ami-chan's Journal
12 most recent entries

Date:2003-04-11 22:21
Mood: drained
Music:"Crumbling of Time"- Final Fantasy 10

oh the shame... i don't know how to use xanga...

happy lj? i come crawling back... *shakes fist in the air*

This week's been a bit hectic, but it's all over now..*sigh of relief*. It was the annual International performance today. I'm glad Korea placed first; they deserved it. But I can't help but feel some animosity against them because of iron man... Anyways, I had fun putting on white make up, looking like Beijing opera singers (although i didn't really "sing"). I never realized how arrogant and selfish some races are. Especially the Mexicans in the India dance. MAN. Here I am, trying to be supportive and positive telling them "GOOD LUCK INDIA!!" what do they do? completely IGNORE ME. i was after all coming from a girl with a white face and dark pink cheeks--what was wrong with that? *shrugs* anyways, but it's one thing right after the other. This week's spring break...hence the keyword BREAK. However, that unfortunately doesn't apply to me. Procrastination.... *sigh*... I thought I stopped, but I think this helps you grow as a better person. You learn to improvise, adjust, and cram. Fitz expected us to have read all of our AP Physics Princeton Review book. How's my progress? *nervous laugh* Knowing us AP students so well, Fitz made up the official schedule titled: "procrastinator's guide to last minute studying." Three hours of studying each day. Let's just say, Fitz basically wrote out my entire spring break plans. This whole idea of studying for supposedly three hours a day only applies if you're reading and actually understanding it the FIRST time you read. Knowing that it takes me at least 3 times to read it in order to understand, it'll come to a total of AT LEAST 6 hours a day. That's physics alone. Then there's history... *nervous laugh*.

I was at the volleyball game today. There was this Samoan guy sitting next, not right next, but next to me eating sunflower seeds. so there's a trash can at least 2 benches before him. so as he's eating them seeds, he's spitting the shell 2 feet across him. can we say gross? not only was that as disgusting as watching the fat girls in India shake their coruplent figures, but he had a giant pimple that was the size of a cherry on his cheek. i'm not done. so normally, pimples have a whitehead (i don't know what it's called, but i know you know what i'm talking about) that's diameter was the size of a no. 2 lead pencil. i just wanted to jump on him and pop it out. i'm not talking about only using two fingers, i'm talking about using two hands. and the reaction you get from seeing this is not "damn, he has a big pimple." it's like.."D-A-M-N...he has a big pimple." anyhow, we won and left to the asb room to get my stuff. i grabbed a sweater that i left in my locker for about a week. i was holding it until i realized my sweater had some sort of weight pulling it down. so i looked and found an orange inside the pocket. as i was pulling it out.."yum, an oran----holy CRAP EW GROSS!" and to my dismay, never leave an orange in a sweater or any pocket, because yes, it does get moist in there and we all know what grows in moist areas. i rushed home because i figured man, this fungus could be growing more by the minute.

so here i am, home on a friday night. enjoying the first moment of spring break on the computer for another great night online. hell yes.

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Date:2003-03-24 19:51
Subject:i'm back!
Mood: cheerful
Music:"Suteki Da Ne"-Nobuo Uetmatsu...I NEED NEW MUSIC!!!!

it's true that you really don't appreciate what you have until it's gone. without fast internet, i did the best i could to retain what little sanity i had...

...but it's all good now. very good.

so here's what's going on/went on:
1. i moved. i'm living with my mom and my lil bro now. it's not far from my old house. i still go to my old house to visit my dad and my big bro. it's a riot there everynight. can't get a single thing done.

2. ap testing's coming up. i took a pre-ap physics test last week. i've come to a conclusion that this 20 bucks i'm paying for the test will be a complete waste of money. i've also come to a conclusion that i haven't learned jack diddly squawt in that class. as for us history...*shrugs*. we'll find out soon.

3. sat's are on april 5. i haven't touched any sat review books nor have i touched the stack of vocab flashcards helen lent to me. one word: SCREWED.

