Yes, *the* Bruce Dickinson

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Finally...Jun. 14th, 2004 @ 12:16 pm
got that commenter thing to work. It usually helps when you read the directions first. :)

Top Commenters on [info]wbahner's LiveJournal
1[info]wbahner4253 4253
2[info]thomask845 845
3[info]sandcat606 606
4[info]mr_lunch363 363
5[info]terri_rogue350 350
6[info]canuckgirl223 223
7[info]gigglecam185 185
8[info]sirenity164 164
9[info]talula157 157
10[info]de_lish153 153
Report generated 6/14/2004 12:13:52 PM by [info]scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.1

Click here for the full deal... )
Feeling: accomplished

So....Jun. 14th, 2004 @ 10:34 am
I am sure you all are wondering if I survived the show last night.

Well, I did. :)

BEST. CONCERT. EVER. as far as I am concerned.

A great day, topped off with a great show from a great band.

Pictures from the day can be found here....

And, from what I understand, my phone conversation with a certain someone in line as we were waiting to get into the show was highly entertaining to those around us. I guess I'm a star!! :)

Right now, my car is in the shop getting worked on. They had to bring a part in, so it's going to take longer than I thought, so I'm without transportation at the moment. If anyone would like to come over and take advantage of me, now would be a good time. :)

I just got a call from work, looking for a file I had been working on. Whee!!!!

Oh, and I can't get that damn commenting thing that's been going around to work. I'll blame that on a lack of sleep. :)
Feeling: cheerful

Phone PostJun. 13th, 2004 @ 09:40 pm
88K 0:30
(Help)(no transcription available)

Phone PostJun. 13th, 2004 @ 08:01 pm
112K 0:33
(Help)(no transcription available)

The Day In Review....Jun. 13th, 2004 @ 03:19 pm
Hanging out with [info]thomask and watching 'Newlyweds'....

Yes, we have had a few adult beverages so far this afternoon. :)

If you are interested....Pictures can be found here.... )
Feeling: drunk
Other entries
» Ahhh....
There is nothing more satisfying than a nice, quiet house....

Just saying, ya know? :)
» Whee!!
Nothing like falling asleep to candlelight last night.

Thanks to the lovely little storm last night, we lost our power for a couple of hours. Fortunately, no damage done to any electronics, so it's all good.

Today, it's Rush with Tom and Stuart. Hopefully, any rain we might get today will cooperate, or I'm personally holding every weatherperson in this city responsible. And don't think I won't do it, either! :)
» Birthday Wishes!
A very Happy Birthday to [info]shevampire!!

I hope you have a great day!!
» Baa baa
How to make a wbahner

1 part sexyness

1 part animal magnetism

3 parts hung-like-a-horseness
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum!

» Ya Know...
I think Homer Simpson said it best when he said 'I have misplaced my pants.'
» G'Afternoon!!
Just home from the scout fishing trip. It was a lot of fun, and Owen even caught a fish!! Ok, I caught the fish, but Owen reeled him in. :)

He even got a nice tackle box as a surprise. :)

Now, Nancy and the kids are off to her sisters, so I'm chillin' and illin'....

Oh, and that sausage and 'this is interesting' meme thingy going around, just ain't interesting.

You know what I find interesting? Nudity!!! Why doesn't someone do something about that, eh? ;)
» G'Morning....
or something. :)

The boy and I are off to a scouting activity in a little bit. Some fishing, I believe. I don't have any of the usual bait(minnows, worms), so I am coming up with something on my own. :)

Then, the boy has a baseball game this afternoon.

It's just a whirlwind of activity around here. :)
» You've Been Warned...
You can check out my new hairdo here

Pay no attention to the almost bald guy. :)
» Oh Yes It's Friday Night!!
and I'm pretty, at least, I think so.

Got my hairs cut, and there's not a lot left. If you're lucky, I'll show you later. :)

Getting ready to cook some eggs and hash browns for dinner. Lucy is eating popcorn and watching a movie and Nancy doesn't feel much like eating....

The boy will probably have some eggs with me. He's an egg kind of kid. You might even say he's a good egg. :)
» Let's See....
Work's progressing. I'll be glad when it's time to go home. I went in early, so I'm leaving early....

