.
Music:Frankenbok - Dunce Wiht Denial.
Went to the chirpractor's today.....
Pure ecstasy is the only way i can describe it!
Only ways it could be better was if he was younger and much better looking, or female, younger and better looking *grins*
Pick which ever makes you more happy......

I'm slowly working on a little exercise I got from mhw (thanks for being a friend too lately kay, even though I haven't actually talked to THAT much before *hugs*)
Basically the exercise involves describing the people on your friends lists in one word. It's taking a while because I want to actually sum up what each of you means to me as well as possible. Plus, there are those people that I don't know all that well...... so I'm busy reading journals.

So basically I'm sitting here, drinking by myself because I'm too afraid to go places by myself, but don't really want to go anywhere with people (if you can figure it out enlighten me please), listening to Frankenbok, and trying to think up words to describe you lot :P

but for now.....






Saved for prosperity....
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Time:12:56 am.
Found some t-shirts, after following a link outta fluffy's Mag he bought.
Like this one
and this
an oldie but a goodie
I found fluffy's shirt too.
Ok that's enough go here if you want to see the rest.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Subject:Question Of The Day
Posted by:skaloop.
Time:7:26 am.
Mood: curious.
I know today is Independence Day, but I am Canadian, so July 4th means nothing to me, and today’s QotD will have nothing to do with it. However, I am getting a new cat this afternoon, and this will be the basis for the Question Of The Day.

Does it weird you out to have sex in front of your pets?

Do they ever interfere with the act? Do you just shoo them away, or do you make sure they are in another room? Have they learned that nakedness and moaning means that they should stay out of the way?
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Time:11:21 pm.
Well I can't sleep again....

This time its coz the neighbours behind us are playing meatloaf REALLY LOUD on t a REALLY CRAP STEREO. Of all the SHIT MUSIC I CANT STAND, WHY MEATLOAF?!?!?!? AND WHY AT 11PM ON A THURSDAY FUCKING NIGHT??? Friday, saturday, sure, I could give a fuck less, BUT THURSDAY!?!??!?! If I new their street no. I'd call the cops... CUNTS!
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Subject:So SO bored.
Time:10:18 pm.
So bored I'm kicking off an old idea. Phase 1 begins here.... Long way to go.... need to sit down and think about layout. Have content. Need webspace. 10mb will fill to fast. Sleep now.... Peace out
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Subject:*ksshht* Moving into holding pattern, coordinates ZERO ONE SIX NINER.... *KSSHT* Over
Time:9:01 pm.
Oh my GOD I am in LOVE with this new MIB Title track... I mean sure, its gonna be played out soon enough, but its fucking hot! Its just got this massive funk sound. Its HUUUGE! Will Smith is a creative genius.

Wow, I just rediscovered a coupla tracks we recorded years ago in my bedroom..... arrr, pure fly funk orchestra originality.... we really could have developed a sweeet sound if our pianist wasn't so controlling and anally retentive..... damn I'd love to get a band together and record these tracks professionally..... Steves original concepts for the songs were just about spot on, but he tried too hard to refine and improve something that was almost perfect.... *sigh* twas not to be. If anyone has the fly funk dir off my hdd listen to Southern comfort, its a quirky tale of underage drinking gone wrong, and of course Black Magic and Superstition, A kind of vampire romance song.... yeeeaaahhhh :-) I have the "Live from gosford high" version on tape around here somewhere.... I must watch it... I was wearing a suit, and sunglasses.... I fuckin OOZED class that night. We all did :-) What a team..... Wow... I didn't even plan to reminisce in this post. It just sort of happened. Why aren't any of you bastards musicians!!! Darrr!