4. international week is next month. getting chinese club prepared. susanna and i are opening up the presentation with a bit of chinese opera. this will be interesting...

5. mike and steven are my friends again now that i have fast internet. steven finally got satellite. it seems like a fair trade. it's either "entertainment" or fast games. *evil grin*. i was at his house last friday. that wimp...he didn't even let us take a bite out of why people really get satellite...

6. registered for next year's classes. i think im going to drop ap bio. yea. i will.i wanna take one of those new business classes offered. marketing, entrepenuership, international business or intro to business. engel's teaching has to be fun. he says i got a knack for advertising. if you saw my advertisement in the asb room, you'd concur. =)

i guess that's all. i can't think of anything else.

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Date:2003-02-16 00:27

you know when your life is really pathetic when you spend your time filling this out... need i say more?

NAME: amy thu ngoc le

WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? no, but my dad said i was named after the french word "amie," which means friends. and to think, it would've foreshadow my life in essence that i will bask in the glory with countless numbers of friends...HAVE YOU TAKEN A LOOK AT MY "FRIENDS" LIST?

SCHOOL: Bolsa Grande High's gone down the drain...PAETHETIC IT ARE.

MASCOT: Matadors...i don't get it

NICKNAME: ames, amyle, MO tastic, hot stuff, REALLY HOT stuff, lover(mike doan), quasi-nookum, dork, hot stuff.

BIRTHDAY: 6/5/86. damn nation.

WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Fountain VaLLey hospitaL, CA

AGE: 16 1/2. DAMN NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SHOE SIZE: i will choose not to answer this. i am ashamed at the size of my SUPPOSEDLY SMALL ASIAN feet. i swear, i have french blood running in the family tree.

HAIR COLOR: black. brown in the sun i guess. but if u have astigmatism like i do, it's like a mixture of black with whatever surrounding u're in.

EYE COLOR: brown

SIBLINGS: 3 bros. good lord, save me.

PETS: had a dog, but we found its owner. a bunch of stray cats that i saw today having a cat fight. who said watching animal kingdom is boring?

LAST CD YOU BOUGHT: its the cdr generation yo.

LAST MOVIE YOU SAW: in theatre? harry potter and the chamber of secrets. it's SO COOL i get excited just hearing about it. but is aw lotr and catch me if you can on my comp. intended only for private screening =)

LAST MOVIE YOU RENTED: i dont believe in renting because i don't do the driving. but mike doan rented final desination last night. that movie is more predictable then my mood swings

LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECT: math. does this mean im not much of a logical person. DAMN nation.

DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE MATH: do you actually read my answers.



IS HE OR SHE GOOD LOOKING? they all are.

FAVORITE ACTOR: legolas himself, ashton kutcher, and iron man. he's pretty sexy especially with boba.

FAVORITE MOVIE: harry potter, lotr, back to the future, and shawshank redemption. probably more but it's 1 am yo.

FAVORITE FOOD: fish. cept fish eggs, i barf at the smell/sight/sense oof it

FAVORITE COLOR: black and green. green means horny.

BEST FRIENDS: mike doan, steven, schmev, pam, chris/johnny/henry (They're joined at the hip)

COOLEST FRIEND: as susan said, i AM the cooLest person period

NICEST FRIEND: thu nguyen's the nicest person i know that it makes me GUILTY to even joke around with her.

HOTTEST FRIEND: i guess this is when it's ok to be my own friend.

PRETTIEST FRIEND: this is also another time that it's ok to be my own friend.

FAV. FRIEND TO HANG WITH: mike doan...yah, feel special dumbass. susan too! she cracks me up.



WHAT'S YOUR FAV PLACE TO GO ON VACATION?: the question is IF i ever got to go anywhere on vacation!! if i had a choice, i'd want to go up to the mountains where there's snow, fresh air, and a beautiful night sky with the stars and moon. i'm such a queer sometimes.


FAV CITY TO CHILL IN: anywhere cool. no, literally. i only chill cause it's hot right.

FAV.DRINK: water and that strawberry blyss stuff with boba.

