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Sun, May 30, 2004
He means fruits.  [00:19|690]
Today at the Gap-O after all the customers were out and the doors were locked up we were all cleaning up when Siobhan, the head of store, yelled across the store, "Hey, Sean?"
"Yes?" I replied in the voice I reserve for begrudgingly accepting the tasks for which I was hired.
"Have you talked to Patrice lately?"
"Yes, ma'am." This time I was matter-of-fact because I knew what she was getting at.
"She's coming hooooooome." She sounded like a kid getting a Christmas present. And by home she didn't mean the coast or Patrice's actual home. She meant the Gap-O.
"Are you excited?"
"No." And this took me off-guard because she sounded serious.
Then Denise, one of the managers, who was counting money (not in a counting-house), says, "Don't let her lie to you, it's all she's talked about for days."
She's really excited.

And Ashley Morris, Brent's ex-co-cashwrap-specialist asked me if I still talk to him. I told her every once in a while, which is true enough. I didn't tell them that Brent works at Urban Outfitters now because I figured either they wouldn't care, or they would be offended. It surprises me how seriously some people take the Gap-O sometimes.

There are people I want to be friends with, but I don't make new friends, so I guess the status quo will remain.

I'm writing Chapter One: "Conception" tonight. Maybe I'll post it when I'm done.
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Wed, May 26, 2004
Technically, sir, tomatoes are fags.  [12:48|689]
Over the last few days, I have changed the colors on my livejournal, started working at el gap-o and hung out with a variety of people.

Saturday night, Steve, JJ and I hung out because Steve and JJ were leaving to go back to their respective homes on Sunday. We called Lisa, who was busy, and we called Ginny, who wasn't around to take our call. That's when Steve decided we should play Finding Ginny, the latest greatest drinking game. It involves my driving him and JJ around Long Beach looking for Ginny, and if we come to a probable Ginny-finding location and she isn't there, everyone takes a drink. And when (although if is a better choice) you find Ginny, you chug whatever's left in your container. We never did find her, although I left a note on her bench telling her how awful she was for not being around to hang out with us.

Sunday was my first day back at the Gap. Seven hours. My legs didn't hurt nearly as bad as they did last year, which really surprised me, but y'know, whatevs. I'll take my victories when I can get them. There's another guy named Sean there which leads to confusion. Lindsay's still there, and I'm still having to pull out the old Lie-o-meter gauge to see exactly how big a liar she's being at any one moment. Oh yeah, she's cashwrap specialist, too, which makes her all high and mighty because she gets to use the manager's key. But no one else seems to like her either, so I'm good. And that's the end of that rant.

I ate lunch that day at McDonald's and got the usual: #3 (1/4-pounder with cheese), no onions, with a coke. When I got my burger, everything was there (including the onions) except for the 1/4-pound (weight before cooking) patty. So I took it back up there to have the situation corrected, the manager made a quip about the boys in the back starting a new all-carb diet fad, and they returned my burger, this time with a patty but still with onions. I ate it anyway. Also, the air conditioner was broken in there or something and there were two or three birthday parties going on at the same time. It was pretty close to Hell (by which I mean Starkville).

Lindsay Loup is home and we hung out and she seems to be ok, but the conversation's a little harder now because she seems to be less tolerant of talking about things she doesn't agree with. We'll see what transpires.

And that's all for today kiddies. Tune in tomorrow when we may but probably may not have a new entry.
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Sat, May 22, 2004
Every cowboy sings a sad, sad song.  [01:33|688]
I haven't been sleeping well lately, due to the having to take the sibs to school early and thus not having the ideal >7-hour blocks of sleep I like. Last night I got some good sleep, however, and this is what the dreams gave me. Bear with the lame parts, because I think the payoff is pretty nice.

There was the normal Angel group fighting vampire eveil dreams I've been having lately due to the watching of many hours of Angel plus the season finale. Toward the end of this, Spike had discovered a pool of holy water that, when a bottle of it was imbibed by a vampire, turned that vampire mostly human for a limited time. The only remain of the vampireness was the "game face." If, however, a non-vampire drank a bottle, that person would get all the vampirely characteristics for a limited time. So this one hooded non-vampire and Spike were battling it out for control of the pool, and the non-vamp drank a bottle of holy water and became a vamp, but then drank another bottle of it, which reacted like normal holy water and burned him up from the inside. And Spike stood there and smirked.

So then it sort of turns into this dinner theater thing where a group of my friends (no one I actually know outside of the dream although there was some vague familiarity) and I were sitting around watching this act that Spike and the other guy had just finished. We start talking about the menu (we hadn't yet ordered) and I look down to see that there are a number of combination platters, one of which is Christianity-themed and comes with your own bottle of Mr. Jesus Somebody, which is the restaurant's home-made brand of Dr. Pepper.