Getting my hair cut after work tonight. Going with the really short look this time. I have to get pretty for the concert on Sunday.

The wife still isn't feeling real well, as judged by the grunts I got in response to my questions about how she was feeling.

Que sera, sera...
» Job Stuff....
Didn't get the job that I applied for, but it's OK.

If what I heard is to be believed, a better opportunity may be
opening up for me in the very near future, so it's all good.

Now, if I could just lose the headache. Maybe some more Mountain
Dew will help....
Thank heavens Friday is here. I never thought it would make it....

The missus is staying home sick today. Hopefully, she won't try to hop on the computer and do some work, so she can rest up and get well....

And, speaking of getting well, I must write this letter:

Dear Headache,

You are hereby ordered to cease and desist all activities in my head. I am fully aware you are capable of doing this, so I hereby give
you one hour to comply with my request, or else the consequences will be staggering.

You have been advised and warned.



In other words, get outta my head! :)
» Birthday Wishes!
A very Happy Birthday to [info]bosox!

I hope you have a great day!!
» zzzzzzzz
Ok, I'm going to see if I can sleep this damn headache off once and for all....

G'night, kiddos.

Dream a little dream...
» Random Stuff...
No word on the job. Hopefully tomorrow....

Lucy's game got rained out. I'm glad we found out before we drove out there...

The missus came home sick from work....

[info]dotcombabe has a really nice ass!! ;)
» Gah...
You know what makes the day even longer?

When you go in an hour early....

At least I was able to get a lot accomplished....

No word yet on the new job. Hopefully something will come out this afternoon.

I'm guessing no news is good news on my mom. :)

The headache seems to come and go. Right now, it's coming. Boy, that sure didn't sound right.... :)
» Good Morning!!
Such as it is. :)

The headache is back, although not with a vegenance that it was earlier. I'm blaming it on all of the stuff going on with my mom. :)

Thank heavens this week is almost over. I am so ready for the weekend....
» Nighty night....
It's been a draining day, so I think I'm gonna head off to bed and try to undrain. :)

Sleep well, kiddos.

Tomorrow is a new day....
» Mom Update...
I guess she was finally well enough to leave the hospital about 8 pm tonight.

Once again, I wanted to thank everyone for all of their well wishes today. I know I didn't get to every one of your comments, but they were all appreciated. It may sound corny, but it warms my cockles to see the support out there. :)
» A Non-Mom Related Post....
I don't know what to think about the possibility of the new job. I know I could do it, I just don't know if I interviewed well enough to get it. I guess time will tell....

Just a few days until the Rush concert. I am most certainly looking forward to this day. Should be a good time. I think some plans have already been made to hit some golf balls, which I haven't done in almost a year. I just hope I don't hurt anything. :)
» Mom Update
Apparently, they are waiting until she can stay awake before they will let her go home.

In the end, I think they will end up keeping her overnight, which they should have done in the first place....

But, my mom is quite stubborn, a trait she passed down to her daughter. Her son, on the other hand, is an angel. ;)
» For Simpsons Fans, Like Me :)
I saw this in a Simpsons community and just couldn't pass it up :)

Terror Alert Level
» Randomness
Heard from my dad. Mom is out of surgery and doing good. If all goes well, she'll be home later this afternoon. Thank you so much for your good thoughts. It means a lot to me!!

Met with our new boss about the position I applied for last week. I think it went well and I should know something tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed, OK? :)

It's raining out, but I don't really care. :)
» G'Morning...
And a Happy Hump Day to you all....

Remember, if you can't hump the one you love, hump the one you're with. :)

On the headache front, it's still there. Not as bad as it was yesterday, but more of a dull ache, like something you would get after reading a lot of my journal. :)

It's supposed to be a rainy day, which would be perfect for staying at home, letting this thing pass, and watching some DVDs....

Have a good day, kiddos...
» zzzzzzzz
Well, I think I've had about enough of this headache....

I think I'm going to go lay down and try to sleep this sucker off.

G'night, kiddos....
» Well...
The headache is better. Not quite the piercing pain it was earlier, more like a nagging itch that you can't quite scratch....

Lucy's game went well. She's got the hang of hitting, and now just needs to work on catching.