FEAR: i'm acne and scars. i'd also say losing my loved ones.... oh and HEIGHTS. and the movie exorcist and everything that has anything to do with it.

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET READY TO GO TO SCHOOL IN THE MORNING?: 30 mins or so. putting on lotion is a drag.

WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: losing your dignity, choosing, and moving on.


COKE OR PEPSI: strawberry minute maid

LAKE OR OCEAN: the pool

TV OR RADIO: computer! you can get both radio and tv on there. not to mention dvds and "private screenings" of unreleased movies. oh i love technology.

GOING TO THE MOVIES OR RENTING A MOVIE: renting. i like cuddling up under a warm blanket and lay in my comfy couch. oh yea, and what susan said is SO true. i can always pause for pee breaks and not miss a thing. i can also rewind and play, rewind and play to see legolas footage =)

1 PILLOW OR 2: two please. makes me feel less lone-lay

HOT OR COLD: cold.

JOCK OR BRAIN: not enough information

DROP DEAD GORGEOUS OR JUST GOOD LOOKING: by my definition, they both mean the same thing.


EMINEM OR WILL SMITH: still not enough information to answer. when it comes to music wise, i'd say eminem..he's a music genius. as for acting and movies, will smith is pretty funny....

CARNIVAL OR AMUSEMENT PARK: um...i like renaissance faires =). we just dont have good carnivals around here... i only go to the tet carnival for the food, and amusement park cause i probably got in free.

WINTER FRESH OR DOUBLE MINT: i dont need breath is always sexy fresh.



WENT SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN: yea, boogey boarding's fun. but surfin on shallow water's not. sprained my ankle doing that...

SWAM IN A LAKE: no..those things are DIRTY. it reeks of algae and it doesn't clean itself with chlorine.

PEED IN THE OCEAN: ha, who hasn't. it's cleaner than the restrooms at the beach.

PEED IN A POOL: if you haven't then you must be deprived.

GONE SKINNY DIPPING: er not YET. *evil grin*

CHEATED ON A TEST: explains how i got this far.

LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: i wouldn't call her a friend if i didn't.

FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH?: you know, is that even possible?


CLIMBED A TREE: hells yea i have. i was a rebel back then... err yea.

WATCHED DAWSON'S CREEK: it was good back then. until the writers just ran out of ideas and decided to let them all get a hump of each other.

GONE WATER SKIING: i am really deprived.

GONE SNOWBOARDING: deprived. this is what i want to do most..i just love the snow.

GONE SKATEBOARDING: i even have the scars to prove it.

FELL ASLEEP DURING A SCARY MOVIE: i'd be too scared to sleep.


BEEN TO CAMP: yea, good stuff. cept the fact that it's a hassle to take showers and go to the restroom.... but it was fun i guess.

BEEN IN A CAR ACCIDENT: no... well, sorta. linh almost killed me by driving off a cliff. luckily a gate was there.

SAT IN A RESTAURANT WITHOUT ORDERING ANYTHING: yes, there were times when i wasn't hungry.

EATEN SUSHI: this survery really doesn't know me.


WATCHED DIRTY DANCING: o_O some questions should be left unanswered.


MET A CELEBRITY: yep! i saw kirsten dunst at a phantom planet show.

MET THE PRESIDENT: nope. don't really want to either. i can't get along with cheerleaders. if you've listened to bbc radio player:,
you'd know.

DRIVEN A CAR: yea, but haven't received LEGALLY my license to kill.

DIDN'T WASH YOUR HAIR FOR A WEEK: though i admit i prefered to be efficient rather than hygenic as a kid.........i did have my limits.

GOT STITCHES: yep. i was jumpin in the air and did somersaults on my friend's bed and crashed into the window. boy was that traumatizing. YEA RIGHT. i still did somersaults after that. PERSEVERENCE!

BROKEN SOMETHING: sprained yes, broken no.

BOUGHT ICE CREAM FROM AN ICE CREAM TRUCK: is this survery just running out of questions now?

