The Wayback Machine -


 Monday, March 03, 2025 
Monday, June 14

The Chinese Age? - Peter Brookes, New York Post
Dangerous Complacency on Mideast WMD - Anton la Guardia, Daily Telegraph
Tackle the Nuke Threat - Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek

The Consequences of Torture - Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
No Way to Fight Terror - Bill O'Reilly, NY Daily News
Is America Going Soft? - Pete du Pont, Wall Street Journal
Tear Down This U.N. Stonewall - William Safire
, New York Times
A New Euro-Atlantic Strategy - Ronald Asmus & Bruce Jackson, Policy Review
Big Government Again - Sebastian Mallaby, Washington Post
Economic Developments, Deflation and Price Stability - Alan Greenspan
Can Kerry Win Simply by Being the Other Guy? - Sam Dealey, New York Post
Will Bush Take Risk on Reform? - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
Twists and Turns in the Ecumenical Movement - Mike McGough, Pittsburgh PG

The Perils of Multiculturalism - Suzanne Fields, Washington Times
What Hayek Can Teach Us About Gay Marriage - Jonathan Rauch, Reason
Reagan and FDR: Giants of the 20th Century - Michael Barone, US News & WR
The Importance of the 1980 Election - Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard
How Nancy Coped With Alzheimer's - Evan Thomas & Eleanor Clift, Newsweek
The Gipper's Final Flight - Hugh Sidey, Time
RCP Commentary: Is The Center Soft or Hard?

The World Shrugs as Iran Builds its Nuclear Bomb - Wall Street Journal
The Bank of Japan is Seeking the Exit - Financial Times
Greenspan's Warning - Washington Times

Sunday, June 13

Like Thatcher, Americans Grasped Reagan's Worth - Mark Steyn, Chicago ST
'God Has a Plan,' My Dad Always Said - Patti Davis, Newsweek
Reagan: The Heir to Goldwater's Vision - Rep. John Shadegg, Arizona Republic
Clear Vision and Conviction - George Schultz, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
'Morning Again in America' - Peter Robinson, Wall Street Journal
When Reagan Came to Town- Joe Smydo, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Reagan's Legacy in the Federal Judiciary - Terry Eastland, Dallas Morning News
Swing Voting Catholics Seek 'Prophetic Sunshine' - Matt Zemek, Seattle Times
Wooing the 'Persuadables' - Thomas Oliphant, Boston Globe
A Really Phony War in PA & VA - David Shribman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Damage Control in Iraq - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
Talking Security With Iraq's 'Tough Guy' - Trudy Rubin, Philly Inquirer
Saudi Arabia Under Seige: Thomas Lippman | George Gedda
The Netherworld of Nonproliferation - James Truab, NY Times Magazine
Mullahs With Nukes - Bennett Ramberg, Baltimore Sun
Padilla in Legal Limbo - Dan Thomasson, Washington Times
Trial by News Conference? No Justice in That - Scott Turow, Washington Post
Stop Winking at Torture and Codify It - Alan Dershowitz, LA Times
Ease Stem Cell Rules?: Yes - J. Kessler, R. Lanza | No - T. Perkins, M. Shea
Huntington's Immigrant Theory Misses the Mark - Henry Cisneros, SAEN
Virginia's New Jim Crow - Jonathan Rauch, Washington Post

The Torture Canard - Wall Street Journal
Cigarettes, Taxes & Terrorism - Washington Times

Saturday, June 12

What Ronald Reagan Understood - David Gelernter, The Weekly Standard
Reagan's Golden Sunset - Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle
Reagan's Legacy Will Live On - Charles Moore, Daily Telegraph
We Owe Reagan a Great Debt of Thanks - Sen. Judd Gregg, Manchester UL
Reagan Defeated Communism., D.C. Was Tougher - C. Crook, National Journal
Enough Reagan, Already! - Kevin McCullough, WorldNetDaily
When It Comes to War, Foresight is Seldom 20/20 - William McGurn, WSJ
The Road to Democracy, via Damascus - Michael Young, New York Times
Belarus's Terrorist Ties - Andrei Sannikov & Mark Lenzi, Washington Post
When Trade Leads to Tolerance - Robert Zoellick, New York Times
Inside Report: Could It Be Vilsack? - Robert Novak, Townhall
Wanted: Spy Chief - Siobhan Gorman, National Journal
Room At The Top - Paul Greenberg, Washington Times
It's a Shame About Ray - Stanley Crouch, Slate

Reagan's Farewell: Wall Street Journal | Washington Times
Fear itself - Baltimore Sun