I finally chased up my insurance claim today. Turns out its been authorised for weeks but the shitheads at the smash repairs never bothered calling me..... my baby's been hurtin' for no good reason...... speaking of my baby, this AINT the weather to be washing cars.... fuckin BRRRR is all I have to say. So I'll be pimpin out in shiny phatness alll weekend.... Unless I go offroading before then..... who knows ;p
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Time:7:08 pm.
Music:Ben Folds Five - Missing The War (College War! YAY!).
Aaaaaalllrighty then. Got my assignment done (as much as it will get done, still afew bugs, but it's mostly good, I hope it won't dissappoint Mortimer, Is' and Arnor). so I'm going to party!!! I got a call out of the blue from Paul today who told me he was having am end-of-exams do at his joint around the corner from my sister's in Hamilton (I think he's still feeling guilty about not inviting me to his last party. As he should. Arsehole. Just because he didn't have my number, he's friends with my ex for fuck's sake! He could get it!) which is fantastic because I can get shitfaced and then crash at her house. Very handy.
Doctor told me some good and bad news today. The good news is that besides one or two things I'm the picture of good health. Good liver, good kidneys (too good in fact, they're putting out more waste that they should, but she said it was nothing to worry about), fantastic cholesterol. The bad news is the one or two things. Firstly, my uric acid levels are high, which means I could get gout unless I get them down. This can be done by drinking more water (easy), taking some medicine called Ural (easy) and then two things I haven't told anyone about. Stop eating so much red meat (fuck that!) and stop drinking (I think we all know what my reaction to that was). So it's water and Ural for me, thanks barman...
The other bad thing was that she has NFI as to what is causing my high blood pressure. She ruled out lifestyle and diet (which is good, because I can get back into the caffeine and salt and fat and BACON!!!) but if it isn't either my kidneys or an artery (which she doesn't know yet) then it'll mean I'll be on blood-pressure pills for the rest of my life. Not a prospect I look forward to. Better, though, than having a heart-attack at age thirty though, I guess. No way am I giving up drinking though...what's the point of being alive if you don't live? I'd rather die than live a boring life, at this stage anyway, and I swear that's the exact truth.

And exams are so very over...

Quote for the day is "See the world as it used to be when you used to be in it and when you were alive and when you were in love and when I took it from you" Faith No More, Surprise! You're Dead!
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Posted by:balerinaliz.
Time:2:22 am.
Mood: sleepy.
yay! found a very good position for giving head.
he was laying on the couch. i was sitting on his legs, kinda a little above his knees. my legs were in front of me bent so that my feet were right by his stomach. i just bent foreward and found it very easy to do whatever i wanted to do. it was great.
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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Posted by:wingedzero.
Time:1:02 am.
i've got a few questions.
1. me and my bf are coming up to one year. neither of us has been wtih someone this long before. and neither of us has ideas for what to do to celebrate. obviously there will be sex involved =p i'm sorry, i didn't know where else to post this question and i thought maybe the sextippers could help me with an idea?

2. my best friend is getting a double dildo. i'm bi and its okay wtih my man so.. has anyone used one, with another chick? any tips or anything? i've never done that with a chick so yeah..

thanks for any help on any of these questions.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Subject:question ...
Posted by:imjustanid.
Time:3:05 am.
Mood: weird.
Music:pedro the lion - fade into you.
I'm too tired to look for the info and it just came to my mind, yeah it's stupid and probably obvious but it's 3 AM and I don't think past midnight. anyways, can you get AIDS if you swallow?
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Subject:This is a response to my earlier post
Posted by:mischievous.
Time:2:40 am.
Mood: thankful.
Okay, I realize that repeated questions in here annoy everyone, and being a semi-active poster I should have thought to look back a few entries and/or the Memories. But she was frantic, and I honestly didn't have the time to surf around. I thought Sextips was the best place to get quick, honest, nonjudgmental answers for all of your sexual inquiries. And I wanna say thanks to flown, ticktockman, neteng, lilyofthewest, and blackkitten for not making me feel like an idiot. And especially thanks to lilyofthewest. :-)
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Subject:Sex Ed questions
Posted by:starionwolf.
Time:2:17 am.
Mood: horny.
Music:He Lives in You - M. Lebo.

Someone asked if the foods they eat make girl juices taste differently. I found some info in one of my chat log files: "Salty foods make your juices taste better." Unfortunately, she's not sure about this idea. Any ladies want to comment? And why do you taste your juices? Just out of curiosity?

Have any of you guys or gals been horny or 'wet' when you're just holding hands with your a guy or girl you like? Here's my story In high school, I sat down next to a cute girl named Sarah. After I put my arms around her, I got an erection. *blush* I was kinda embarrased because I didn't know why my dick was getting erect. *laughs* I was so suprised that I kept a stright face. Now that I'm in college and reading about sex, I know that my penis can become erect just by thinking about girls. Yeah, back in high school, I didn't know much.

