LiveJournal for Anushka Corazon.

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Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

(8 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:The Student Life
Time:3:03 pm.
Mood: tired.
So I've been a bit busy lately.
Third year is fun, however the lecturers enjoy teaching us for 10 weeks, then hand out assignments which need to be nurtured very carefully. I'm a bit busy, but at least all the crap assignments have been done, and now I can concentrate on the more meaningful projects.

Sunday saw [info]ghede and I (along with my younger sister) at the Japanese Festival. I was a little dissapointed after having read every page of the website, however, it was really good to see some dance and voice work, and also Miss [info]polite_society's Urashima Tarou Easter Egg! And it is even prettier in real life!

I ended up with some good video footage which I'm using to integrate my pounding obession with Japan, and an Interactive Program which I'm developing for a University project this semester.

On the way home, we stopped for bubble tea, and I bought a china-china vase; it's blue and doesn't match anything I own, but it has a very pretty drawing on it, and I loves it.

Last night, [info]ghede and I went on a Hot Date, at a restaurant in the city which resembled those posh restaurants in The Sims Hot Date. It was very nice and very posh, and we really didn't belong there with our gravy spilling, breadstick in nose actions :P. However, there was a man there who looked like [info]fat_pigeon in about 30 years time. Later on, on our way out, it seemed that this man apparently worked at the RACV Club, now wearing a name tag and approached us to tell us all about this 1902 car which was parked in front of us. But why was he eating in the restaurant like us before, and now showing us a car? I think he was waiting for his wife who was still the loo, he was getting bored, so he picked up a name tag and started blathering to hwoever he came across!

And now, I got a bit excited when I wrote this passage on the spot in class today!

Dengan pacarku, Saya mengemudi ke Hobart dari Devonport. Kita naik luat kapal dari Melourne ke Tasmania dulu, dan mengambil mobil saya di sana. Jalan dari Devonport ke Hobart yang panjam, dengan banyak bukit, dan berbelok-belok, kira-kira empat jam, atau dua ratus kilometer. Kita tinggal dengan keluarganya, jadi kita membawa oleh-oleh untuk dia. Ada banyak tempat yang menarik di sana, banyak gedung sejarah contoh gedung-gedung tua dan gareja yang besar. Di Port Arthur orang bisa ke jalan-jalan pada waktu malam, dan ada hantu di sana. Saya takut sekali!

Friday, May 14th, 2004

(38 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:KISS Fever
Time:1:33 am.
Music:KISS - God gave rock n roll to you.
Had an awesome time at the concert.
Noticed a bit of drama between bandmates - nevermind, they were playing tricks on each other.
Paul's lost a bit of weight, nobody cared about Eric, Gene's starting to look a bit old, and Tommy wasn't half bad.
Tonight rocked!
Pity they couldn't play Black Diamond.. I love that song! Shame on you Peter Criss for not touring!
Ooo! and I finally heard (and sang) God Gave Rock & Roll to You live for the first time!

oh, and by the way, I took some photos. I've got few more, but I'm off to bed. SOrry this is clogging up friends pages, but you all must see!! MUST SEE! Otherwise, they'd be behind a cut.

That last one is of a girl we met at the concert.

Thursday, May 13th, 2004

( Cruxify Me )

Time:3:47 pm.
Mood: happy.
Happy KISS day!

T minus 3 hours!

Wednesday, May 12th, 2004

( Cruxify Me )

Subject:He doesn't know...
Time:11:49 pm.
There is a man I miss very much.
I don't remember what he looks like,
or what he sounds like,
But I miss him.
He doesn't really know me either
To him I'm another face on the street.
He sat and he served
He greeted and he stirred
But what he doesn't know is that now he's gone
There are a lot of people who miss him very much.

I miss you Mr Big A's man.

(5 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:11:32 am.
Mood: working.
It's that time of the semester again... so much work to do!!

But its okay, becuase KISS is tomorrow night :D hoorah!

Monday, May 10th, 2004

(29 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:Rule #359 of how NOT to piss your girlfriend off.
Time:9:49 pm.
Mood: amused.
Don't go to sleep while she's got your dick in her hand.

(4 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:6:46 pm.
Mood: loved.
Music:Girls Under Glass - When I think about You.
When I think about you
When I close my eyes
When I see your smile
I feel you nearby..

When I think about you,
When I think about you,
I realise how much I love you.
I love you.

(2 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:Mothers Day
Time:11:02 am.
Mood: awake.
So I hope everyone had a nice mothers day, and treated their mothers to some form of kindness!