THOUGHT ABOUT SUICIDE: contempLated it yes


USED YOUR PARENTS CREDIT CARD: yea. only for educational purposes =).

GOTTEN A CAVITY: sigh* yes

CRIED SO LONG AND HARD YOU COULDN'T STOP SHAKING: i don't exactly shake when i cry..... so i don't know about this one....

PUNCHED SOMEONE FOR NO REASON: all the time. muscle spasm guys, sorry yo.


HAD AN ONLINE RELATIONSHIP: that's an oxymoron.

WATCHED MTV AT 4 IN THE MORNING? 1, i dont have mtv..2, why the hell would i be watching mtv, and 3, at 4 in the morning i'd be sleeping.

USED A PORTA-POTTY: HEELLLL NO!!!! that chucacabra x-file episodes scared the HECK out of me.

STAYED ONLINE TILL 4 IN THE MORNING: at this rate, trying to finish this, JUST MAYBE

USED SOMEONE FOR SEX: that is just WRONG! morally wrong. but who said i had morals. just kidding...i'm not a slut..i dont believe in self gratification sex.

MADE PRANK PHONE CALLS: oh the good ol'days. i remember calling someone and said "if your ass was the chinese restaraunt, i'd have the poo poo platter." of course i didn't go through with it cause i was either a chicken ass, or cracked up before saying it. can't remember but both are likely.

CALLED SOMEONE YOU LIKED, BUT HUNG UP: ask me something u don'tk now?

HATED SOMEONE FOR NO REASON: that's impossible. i always hate someone for a reason.

CAUGHT A FISH: yea. gutting it is inconceivable. never doing it again.

SNEAKED OUT OF YOUR HOUSE: no... my rebelousness has its limits.

STREAKED: my hot body is too hot for human eyes to handle.


this survey ends here because bro's kickin me off.

just had to add this...
Azn9i99olo: amy..have u ever played this addicting home wrecker game called aqua energizer?
Azn9i99olo: it brought me and mike to the brink of madness
Azn9i99olo: never mind..i heard u are the one who started this chaos

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Date:2003-02-14 00:13
Subject:we're such entrepeneurs.

forgot to mention mine, steven's, and michael's company. i guess you can consider it a trust. hopefully we will be able to recruit more employees, or drivers. in essence, this is the people's company.

we'll make it big...real big. just u watch.

my computer graphics class has been making advertisements lately. i also made one promoting dates for co-ed. i posted it up in the asb room and without a doubt i've been getting customers! keep em rollin! but stay tuned for further updates. i don't have a zip drive so i can't access the co-ed file.

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Date:2003-02-13 22:27
Mood: disappointed
Music:drowning in loneliness.."Valentine"--Jim Brickman

as some of you may know, i tried out for the sister city association's scholarship/trip to korea. i was REALLY excited about it, knowing that i might have the chance to go to korea. Though not wanting to be cocky, i really thought i'd get it. i mean c'mon, only 3 people from my school tried out and 3 people qualified last year. but man...DAMN NATION!!

i didn't qualify. my life is just full of rejections! but anyways, some other SOPHOMORE girl got it. what the heck man, this is my LAST chance to qualify for this scholarship and they don't even give it to me. ruthless i say, RUTHLESS. i guess that's how miserable you would be if your name was HERB LIEBERMAN! they will feel my wrath... especially jennifer tran (yes, she qualified and not me. BOO!) i think they didn't choose me because i knew too much about the trip. van told me all about it, and i later told the people who interviewed me, who were HERB and CAROLINE, what van told me. i think this sister city of association is a whole conspiracy! i bet you they were trying to undermine america by showing impressionable high school students how hostile koreans can be, starting with high school students. no wonder they sounded suspicious of me when i asked them "Why do the garden grove students that go over there to visit get treated like royalty?"...and they answered by saying, "Oh, it's their tradition." blah blah blah....


it's a god damn conspiracy. i'm trying to look on the brighter side of things. i now don't have to change my sat test date to may 3rd, and i have the whole spring break to "chillax". i have a feeling what's in store for me during spring break is the nerve recking preparation for ap tests. anyways, onward here.