Read more... )
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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Subject:okay, you know what? i'm a guy, so don't direct me to birthcontrol or something, please..
Posted by:technicolor.
Time:11:19 pm.
Mood: curious.
Music:the apex theory- "right foot".
i was looking into vasectomies and.. well.. i'm very confused.

what exactly is done during one? i read that it is "the removal or restriction of the vas deferens." but if its removed, how come it can be reversed? also, since the vas deferens is involved in moving semen from place to place (lol), does getting a vasectomy mean that you will no longer ejaculate? this is cause for some concern on my part, because i find that the more semen i ejaculate, the more pleasurable my orgasm..

so, first off, if anyone could clear up this confusion about what is done, exactly.. i'm guessing that there are multiple methods.

also, to guys that have had them (or people who just know).. what have you noticed? my main concern is damage which might lead to weakened erections, as well as less-enjoyable orgasms. but i haven't had one, and i don't know anyone that's had one, so there is much that i don't know.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Posted by:jhpcoal.
Time:12:07 am.
I had a question concerning oral sex and guys!
Why do guys like deep-throating ?
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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Time:11:01 pm.
i am

microsoft OS are you?
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Subject:This may sound a little bit insane..
Posted by:xxlavenderxx.
Time:11:21 pm.

But i honestly feel like sucking a penish right now.
I enjoy it, and im just mindlessly sucking on a waterbottle top now to semi- make the feeling of wanting to suck dick go away.

Any one else ever just get urges to give someone else oral loving?
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Subject:YOU ALL....
Time:2:12 am.
Mood: drunk.
Rawk mah donkeh

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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Time:8:31 pm.
Mood: irritated.
tired, very tired. but i'm some paid thingy now, so i can say this. what i really hate is....monkey brains in soup, the consistancy is just all wrong, i tell you. hate coffee mugs that don't fit into the holder in my bronco, instead spilling the hot stuff all over my leg while driving. hate other people's dogs who jump on me when i get near them. hate catty co-workers who are looking to steal my position from me. hate bugs that bite and leave me itchy when i'm trying to fall asleep. hate feeling like some object for someone else's amuzement when i'm not in the mood. hate soda machines that spit my change out in some violent manner, said change then rolling under said machine, quite out of reach. hate the energy real hate consumes. hate the weird latch on the employee entrance door at work, which takes two hands, and makes carrying anything in some difficult thingy. oh, and what i *really* hate is, being evil in some makingfunofsomeoneelse manner, and having said person not even realize it.
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Posted by:kamikazejester.
Time:8:31 pm.
Music:SarahMcLachlan - Sweet Surrender (Uberzone).
Me and my current SO have a fairly good sexlife, however she's very inexperianced. I have no probloms pleasuring her, however she doesn't really know where to start when it comes to giving. We've talked about this and I've also shown her things that I like, but I'm hoping for some new ideas on helping her along, other then straight out showing/telling her what to do. I know when i was learning I read up on it alot, perhaps ya'll might have some links I could point her towards that would help her get new ideas or just more confident in general. thanx much
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Subject:I'll get you next time, nachos
Time:1:18 am.
Mood:foiled again.
I have continued my devious plans to destroy LiveJournal by getting a 6-month paid account. The servers are fast, the userpics are many and the effect it's had on my sex life is immeasurable, mostly because it's hard to measure nothing. At least, that's what *she* said, 'she' being me pretending to be a female I can quote.

Now I enter the final phase of my evil scheme to bring this site to the knees it doesn't have. All I have to do is figure out how to bring all of my past actions together in a way which will achieve my ultimate objective. Although now that I come to think about it, that should have probably been the first step. Oh, well, that's wanged it all up. Maybe I'll try again next week, at exactly the same time. My plan will take precisely half an hour to fail. Don't forget to set your VCR.
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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002

Subject:Pregnancy Scare
Posted by:mischievous.
Time:8:02 pm.
Mood: worried.
Music:Michelle Branch -> Everywhere.
My friend Sarah has a little bit of a problem. She recently (Monday) had unprotected sex twice at the local lake. The first time, her SO pulled out before he ejaculated, and the second time, he didn't ejaculate at all (they got interrupted). Her questions:

a) What are the chances of her being pregnant?
b) How long should she wait to take a pregnancy test?

Sarah says thanks in advance!!
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