Nickie's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Nickie's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, June 18th, 2001
    10:44 pm
    How exactly does one get a fan club?? I'm just curious here....I've never noticed someone with a fan club...and yet...tonight while checking out Ginger's Friend page with her...I noticed that Nighthawk has a fan club...thats jut weird. Not bad weird...but...weird....I'm just...weirded out....*scratches head*

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: She's STILL breathing!
    10:31 pm
    Demon my A#$
    *storms into her little cave...plops down with her arms crossed...grumble grouse*
    demon demon...if I'm a demon what does that make her...*jumps up...scaring her dragons* She says she's a Fairy kitten *sarcastic* Well...fairy kittens are SWEET...and ADORABLE!! DEMONS ARE NOT!! *paces* I wanna be something sweet and adorable....*stops abruptly* No I don't What am I thinking! *sits back down* I'm going to head hurts! *walks to her bed...still grumbling* demon...HA!

    Current Mood: *grumble grumble.....zzzzzzzz*
    Current Music: nuttin:)
    10:13 pm
    At what I don't know! hehe! Today was good....I worked...and umm...worked...and worked some droll! Lets screaming matches between managers and customers tonight...(yay) I did piss someone off enough to make them close their lowes account though...oops! hehe....she wanted something we didn't carry in I told her it had to be special ordered....which she was all fine with...till I told her I couldn't do it cause I'm not allowed to (I do SOS refunds/rebills so much that they can't take the chance I'll have to do my own...makes sense) WELL! She was not happy with that at all...she got mad...I tried to get someone to come up and help her...she didn't want anyone else...she didn't see why I couldn't do mater how many times I explained it to her!! *Grumblegrumble* So after about oh...10 or more minutes...she finally gets mad...slams her checkbook on the counter...says "I'll just payy of my bill...cancel my account and go to Home Depot!" LIKE I"M SO SAD!!! I was so happy to see her go! Other than that...good day!

    I give up...I forgot what else I was going to say...ARGH!!!! *hugs* to all!

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: Gingers breathing
    Sunday, June 17th, 2001
    9:44 pm
    Today is the day that dreaming ends.....

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: The show must go on...
    5:17 pm
    Long Day.....
    Ok...first my boss gets in a screaming match with a customer----seriously!!! They're were all sorts of loud.
    Then...Roger calls teh store....TEN TIMES looking for me...I ignored him or hung up on him when I depended on rather or not someone asked who was calling adn told me it was him. Its fun!! :) Going out in a bit....maybe a movie....maybe not...who knows!
    Kaine-where were you yesterday??
    *hugs and snuggles to all*
    Saturday, June 16th, 2001
    9:38 pm
    Your View on Yourself
    Nabbed From Ginger.....

    Other people Find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends Love you because you are a good listener, They'll probably love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

    The type of Girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for....
    You are not looking merely for a girlfriend/boyfriend-you are looking for a life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

    Your readiness to committ to a relationship
    You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you see that person.

    The seriousness of your love
    You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and thats why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

    Your Views on Education
    Education is very important in life. You want to Study hard and learn as much as you can.

    The right job for You
    You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

    How do you View Success?
    You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

    What are you most afraid of?
    You are concerned about you image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. Its time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

    Who is your true Self?
    You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

    Well....what do you

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Friday, June 15th, 2001
    8:22 pm
    Watching and Waiting
    I'm oh so tired of all the things I hear from him. "its your fault I'm homeless....your falut I have no job...your fault my arm was burned....everything isyour fault....!" Ever since I kicked him out its all gone down hill...I don't really feel bad for him...its just...and I know I shouldn't so feel free to *BOP* me one...I fell guilty....Ah well....WHO CARES! Right?
    *hugs to all*

    Current Mood: crappy
    Current Music: Seiyu 15
    Wednesday, June 13th, 2001
    7:51 pm
    Together Forever
    today is the day...the day she leaves.
    I don't know what my life will be like without her...
    I just know it won't be the same
    With her she takes my soul and my love
    The day has finally come for us to say Good-Bye
    For me to watch her walk away
    But always in my mind...I will here the words she said
    "Together Forever....we are one...without the other we are nothing."
    Forever and a day
    ~Nickie 6/13/01~

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Revolution
    3:35 pm
    Well...all is well in my little world today. My kitty (morgan) had FIVE kittens last night and she is wuite proud of herself to *giggle* ALl of them are black with a little bit of tiger except one looks just like mom. They're so cute!!!!

