Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
7:45 pm - :-|
hey! I have another headache. it hurts all on the right side of my head. :P I had swimming in school today so I reak of chlorine. it's not cool. *grr* On a lighter note, I have Area All-State band rehersal this friday and I managed to get people to cover my shifts at work!!! yay! my manager was all worried that I was quitting when my friend gave him the note. it's nice that he doesn't want to fire me like I was afraid of when I kept switching hours. I have a bunny; he's fuzzy!!!!! :)
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| Tuesday, November 6th, 2001
5:50 am
Yo! *shivers* I'm cold. I wish it would snow. I mean, if it's gonna go through the trouble of getting cold, it might as well just snow and get it over with. I should be practicing my clarinet/doing my homework cuz I won't have time tomorrow.
:P Work is annoying. My boss is pissed at me because I can't work on Tuesdays because I have an activity that only meets on that day every week and that is the time that the store has the worst time selling smart solutions. It's not my fault that only three of the cashiers are any good. Maybe he should start encouraging the other cashiers to pitch them instead of annoying those that can sell them, the bum.
Anyone wanna buy fruit for the Gates Chili High School marching band?? ^^ Please?
I can't wait until the Lord of the Rings movie comes out; I really wanna see it! It looks good! I hope it's as good as the books were.
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| Friday, August 17th, 2001
11:20 am - :P:P:P
| Tuesday, August 14th, 2001
8:48 am - :P
*urgh* I'm so stiff!!! Yesterday I did task work on the floor at work dusting products, moving clearance books to a new section, straightening up the books and clearance toys, and color coding the streeter aisles. :P:P:P At least tennis was cancelled this morning due to rain. But I have to go back in today for six hours as cashier. Oi. Ah well. At least I get good discounts. *grins* 40% off books and CDs.
Does anyone else have this problem? No matter how late I go to sleep at night, be it ten PM or 1 AM, I can never sleep in past 8 AM. I usually wake myself up at 7!!! It's not fair! I'm so tired. *pouts* and I can't even force myself to sleep during the day unless I'm sick. *urf* Instead I drink coffee. *hee* Lotsa coffee. ::is addicted to caffeine:: Chocolate covered coffee beans and caffeinated mints are my life.
current mood: sore current music: mom talking on the phone
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| Saturday, August 11th, 2001
11:31 am - bored bored bored
I've had this for a while now so I decided to start using it! I'm having trouble accepting that summer is almost over. Soon tennis try outs will begin again, then band camp, and then my last year of high school. oi oi oi - I'm getting too old!!!!!!! (lol I sound like my parents) I'm gonna be a legal adult... that's just wrong! ^^ I don't even have a permit yet! (I'm too lazy to take the test. I'm not gonna have a car to drive anyways.) Only one more year of HS band - oh the lovely woolen uniforms in 90 degree weather. The heat stroke, the ambulances... how I'll miss it. This year is gonna be hell. Six AP's, band camp, musical practice, and a job... I will have a mental breakdown by october. Ah well. I have to go make lunch now. Bye!!!!!!!!
current mood: nostalgic
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