Friday, June 11

'A Time for Choosing' - Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964
Farewell to the Chief - David Gergen, NY Daily News
Reagan Revisionism - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
The Polish Preferred "Cowboys" Over Communists - Lech Walesa, WSJ
Reagan the Leader - Margaret Thatcher, New York Post
What Reagan Did For Me - Matt Miller, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
Gipper's Goodness Always Shone - Mickey Edwards, Boston Globe
The Gipper's Eulogies - Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard
Bush & Reagan Alike, But Gaps Could Doom Bush - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call
Reagan's Saddle a Poor Fit For Bush - HDS Greenway, Boston Globe
What Ronald Reagan Meant to Me - Senator Jon Kyl, RealClearPolitics
How Reagan Beat the Neocons - John Patrick Diggins, New York Times
Rescue With a Presidential Push - Max M. Kampelman, Washington Post
Reagan Was More Than Just a Great Speaker - Joseph Duggan, St. Louis PD
For Reagan, All Life Was Sacred - William Clark, New York Times
False Memories & Friends - Peter Huessy, Washington Times
Reaching Out to McCain - David Ignatius, Washington Post
Religion Could Add New Dimension to Election - Walter Shapiro, USA Today
With 'All Necessary and Appropriate Force'- John Yoo, LA Times
RCP Commentary: Do Me a Favor

Reagan for Today - National Review
Turning Point? - Arizona Republic
Ray Charles R.I.P. - Philadelphia Inquirer

Thursday, June 10

The Last Laugh? Wait for the History Books - Max Boot, Los Angeles Times
Keep Reagan's Record in Balance - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
How Reagan Made Soviet Society Face its Failures - Leon Aron, USA Today
How Reagan Won the Cold War - Fred Kaplan, Slate
For Vision and Leadership - Connie Mack, Washington Times
His Remarkable Humility - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe
How Reagan's Stature Rose - Linda Feldmann, Christian Science Monitor
'Clinton Was Reagan's Ratifier' - Dick Morris, New York Post
What Makes a President Great? - James Taranto, Wall Street Journal
Who is Ronald Reagan's Ideological Heir? - Joel Kotkin, New Republic
Don't Forget They Called Reagan Dumb and Lazy - Larry Elder, Townhall
'94 Vote Puts Kerry in Tight Spot - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
The Democrats' Labor Problem - Joan Vennochi, Boston Globe
Reagan and Hamilton - Matthew Continetti, Weekly Standard
D-Day in Iraq - Thomas Friedman, New York Times
Terrorists Need to be Treated Differently - Alberto Gonzales, USA Today
Shock Therapy in Iraq - Christopher Dickey, Newsweek
Building a Better Africa - Thabo Mbeki, Washington Post
Reagan, in His Own Hand - Edmund Morris, The New Yorker 1995

RCP Commentary: Making Sense of the Times

Ronald Reagan's Faith - Washington Times
The First Post-Enlightenment President? - The Economist
'The Bush Administration Registered a Clear Diplomatic Advance' - NY Times

Wednesday, June 9

My Hero, an Eternal Light for the World - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, USAT
The Real Reagan - Ken Adelman, Wall Street Journal
FDR's Optimism Resonated in Reagan - E.J. Dionne, Seattle Times
The Heir to FDR - Newt Gingrich, The Hill/AEI
Reagan To The Rescue
- Ralph Peters, New York Post
It's Called Victory - Tony Blankley, Washington Times
'The Image of America' - Ronald Reagan & Robert Kennedy, CBS - May 15, 1967
Unsung Triumph - Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
Reagan Critics Still Getting It Wrong - John Podhoretz, New York Post
Ronald Reagan Made America Worse - Harold Meyerson, Washington Post
Reaganomics Made America a Better Country - Stephen Moore, National Review
An American Original - David Shribman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Growing Up With Ronald Reagan - Frederick Turner, TechCentralStation
Latinos' Link to Reagan - Ruben Navarrette, Indianapolis Star
How Reagan's Passing Helps Bush - Howard Fineman, Newsweek
Our Plan for Security and Democracy After June 30
- Paul Wolfowitz, WSJ
Has Iraq's Interim Government Got a Chance? - Chibli Mallat, Reason
The Resolution's Weakness - William Safire, New York Times
'Help Me. I'm a Muslim.' - Zev Chafets, NY Daily News
RCP Commentary: The Drumbeat of Progress and More

The World Warms to a New Iraq - Chicago Tribune
Bush Wins At The U.N. - New York Post
Reaganomics and the New America - Investor's Business Daily
Reagan, G-8, and the Economy - Christian Science Monitor

Tuesday, June 8

There They Go Again - Dinesh D'Souza, New York Post
The Amiable Dunce Outwitted Them All - John O'Sullivan, Chicago Sun-Times

Reagan's Promised Land - David Brooks, New York Times
Reagan Was a Fluke - Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle
He Lived to Tell the Great American Story - David Gergen, US News & WR
Thank You, Mr. President - William Bennett, RealClearPolitics
Protean Leader - David Ignatius, Washington Post
The Bush Doctrine is a Reagan Legacy - Brendan Miniter, Wall Street Journal
A President Who Pressed Western Values - M. Mandelbaum, Newsday
The Gorbachev Factor - Marshall I. Goldman, Boston Globe
Reagan Knew Why the EU Won't Work - Mark Steyn, Daily Telegraph
Racing to Ruin the C.I.A. - Robert Gates, New York Times
Truth in Intelligence - Melvin Goodman, Baltimore Sun
A Test of Leadership On Sea Island - S. Nunn & M. Flournoy, Washington Post
Good News At Gitmo a Well Kept Secret - Dom Giordano, Philly Inquirer
Realigning U.S. Forces - Peter Brookes, New York Post
Bush Stem-Cell Policy is Appropriate - Eric Cohen, USA Today
Irony of Medical Advances - Paul Campos, Rocky Mountain News
I Agree with Me - P.J. O'Rourke, The Atlantic Monthly
RCP Commentary: Defending Blankley