my asb banquet was last night...*sigh* i really do miss asb, but i did leave for a reason. well, reasonS. i absolutely could not stand the favoritism that went on in there. i did so much work in there, and i got an a-. whereas someone (no names) did barely anything, and got a b+/a-. is there something wrong here folks? maybe i'm just anal, or maybe some people just can't see it... democracy my ass. justice had no chance to prevail, and it was a gotdamn monarchy in there. but i, the asb radical seeks to undermine it by using my espionages...ah yes, feel my wrath damn nation.

did i mention how much i hate my new 4th period class? i have health and my teacher, Mrs. lowry is the one teacher that i hate most. actually, i never hated any of my teachers but now, she just makes me twitch. she thinks i'm stupid and that i'm incompetent. it's degrading to be in the same room with her.

i also need to rant about how SOMEONE's gotten really annoying lately. from preventing any "hard feelings", let's just call him bob... but yes, my level of tolerance, which is say this much [_____________________________] can only endure so much. but bob is this close [___] from fulfilling it. he's trying way too hard to be like jay(named changed), and even if he claims he's not...he is. he always has to be the "nonconformist" just so he can be different and receive attention. he needs not to brag about how he had dinner with mr. cardoza and ms. nguyen and brag about how "funny" he was/is at dinner with them. if they can tolerate brian(pro-prostitutes) and mike rogers(worships satan), i don't see why they can't tolerate him. and trust me, their level of tolerance is quite flexible. he also considers himself a suave flirt, now that he's received "how to be slick" lessons from jay. dear lord, this ego boost has done nothing but has changed him from ..oh dammit, the joke won't work unless i say his name.

oh so lonely on valentine's day. no iron man.

so much ranting, so much venting. so cynical. but despite this, i'm still a 95% fun loving type of gal! oh dear, someone please save me from me...

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Date:2003-02-08 18:11

movin up the ladder yo! i started with only ONE friend...but now, FOUR. hail amy le. i are coolerest.

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Date:2003-02-08 18:04
Mood: blah
Music:"at dawn"- Noir OST. blanc dans noir disc 2

i love dilbert.

it was my first time today to make a bear...
that's right. at downtown disney's build-a-bear workship. i was making a friend a bear for her birthday and named it DIXIE NORMOUS. well, after i made the name, i figured in order to receive the bear's birth certificate, i'd have to pick it up at the cash register. so i was there, paying for the bear, and the cash register lady asks me, "what's your bear's name." i forgot to mention i went with chris and henry...but they were behind me trying really hard not to laugh. and here i was, trying not to sound like some perverted high school chick with raging i figured the first name would do...

"dixie." i mumbled, very nervously but was able to force a non-obvious nervous looking smile.
"excuse me?"

i don't know why i blurted it out, but i did. it didn't turn out as bad as i thought it did. i mean heck, i'm never going to see this lady again unless i'm planning another trip here to make another bear named hieu jass or something. she gave me a weird look and chuckled. i suppose she realized how clever i was. ^__^ .

the guys plus bonnie are coming over tonight for a flick, and good lord will they hear about this. speaking of the guys, i honestly need more girl friends. me and bonnie aren't even close friends, but we are friends nonetheless. but last night when chris brought over sweet home alabama, it was only him, me, michael doan, and steven. and knowing my dad, he doesn't allow all boys i was trying to convince a couple of girls over. turns out NONE WERE HOME or some couldn't go. gyar... anyways, we'll be watching a horror movie tonight for english class. i don't see how ms. nguyen can force us to watch a horror movie for a grade. or course we have to write an essay about this, but what if i'm easily traumatized, and whatnot. can i not tell her i've converted to being a jahova's witness and say i don't celebrate halloween therefore i am not allowed to be exposed to any morbid, demented, halloween like influences.... damn it. i won't be able to pee tonight.

i bought an "italian & pasta" cookbook last night at barnes & nobbles. i consider myself an avid reader, although i don't cook much cause i never have time nor the ingredients... but i'm always up for it. i've gone from spagetti to sushi. real italian can't hurt. well, maybe just for those who eats it...

i'm going to be scared to the i won't be able to pee tonight. pray that i'll be able to sleep.

well, bonnie just called and she got lost going to my house.i think she's pissed so err...she's not showing up. usual night with the guys again..