Turns out the restaurant is made to look like some backwoods swamp Louisiana cabin place, what with the rough-hewn benches and tables, etc., and it serves Cajun cuisine and bottles its own soda, one flavor of which is the Mr. Jesus Somebody. Along one wall of the cabin, laid out on ice like the fish at the fishing rodeo (the one at the Rice Pavilion every Fourth of July week), is their line of seafood-flavored sodas. Among those are an alligator soda (colored green) and a shrimp soda (peachy pink). Now, you'd think this would be enough, but no, I had to get a closer look. And the label on the bottle was close to this:
The Label )

Anyway, I guess I'm going to hell for all the blaspheming and racial comments in this entry, but it's what I dreamed, and I felt the need to record it. Thank you.
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Thu, May 20, 2004
Today  [00:46|687]
Whew, today was a full one. Woke up at 7 to take the sibs to school, came home, slept till 11. At 11:30, went to check the sis out from school because her exams were over. Returned the final two Angel/Smallville tapes to JJ at noon. Booked it on over to the Edgewater Gap (the retail store) to be reorientated in the ways of the Gap O. Finished up there at 4:38.

Drove up to the Gap O on 49 in order to be put into the computer by the charming Denise. Became reacquainted with Reonna and Richr'd. Decided I needed some new threads, so I applied for the infamous GapCard while I was instore. Being back there made my day. I really got back into the feeling of the whole place, and it was very much like what writers are always calling "being wrapped in a warm blanket."

Came home to watch the Season Finales of Angel and Smallville. Smallville's was very strong at the end. Lex lay on the floor apparently poisoned, Chloe's house blew up with her inside, Jonathan Kent was lying on the floor of a cave unconscious, Clark disappeared, Lana and Pete left for Paris and Wichita (respectively), and Lionel Luthor was in jail having his head shorn.

Angel on the other hand, a SERIES FINALE, was ambiguous and sort of wishywashy. Important things happened, but so quickly and with such non-emphasis that I sort of just skimmed over them all. I guess I like it. It sort of did what Buffy did with the whole destroying the underlying big bad of the whole series, but not conclusively, and I guess it just fits the feel of the series, though. Oh well.

I'm going to bed now.
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Sun, May 16, 2004
Why Steve and JJ rock.  [17:59|686]
So, I have to admit I'm really excited that Steve and JJ went to L.A. this weekend to see the Kaufman: Dead or Alive show. It's really one of those cool last minute travel things that are so cool. (The cool thing about it is it's cool (I get that reference.)) So props to them.

UNLESS, of course, they didn't actually go to L.A. Now, this would be just as cool--if not cooler--because, (a) it's cheaper, and (b) it's right there in that vein of Kaufman pulling the old wool over everyone's eyes time and time again. How cool would it be for Steve and JJ to be sitting around together making text and phone posts while hiding out so everyone thinks they're in L.A.? VERY! So super-mega-ultra-props if they're not in L.A.

Either way, they rock.
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Thu, May 6, 2004
was born with roses in her eyes  [18:54|685]
So I decided I didn't want to go home today and stress over packing for an extra hour with my father and grandfather looking on even though I TOLD them to go eat or something. At any rate Confucius (that would be the old computer I use) is now set up on the coffee table in the living room, which I tried to be sneaky about doing, but JJ caught me before I could bring the first piece down.

A whole lotta people seem to be extra angsty lately. I don't know why. Maybe the emotional climate took a turn for the worse.

Me, I'm floating in a big warm tub of melancholic euphoria, if ever there was such a thing. They should make a drink or a perfume or car or something called melancholic euphoria. It could smell or taste or be the color of watermelon, but y'know, a sort of sad watermelon who likes to feel a bit sad because then at least he knows he's capable of feeling stuff. I could eat some watermelon right now.

I'm hungry. I might try to go remedy that now, if I can extract myself from the couch.
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Wed, May 5, 2004
already it's that time of the month.  [23:07|684]
It's my last night in Starkville and there's NOTHING TO DO!!!

It seems that when you have fun during the semester, exam time fun seems to suffer a bit.

I'm going to clean, but I'm way open for calls, IMs, etc., for hanging out, etc.
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Happy 4th creation-of-my-LJ anniversary to ME!  [11:34|683]
Four years ago today, at 10:26 p.m. CST--according to LJ's server clock (I adjusted from PST)--I created my LJ so that I might comment non-anonymously (is it just "nonymously"?) on the LiveJournals of others.