    Current Mood: excited
    Monday, June 11th, 2001
    4:40 pm
    SO...ok....My kitty penny had her kittens (4 adorable lil guys 3 lite lite lite yellow and one dark yeller...he's mine and his name is Q...the others need homes though ) But because she didn't birth the placenta's (EWWWW..sorry) with them...she has a nasty infection...poor kitty *petpet*
    I mad Ginger speechless..its never happened...I'm proud....*huggle* see ya'll...
    BTW-J...if you'd like to hang out sometime I have wed and thur of next week off....good bad??

    Current Mood: giggly
    Sunday, June 10th, 2001
    6:33 pm was a pretty good day. I had kids galore just attache themselves to me (kid clinics rule!!!) which was just so much fun! My manager-well-I embbarrassed him real good!! *hehe*
    Then I get home....I get a call on my cell..its my brothers number...I'm thinking "why's D calling me??" So I answer it and guess who it was..>Roger. He wanted to ask me if he could borow some cash seeing as he was hurt and all and couldn't work and was broke. Ok...(A) I'm broke....(B) I wouldn't give him money if he was dying! (C) he owes me for the bills still! And to top it all off he wanted to see if he could get out of the bills this month since he doesn't think he can afford it...Like I can do it myself...I'm really getting sick of him!
    Ah well...all will work will be over in 95 days...and counting!

    Current Music: Nature Boy-Moulin Rouge
    Saturday, June 9th, 2001
    8:07 pm
    I'm alive!! I survived the dreaded headache...just needed more sugar in my system I guess....
    Mom, G , Josh (g's husband) and myself all went to the Ukei...great japanese restraunt. It was somewhat and mom were ignored actually so we kept up a kewl conversation about what I would do with all the extra money I'll get with my promotion...I want a jacuzzi...she said that'd be fine as long as she could use it to! *Smiles* was my day off and I wasted it doing nothing....ah well...I guess I'll survive huh?!? I'm going tobed in an hour since I have to be up around 4:30 so I can make it to my meeting at 6 on time (shower and clean up takes time ya know!) Take care all *hugs and kisses* Much love and merriment

    Current Mood: chipper
    Current Music: Record of the Lodoss War - Kiseki No Umi
    4:46 pm
    I think I'm head hurts....someone please put me out of my misery. I'm gonna lay down now....byebye

    Current Mood: dying
    10:30 am
    I went and saw Shrek again last night with Becca. Thats only twice for me. But I'm slowly catching up!
    *le sigh* a whole day with nothing to do...I hate that! I'm bored out of my skin...(and its not a pretty picture either)

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Give a Reason
    Friday, June 8th, 2001
    6:12 pm
    I follow the night...can't stand the light
    when will I live again.
    oneday I'll fly away
    leave all this to yesterday
    what more could your love do for me
    when will love be thru with me
    why live life...from dream to dream
    and dread the day when dreaming ends
    oneday I'll fly away...leave all this to yesterday
    why live life from dream to dream...and dread the day...when dreaming .......ends
    one day I'll fly away...

    for some reason...I think this fits my mood today....

    Current Mood: distressed
    Current Music: Someday I'll fly away-Moulin rouge
    6:06 pm
    Ok..I found my mood Icon...ALIENS!! Aren't they just so cute! I'm in love!

    Current Mood: amused
    5:57 pm
    Look what I did to my journal..isn't it perty!! ITS BLUE!! *laughs* I'm gonna play wth all the mood thingys now...this should be fun!

    Current Mood: Happy
    Current Music: Can Can
    5:52 pm
    I hae tommarow off and nothing to do...I think I might cry! I'm so bored!!! Gins out looking for a job, and everyone else I know is working. *grumble*
    Thursday, June 7th, 2001
    4:40 pm
    I think I want to go see Moulin Rouge again...or maybe even shrek (i've only seen it once..can you believe it!!!) Any takers?? PLEASE!!!!

    Current Music: Come what may-Moulin Rouge
    4:29 pm
    Ok....this has been just an odd two days. First...Roger (I wish he would stop doing this) comes into my store and has his arm bandaged all the way up to his fav. tattoo of'm not heartless so I ask him what happened. He has THIRD degree grease burns all the way up becasue of the new cook. He put to much grease in a pan and left...and never told Roger...I have to feel bad for him for that!
    Second...I got to ride on a harley today!! YAY!! NEver ridden a mortorcycle for more than a few minutes before. My boss (mark...he's so funny!) after much begging on my part...picked me up for lunch and took me out on the heart was in my was Great! YAY me!

    Current Mood: bubbly
    Current Music: Nature boy -Mulin Rouge soundtrack
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