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Date:2003-02-01 23:28
Subject:ching ching
Mood: dorky
Music:"Kireina Kanjyo-piano ver." - Klepto P-Kun

it's chinese new years, and what comes to every vietnamese person's mind? MONEY! i really hate to think that money is what we all look foward to during chinese new year's, but unforunately it is. i normally give my parents the annual routine of wishing them the best of luck this year the morning of tet. but i was late this morning to academic decathlon, and didn't get the chance to do it. so later when i got home around 6, i wished my mom good health, lots o ching ching, and everlasting beauty (see where i get it from?) and gave her a kiss. as for my dad, i wished him the same thing, and in return, my dad reminded my bros and me that we must always remember to always, before anything, on the morning of tet, the first thing to do is to give them our chinese new year blessings. i'm glad to know that there is still SOME tradition that's kept alive in this house.

decathlon was a bore, i didn't do as bad during the testing in front of the whole gym and umm...i got to know linda more. she's so cool! she's like my long lost twin. we're both dirty, perverted, weird, have bangs, and um..HOT! hells yes... we need to hang out more.

got home, watched anime (ep 11 and 12 of hikaru no go) for about an hour, then went out with michael and steven. at first we were gonna go to the tet festival but then..ehh, parking and traffic's a biotch. so we dropped by kevin's house and gave him a surprise visit. ended up pigging out there with his family. then kevin and michael picked up peter as me and steven were sitting in kevin's kitchin, feeling a heavy load of awkwardness because we didn't know his family...that bastard. but he has a benz, and i get to cruise in it. so it's ALL good =) while he was away, i accosted his little 2 year old cousin THomas. before, i use to be great with kids. gradually, i became annoyed, cynical, and well, perturbed. but he's SO CUTE!! makes me wanna have little amyies. so we hung out for about 2 hours. i accidently spit in steven's pho. i was asking kevin for a cup, but it seemed that i still had remnants in my mouth...=X hee, well, more pho for me! after that, came back to my house. me, kevin, and peter were watching vampire hunter D as the losers michael and steven were behind me on my other comp playing some internet game on (got me addicted too. these internet games come on like a drug!) and they're still as of this momentin my living room, playing it. er, i go talk to IRON MAN. =)

it's A to the M ee L ee. I think i'm cool. =T

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Date:2003-01-30 22:46
Subject:it's over, it's over now.
Mood: drained
Music:"The Background"-Third Eye Blind

finals are over, and i'm so relieved--relieved to know i bombed my physics test. MAN was it hard. i was about to cry on the first problem. i'm not lying either. i wanted to turn it in right there and tell mr. fitz "that's one less test you have to grade." but i just bsed like usual, and finished in time. as for history, i did rather well. i scored a B on the test, and a 4 on the essay.

tomorrow, well, more like feb 1, is huong's birthday. and as a "celebration" crap, she wants the group of girls to go take pictures. GOOD LORD, how long has it been since i've taken LAME-ASS studio pictures (well, i took one during co-ed, but hey, that's legitimate). but for christ sake, i'm not really into this whole "matching colored" shirts and taking pictures deal. i remember back in the day, elementary days to be exact, studio pictures were an indication that you were COOL. but now, i could CARE LESS. this weekend is gonna SUCK. tomorrow i have to wake up at 9 to study with the academic decathlon group for our competition on saturday, then i have to go POSE AND TILT MY HEAD AND LOOK LIKE I ENJOY BEING A PRISSY GIRL. BUT TO TOP IT OFF, on saturday, i have at least 5 or 6 hours of testing for academic decathlon. i swear, someone put me out of my misery and PLEASE RIP MY ARM OFF AND BEAT ME WITH IT.