Just before that, I think I was helping decorate for junior prom, which included basically doing nothing while watching PKB and Roy and JJ played with computers and Paula and Elise made the picture backdrop and some overpriced party decorator blew up balloons while plotting to charge us a lot more money than she estimated. I glean this from my memories which were sparked by Scott's entries from this day. Thank you very much.
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Mon, May 3, 2004
apoplectic skeeter  [15:17|681]
I'm taking this opportunity to apologize to Nick for all the fun-making I've done of him in the past couple of days. Certain soulmates and spiritual guides are right--it has gone too far, especially in some areas. So, I'm sorry, Nick, for saying those things, and I hope there's no hard feelings.

What brought this on was remembering a similar thing that happened to me in sixth grade. I was playing around with a compass of the mathematical variety and drew an unflattering representation of a girl in my class. The girl, understandably, was pretty upset, which had never crossed my mind as I was drawing the thing. I was just trying to be funny. I got an after school detention for it. I still feel guilty though, same as with the Nick stuff.

Once again, I apologize.
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Happy 4th anonymous comment on LJ anniversary to ME!  [00:28|680]
Oh, and I almost forgot!! Today marks the fourth anniversary of my first ever LJ comment, which was an anonymously posted (though signed) comment on this entry of Scott's. Enjoy!
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Happy 4th LJ Anniversary to JJ.  [00:25|679]
Today is [info]jamminjj's fourth LJ anniversary. He didn't really write anything brilliant on that day, so that's all I'm putting in this entry.

Thank you.
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Sun, May 2, 2004
Happy 4th LJ Anniversary to Sarah.  [15:02|678]
Today is [info]kittenfc's fourth LJ anniversary. This entry reminds me that Sarah's house was always like Hell in the springs and summers because her family doesn't use air conditioning, so there was always a thin layer of sweat covering my body during those times.

Speaking of my sweat, I think that it's acidic to the point where it eats away at my clothes. If this is true, then I have a mutant power! Whee!

That concludes this very disgusting entry.
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Sat, May 1, 2004
Happy 4th LJ Anniversary to Scott.  [03:48|677]
In honor of [info]czircon's fourth LJ anniversary, I'd like to present this entry as a great one from Day One.

What's so great about this entry is that it didn't work out quite as we all expected. Hence the creation of "There needs to be constant updation!!!"

In other news (though not very other), I've decided I'd like to commentate Scott's journal. Just go through and make footnotes linking to later entries which proved him wrong, etc. But I'm weird.
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Wed, Apr 28, 2004
When am I finally gonna learn that caffeine plus forced sleep plus forced wakefulness equals Jessie Spano from that fateful episode of Saved By The Bell. You know the one. It just ain't cool right now.
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Mon, Apr 26, 2004
My right ear won't stop ringing. It's keeping me from sleep. Every time that I start dreaming, it wakes me up again.

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Fri, Apr 23, 2004
huit femmes ont dit,  [03:06|672]
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux.

Vous voyez, j'ai fini récemment un film avec le titre 8 femmes. J'ai vu ce film déjà, mais je voulais le voir encore et je voulais le mettre sur une cassette vidéo. Le chanson finale de le film a le titre "Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux" et les mots s'ai collé dans ma tête. C'est tout.
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Wed, Apr 21, 2004
definition query.  [03:05|671]
What do you call it when you're left essentially happy, but there's still a twinge of sad in it like a little oil slick slipping back and forth over the waves of this huge grey ocean?
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Tue, Apr 20, 2004
Won the good fight.  [18:40|670]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Dear Mr. Walters,

Just wanted to let you know that "Frank lives!" The Ball Park website is coming back on-line and commercials will begin to air again towards the end of the week.

After much debate and many, many emails, it has been decided to return Frank to his backyard grill. Stay tuned for the prescheduled commercials to air shortly. Hope you like them.

Thanks for your supportive email. Would you mind providing me a mailing address?

Take care and thanks again.

Diane Pegram

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Mon, Apr 19, 2004
Fought the good fight.  [14:30|669]
[Letter appears exactly as I received it, including misspellings.]

Dear Mr. Walters,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. It was refreshing to see that you understood the intent of our advertising campaign and took it in the humor that was meant. Our management team is reviewing all comments received regarding this ad campaign and I assure you your comments will be read.

Again, thank you very much for contacting us. Hopefully, our website will again be operational in the near future.


Diane Pegam
Consumer Affairs
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Concertina wire  [02:21|668]
This really long entry takes place between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on the evening of April 18, 2004 )
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