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Cocktails for the Hip

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Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
10:21 am - Martini Time Story

I just wanted to share this story with this community, because I think there would be appriciation for it.. or not..

ANYWAYS...Read more... )

(4 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Thursday, April 15th, 2004
8:05 pm - New Member


Hi all- I'm a new LJ member and this is my first community!  Looking forward to getting great recipes, ideas and meeting fun people! Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Partytime!

Dive in after filing taxes--- He ate my olive!


current mood: cheerful

(3 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Friday, April 9th, 2004
3:33 am - Ok then.

Couple of recipes. Cosmo variations, basically:

Raspberry Cosmo:

1.5 oz. Vodka (I used Finlandia. Some sort of raspberry vodka (Smirnoff?) would probably be really good though)
.5 oz. Raspberry pucker
splash of Rose's lime
splash of cran-raspberry juice (regular cran would probably work if cran-raspberry is unavailable)
serve up in a chilled glass
optional top with 7up

As of yet unnamed cocktail

1.5 oz Vodka
.5 oz. Triple Sec
splash of Rose's lime
splash of pineapple juice
serve up in chilled glass, top with orange soda

The nice thing about this one is that it can cut the taste of pretty much any vodka, no matter how shitty. I made it with Prestige, which is pretty much the worst vodka ever and it still tasted good. Any suggestions on a name for this one? I made it for the first time tonight, and haven't come up with anything yet. I think it's different enough from a regular cosmo to warrant a different name; plus, pineapple-orange cosmo is too much of a mouthful.

(4 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
12:35 pm - Websites, ideas.

Hello everyone. A friend of mine has a sister who is having a 60's Lounge/Wedding Reception and needs ideas for it. I have a lot of ideas but what I would love everyone to do for me is compile your ideas, foods, drinks, music/songs you would use, party decor dresses, favorite retro webites etc and post them here for me. Any help is much appreciated. :)

current mood: curious

(2 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Thursday, April 8th, 2004
6:45 pm - Vodka Caramel

When i was in France i came across a vodka caramel drink that is delicious and oooh so simple. Just take a vodka on the rocks and add a little caramel syrop to taste. I don't know what kind of syrop they were using there, but even a gloria jeans caramel syrop will work... i tried it! It worked quite nicely with stoli's, but honestly, they were serving it up in france with gordons! Its so tasty you just think you're sippin' on candy.

Also good as a shot, just fill 3/4 with vodka and top it off with the caramel!

Let me know what you think! So far i have gotten nothing but thumbs up, there were only a few who belived it was a little too sweet for their taste.

current mood: cheerful
current music: carla bruni, quelqu'un m'a dit

(1 Dirty Martini | Martini Time!)

Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
10:27 pm

Some people have no appreciation of the simple beauty of a Frozen Strawberry Margarita on a Wednesday night ... especially when you miss measure the ice and only a beer stein will fit the whole thing.

Oh well, not my loss ... that margarita isn't going to waste.

(Recipe is just a regular margarita with a half and half mixture of ice & frozen strawberries .... yum!)

(1 Dirty Martini | Martini Time!)

Friday, March 26th, 2004
11:48 am - Hello all!

I have responded to a few posts about recipes, but thought I should introduce myself...
I was recently invited to join this community. I love mixed drinks and entertaining, so of course I love the recipes posted here!

current mood: chipper

(Martini Time!)

9:26 am - Not a recipe..

But I thought I just introduce myself. I was invited to join this community.. I always had a thing for martinis. Something about them just makes me feel good abotu them, even if I don't like to drink them at times! Hehe anyways, hi...

(Martini Time!)

Thursday, March 18th, 2004
3:16 pm

Ok so im working LA Zona Rosa last night for the MODEST MOUSE concert for the South By Southwest film and music festival and I ended up serving Jason Lee from Vanilla Sky/Chasing Amy fame....If anyone is interested he likes DOS EQUIS.

I am doing a private party on FRIDAY
Ill Keep you posted on the star inside far as what they drink, at least.

(3 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Monday, March 15th, 2004
8:18 pm - Clothing anyone?

Hello all! If you ladies need new threads, check out my ebay auctions. I have a special going on Stop Staring! brand clothing. Please support a scenester & help me pay rent!

current mood: accomplished

(Martini Time!)

5:34 pm

I went to do some more liquor shopping this weekend and I picked up some Dekuyper Buttershots. It's a butterscotch Schnapps liquer. It is sooo good! If you haven't tried it before and you're a fan of butterscotch, I highly recommend it. Yum!

On the downside, I went in search of Rose's Cocktail Infusions Mix and they did not have it. I have searched grocers, ABC stores, and a huge alcoholic beverage warehouse. They had just about everything you could think of except that. Anyone have any ideas where I could find this?

(15 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

12:32 am

Ok everyone here is the shot for the day. some people call it a Black Orchid and others call it a Purple Motherfucker.....who knows you can call it what ever you ultimately comes out looking dark deep purple.

Coconut Rum
Blue Curacao
1/2 oz each
splash of cran
for a whole drink top with 7 up.

try it. It will be your new favorite...if you like that sweet stuff....late.

(Martini Time!)

Sunday, March 14th, 2004
4:09 am

Ok. This is my third day swimming through livejournal. I stumbled on this site randomly and like the name. Im a bartender who wants to br a writer but well save that story for later. For all of you cutsey shot people here is one that is more fun than a barrel of Leprecauns

Lucky Charms
1 oz stoli vanil
1/2 oz pineapple
1/2 oz Creme De Cocoa
splash of grenadine

supposed to taste like lucky charms


(3 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Thursday, March 11th, 2004
4:14 pm

does anyone know how to make an alchoholic drink without putting alchohol in it.

i feel stupid asking that but ive heard of ppl doin it

(3 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Sunday, March 7th, 2004
2:24 pm

At a recent dinner party, I had the most delicious aperitif ever! It was made with Moscato D'Asti, a lightly carbonated Italian wine.

The recipe is very simple: 1 bottle Mosacto D'Asti with the juice of 5 limes. Serve in champagne glasses.

Delicious and refreshing!

(Martini Time!)

Saturday, February 28th, 2004
9:55 am

A friend told me that the difference between cheap and expensive vodka is mainly charcoal filtering. A Brita or PUR filtering water pitcher does charcoal filtering and so my friend said putting the cheap vodka through one of these several times would improve the taste considerably. Has anyone heard of this? Is this worth a try?

x-posted to [info]drinks and [info]beverage_junkie

(4 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Thursday, February 26th, 2004
12:47 pm - Don't mind if I do...

You're a Rusty Nail!!  A smooth, short blend of scotch whiskey and drambuie.  You're seriously cool and you love guitars, cars and the bluuuuuees, man!!
""Which cocktail are you?""

brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: bored
current music: Rock-ass 80's Bon Jovi "Slippery When Wet"

(3 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

11:46 pm - YAY!

New Background and boring layout in [info]martini_time. I think I like it! Thoughts, suggestions, input, etc...

(4 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Friday, February 20th, 2004
3:40 am


I was wondering if anyone had a good recipe for a Raspberry Margarita. I tried several weeks ago to make one on my own, but it did not turn out right. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

(8 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

Wednesday, February 18th, 2004
10:28 pm - Just Droppin' In to Say "Howdy!"

Greetings everyone! I joined not too long ago and have just now gotten a chance to post. I actually was curious if anyone here knew of a place where I could get vintage inspired barware. I am looking specifically for collins glasses with nifty 50's designs. If anyone has any insight, let me know!


current mood: thirsty
current music: Frank Sinatra-My Funny Valentine

(6 Dirty Martinis | Martini Time!)

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