Unfortunately I had to work until 2pm, so most of the day was cancelled out. Mum brought the family to chadstone, and I shouted a viewing of Van Helsing - a film which has to be seen, for its cheesiness, for curiositys sake, but not for its wholesomeness. Mum enjoyed it though, even if Rael, Tony and I were picking at it's holes and incontinuity factors.

We headed off to Nudle for dinner and just as we were leaving, caught a brief glimpse of some GOTHS :P Looks like we just missed each other.

Friday, May 7th, 2004

(2 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:1:36 am.
Mood: tired.
I may not be a superhero, but at least I'm not trying to be.

Wednesday, May 5th, 2004

(6 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:The Silver Lining
Time:11:20 pm.
Mood: thankful.
My baby saved the day!
The sweetheart came over, snuggled and held me in early evening nap, then gave me most of his onions from his burger to put on my own, then took me to La Premier to see Kill Bill vol.2!

An evening well spent, in the best of company. Took my mind off EVERYTHING which was really nice :D
We filled our bellies with pleanty of post-mix, cappacino and dull pop-corn; and filled our minds with the conclusion of the best Tarrantino series to date. I enjoyed the sequal, it was what I was expecting, however I couldn't stop thinking about where they were going to stop it: mainly becuase a lot of people have said that there is room for another sequal. Rael and I didn't feel that was the case - I am satisfied that the story is complete, however a little dissapointed at the way some people died. Don't get me wrong, I was totally there, engrossed in the action, I just happen to like the first one more.

In other news: I'm absolutely terrifyed at how much I'm accepting and appropriating the term "honey" in a relationship.

Monday, May 3rd, 2004

(32 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:12:49 pm.
Mood: working.
Apparently I'm too fat to work at Witches in Britches.


Friday, April 30th, 2004

(2 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:1:31 am.
Mood: working.
I am so very lucky.
I have the kindest, most generous and selfless boyfriend in the world!

The naughty boy bought me a present today - out of the blue, for no reason, and it was really thoughtful!!

Thank you so much fathead! I love you!!!

oo, some interesting news just in: I get my car back tomorrow! Thank Christ! It's been hell, I think I'm going to cry when i see my baby.. all new and shiny and fixted!! Poor thing, its been a roungh week for the both of us.. :/

Thursday, April 29th, 2004

(10 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:The Evils of going Public
Time:1:48 pm.
Mood: shocked.
If I see one more person make themself puke into a foil chip bag with their hands, I'm going homicidal.

Just hurry up and fix my car already! I've had enough of this public transport bullshit.

Tuesday, April 27th, 2004

(1 Scream | Cruxify Me )

Time:9:09 am.
Mood: tired.
well, today i'm pissed off.
My poor baby had to go into the smash repairs today, which is rendering me car-less for 5 days!!!
This means, that I"m not going anywhere. I do have to go to uni on some occasions but even that is going to be a maybe becuase what was a 20 minute drive & park, is now a 1 hour train, tram, and walk. Get fucked.
Now I know accidents happen, and this time it wasn't me who caused it, but I really REALLY want my car back!!

in other news:

Happy Birsdays [info]miserymalice!!!

my birsdays update: pending.

Saturday, April 24th, 2004

(15 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:7:32 pm.
Mood: satisfied.
HAPPY COVENANT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooo, and thanks to all the cheer, drinking, card signage, and DJ announcements for my birthday last night!!

more on that one, later :P

Tuesday, April 20th, 2004

(2 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:11:05 am.
Mood: working.

Made by the fine folks at

Monday, April 19th, 2004

(27 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Time:6:56 pm.
I'm turning old on friday.

Who's coming out?????

Tammy turns 21 !!!!
Come celebrate at Cabaret Nocturne/ Psychonaut this friday :D
HOpe to see some of you out ....

Friday, April 16th, 2004

( Cruxify Me )

Time:1:36 pm.
Mood: working.
I have to write an essay and I can't stop putting it off.
This sucks.

Thursday, April 15th, 2004

(4 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:Balmy nights...
Time:2:04 am.
Mood: sleepy.
Holy crap!
Its 2am, and its STILL 23 degrees celcius outside!
I'm glad I've got a fan in my bedroom!

Wednesday, April 14th, 2004

(25 Screams | Cruxify Me )

Subject:stolen from techno_zombie
Time:11:44 am.
Mood: working.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

LiveJournal for Anushka Corazon.

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