Polish sausage and french fries for dinner. It's quick and easy, just like me. :)
» Ouch...
I am suffering from what could best be described as a piercing headache....

Anyone want to come make it feel better?

» Good Morning!
And a Happy Tuesday to you all.

Hopefully, the folks down in Tampa kept any rioting to just a dull roar. :)

Rumor has it our new regional boss is in the office today. I guess that means I should show up, eh? :)

At least, now I'll know who to call when I want to call in sick. :)
» Birthday Wishes!
A Happy Birthday to [info]cixel and [info]gta3cirus!

I hope you have a great day!!
» Congratulations!
to the Tampa Bay Lightning, the 2004 Stanley Cup Champions....

My in-laws in the Tampa area got me this jersey during the Bolts' first year. I never thought it would come to this. :)

And seriously, in what other sport does a crowd get so jacked up when the championship trophy is brought out and presented? The World Cup, maybe. But as far as I am concerned, nothing else even comes close to when they bring out Lord Stanley's Cup....
» Game 7...
So, how long will it be before the announcers bust out the cliche that 'The next goal will be very important'?

I say, within the first 3 minutes. :)
» The Night In Review...
Work went pretty good. There's a lot of laughter going on. In our situation, there has to be....

A lovely turkey sammich and some coleslaw for dinner....

I was contemplating wearing my Lightning jersey tonight, but it's too damn warm for that. Maybe my Lightning jersey and nothing else. ;)
» Woo...
Not much going on here...

This morning seemed like it lasted for 8 hours. Hopefully, the rest of the week won't be like this, or else I might have to call in sick. Granted, since we have no real supervision in the office, I don't know who I would call....

That's all for now. Carry on. :)
» G'Morning...
Another Monday is here, unfortunately....

On the plus side, tonight is Game 7, and just to prove how much of a nut I am, I'm wearing my Tampa Bay Lightning jersey to work today. Oh, and did I mention it's going to be near 90 today, temperature wise?

The things us hockey fans will do. :)

Have a great day, kiddos!! I gotta go take a shower. :)
» Oh...
And before I forget...

This time, next week, I'll be listening to Rush, live, and you won't....

Well, some of you will, I know, but you get the idea. :)
» Sheesh...
It's hard to believe the weekend is almost over....

Where does the time go??

Oh yeah, baseball games. :)

Who signed me up to be a parent, anyway?? :)
» ...
I was amazed at the number of people waiting in line to get into the theater for a 10:45 am showing of the latest Harry Potter flick...

I haven't read any of the books, so I had no clue as to what the story was. That said, I have to say it was the best of the 3 films so far. Well paced, a good story, and slightly unpredictable(at least to someone who hasn't read the books).

And the best part?

I *finally* got to see a big-screen preview of 'Spider-Man 2'. Yes, I have it downloaded, but there's just something about seeing it on the big screen that makes my skin tingle. :)
» Good Morning!!
Today, we join millions of other people around the world by going to see the latest installment in the Harry Potter series.

Other than that and another game for Owen, there's not a whole lot scheduled for today, which is good, I s'pose....

I just wish my allergies would leave me alone, ya know? :)
» Whee!!
There is nothing, and I mean nothing, more exciting than a Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals....

And hey, it gives me a reason to wear my Lightning jersey to work on Monday. :)
» My Son, The Next A-Rod...
So, tonight's line score: 2 singles plus reaching on a fielder's choice, a great play in the outfield to get out a runner at 2nd, and scoring the game-winning run :)

The grin on his face was totally worth it. :)

Oh, and before I forget, Go Lightning! :)
» ....
Rest In Peace, Mr. President....

President Reagan passes away at 93
» The Day In Review...
Lucy's practice and pictures are done and gone. Hopefully, the pictures will turn out well....

After a dinner at Burger King, it's home to rest up for Owen's game, at 4:30....

Then, it's back home to do heaven knows what....

I think I need a nap....
» The Day in Preview...
Let's see....

Lucy has T-Ball pictures and then a practice, and then Owen has a game tonight....

Anyone else remember when the weekends for relaxing and taking it easy? :)
» Birthday Wishes!
A very Happy Birthday to [info]danigolden!

I hope you have a great day!!
» Go For Silly...
For those who might care, the cam is on.

I take no responsibility for what you might see there tonight. :)
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