Uncommon Bond - Arizona Republic
The G8 Summit: Washington Post | Financial Times | The Guardian | CS Monitor
Iraqi Gratitude - Wall Street Journal

© 2000-2004   All Rights Reserved

Latest Polls

3-Way: Kerry 45.0, Bush 43.3, Nader 4.4

Head-to-Head: Kerry 47.7, Bush 44.3

Bush JA: 50.3 Approve, 46.3 Disapprove
Rasmussen: Bush 46. Kerry 47
Ipsos-AP: Bush 46, Kerry 45, Nader 6
Fox News: Kerry 45, Bush 43
LA Times: Kerry 51 Bush 44
Gallup: Kerry 50, Bush 44


Battleground | Non-Battleground


PA Sen: Specter 58, Hoeffel 33

Listen To

The Hugh Hewitt Show
(M-F 6-9 pm Eastern)


Notable Quotes

"If multiculturalism actually meant striving to understand other cultures, that would be a genuine contribution of seasoning to the melting pot, enabling young people, especially, to contrast and compare differences. But multiculturalism has become the prevailing euphemism for discounting Western values and celebrating every ideology and mindset with an anti-American core."
Suzanne Fields - Washington Times

Ronald Wilson Reagan 1911 - 2004
Reagan's Farewell: NYT | Wa Po | LAT
Text of Eulogies: President Bush | Thatcher | Mulroney | G.H.W. Bush

Reagan's Greatest Speeches
'A Time for Choosing' - 10/27/64
First Inaugural - 1/20/81, Audio
Westminster Speech - 6/8/82
'Evil Empire'- 3/8/83
40th Anniversary of D-Day 6/6/84, Audio
Challenger Explosion - 1/28/86
'Tear Down This Wall' - 6/12/87, Audio

The GOP Landslide - Newsweek, 1980
Revolution - National Review, 1981
The Age of Reagan - The Nation, 1984
Drawing to a Close - New Yorker, 1988
Reagan's America - Newsweek, 1989
Reagan vs. Clinton - Slate, 1997

Scholars Rank the Presidents

RCP Book of the Month
Fallen Warriors
Operation Iraqi Freedom
ArmyNavyAir ForceMarines
Operation Enduring Freedom
ArmyNavyAir ForceMarinesCIA
Foreign Policy
Security and Strength for a New World - Senator John Kerry - Seattle, WA
Steps to Help Secure Iraq
- President George Bush, Army War College
Bush's Policy of Domination
and the Fiasco in Iraq - Al Gore - New York, NY
Notable Quotes

"How dare the incompetent and willful members of this Bush/Cheney
Administration humiliate our nation and our people in the eyes of the world

and in the conscience of our own people. How dare they subject us to such
dishonor and disgrace. How dare they drag the good name of the United States
of America through the mud of Saddam Hussein's torture prison."
Former Vice-President Al Gore

"Today, the United States is confronted by another ill-considered war, conceived in ideological zeal and pursued with contempt for truth, disregard of history and an arrogant assertion of American power that has stunned and alienated much of the world, including traditional allies. At a juncture in history when the United States needed a president to intelligently and forcefully lead a real international campaign against terrorism and its causes, Bush decided instead to unilaterally declare war on a totalitarian state that never represented a terrorist threat; to claim exemption from international law regarding the treatment of prisoners; to suspend constitutional guarantees even to non-combatants at home and abroad; and to ignore sound military advice from the only member of his Cabinet — Powell — with the most requisite experience. Instead of using America's moral authority to lead a great global cause, Bush squandered it."
-Carl Bernstein

More Quotes

President Bush's Trip to Europe
Primary Documents
Bush, Blair Discuss Sharon Plan; Future of Iraq in Press Conference - 4/16
Text of Bush Press Conference - 4/13
Sen. Kerry's at Georgetown Univer
Transcript of 9/11 Hearing - 3/24
Transcript of 9/11 Hearing - 3/23
Transcript of Clarke Aug. 2002
Transcript: 9/11 Commission Hearing
Text of Richard Clarke on 60 Minutes
Text: VP Cheney Responding to Clarke
March 2002 Clarke Interview on PBS
President Bush 1yr Iraq Anniversary
President Bush at Fort Campbell, KY
Vice President Cheney - Reagan Library
President Bush on Meet the Press (2/8)
Text of Tenet's Address on WMD (2/5)
President's State of the Union (1/20)
Text of Senator Kennedy Speech To the Center for American Progress (1/14)

Listen To

The Hugh Hewitt Show
(M-F 6-9 pm Eastern)
Milt Rosenberg's Extension 720
(M-F 10-12 pm Eastern)
The Kevin McCullough Show
(M-F 2-4 pm Eastern)