thanks to this journal, i've realized how boring and pathetic my life is.

but no fear, cause KEVIN'S BACK! he's my buddy from 2nd grade that moved to Louisiana last year. he came back with a negro dialect and twice the hilariousness when he left. glad to have him back, and hopefully for good. he can be a part of mine, michael doan, and steven's TAPIOCA EXPRESS CREW. we like to raise the roof there =)

i cleaned my room today. you folks should've seen it before. well, maybe you shouldn't. but yea, good thing about my room is i have no bed. only a mattress, which is cool cause then i could rearrange my room anytime. so i'm living japanese style with everything on the floor. this way, i have an excuse for making a mess on the floor. yes, all part of the plan...

i don't want to know your name. i just want to BANG BANG BANG:

ok i are out, like a fat kid in dodge ball.

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Date:2003-01-29 17:49
Subject:this whomps
Mood: disappointed
Music:"Blue Cloud"-Hajime Mizoguchi

got to see IRON MAN =)

my english final turned out harder than i expected. but who cares, i couldn't get an A in the class either way. as for pre-cal..*sigh*... i let myself down again. i'll try again next semester. i know i can.

when i got home, i received a letter from the national honor roll. at first, i thought it was a letter to toy with my emotions, or jip me. but just to see "your child is about to receive a prestigious academic award" made me feel honored to know at least i was nominated. 'nuff bout school and other academic-related stuff...

last day of finals tomorrow, and that'll be ap physics and ap history. wish me luck, cause i need all there is i can get. i really wish i didn't procrastinate throughout the year, and especially procrastinate with my studies for final. ARG, i hate myself!

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Date:2003-01-28 18:23
Mood: okay
Music:"Zero"-Smashing Pumpkins

the first "official" day of finals is tomorrow...and i lucked out. only one final. =). i took my pre-cal final this morning. i'm sure i did fine...i just know it. c'mon, at least give me some morale support. i got my ap history and ap physics on thursday. what a way to kill two birds with one stone.

look folks, i've got friends in my "friends" list. hey, it's a start. quite a leap from zilch to two. i even discovered how to put my picture on here, use current moods, and current music. i'm a genius! at this rate, i'll take over the world. u can count on that.

the wonders of technology yo. my picture is adobe photoshop rendered =). i did it during computer graphics class. it's amazing how i went from dull-colored-amy to...DAMN-IS-THAT-A-MODEL-AMY. yeah, i should be included in a magazine. perhaps under an article titled "god's works of art." hey, if i can't make it global, i could start with bolsa grande's newspaper. i'm one step closer to fame! ok, time to make sweet love to my books.

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Date:2003-01-27 15:56

ok Tina, I do assume that you ARE the only one reading this... so knock yourself out =)

It's my first time on this, first time I've heard of this, and apparently, first entry. Thank you Tina, for luring me in here. I now have a place to pour out my heart and soul, aka--VENTING. Hopefully I won't grow too attached where I'll go out of my way to submit a daily entry. But knowing me....I'm vulnerable. Then again, I digress. Dear Lord, I wonder if anyone's reading this at all. What if I come to a point where I realize NO ONE is reading this and I turn out to be a schizophrenia. Ah, that will be the day...

I are Amy Le. Known to the locals as Amyle. No really, my full name is what they call me by. Why? I don't know. Known to some as Ames, Dorko, MO Tastic, or Quasi. But please, call me "hot lover." (used sporadically). I use to attempt to play the accoustic guitar, until I found out my pinky is double-jointed. So I'm kind of like a legend that has retired due to a physical abnormality. MAn, I'm so cool. I like anime, abstract art, and the dark side of nature. I am vain like any other, and am a hypocrite. Can't think of much anymore...except I hate ratboys, hot guys that live across the street, devious womanizers, BUT i do love my IRON MAN ^__^

If anyone OTHER than tina is reading this, drop me a note. i think you can do that. *Shrugs* i'm new to this stuff.

"Valentine"-The Get Up Kids

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