The Protocols of the Yuppies of Zion The mostly-true adventures of two Yids in love. en-us Asparagirl and/or Doctor Suarez 2004-06-11T19:36:39-08:00 CELLS OF ANGER The Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star is reporting that there's fighting going on between rival Kurdish factions in northern Iraq, and it's getting nasty and brutal. (It's not what you think--it's actually a sign of progress. Read the article.) [via Acharit HaYamim]... Asparagirl 2004-06-11T19:36:39-08:00 HISTORIES, REAL AND ALTERNATE I just stumbled across Robbie Taylor's blog Today In Alternate History (its motto: "Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today"). I'm having a fun time reading his scenarios and predictions. He takes known historical events from each day in history and blogs the possible results that could have happened if something just slightly different had occurred: what if the British-German Christmas truce of WWI... Asparagirl 2004-06-11T18:38:40-08:00 MY FAVORITE BEEFY WISCONSONIAN CONTINUES TO SHINE Despite my Hollywood-New-York-Times-Met-Rooting upbringing, I can never bring myself to fully dismiss the great American Middle. After all, Dave Letterman is from Indiana. And from Wisconsin comes another gem of a man. This guy loves The Return of the King, hates American Beauty ("A crappy piece of propaganda. It’s Three’s Company all dressed up with ponderous pretension. I can’t tell you how much I loathe... Doctor Suarez 2004-06-11T16:14:01-08:00 FORWARD MARCH We've been linked by The Forward. If only my great-grandparents were alive today to see this (and knew what a blog was), they'd totally plotz.... Asparagirl 2004-06-08T12:52:14-08:00 THE BIG BLUE BLOG Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit, links to this new blog from Lotus, which is a part of IBM, as evidence that even some big companies are cautiously getting into the blogging racket. What Glenn doesn't know is that IBM already had a toe dipped into the blogging pool, over two years ago, in May of 2002. A nice guy named David Berger, who works with internal... Asparagirl 2004-06-04T16:30:26-08:00 THAT DEAR OLD DIRTY TOWN Sometimes I read something that makes me really miss living in New York. It was inevitable, really. I'm a New Yorker, doing--surprisingly--pretty well out here in La-La-Land, but I remain a New Yorker at heart. It's just that the heart in question belongs to a wonderful, handsome, funny, talented Hollywood man, so here I am living in crazy California, though my driver's license still says... Asparagirl 2004-06-04T14:36:36-08:00 THE CONTAMINATED ZONE To be filed under "things you don't want to think about but unfortunately should": "Only a matter of time before terrorists use "dirty bomb" PARIS (AFP) - Gloomy experts believe it is only a question of time before terrorists use a "dirty bomb," a device that would spew radioactive debris over a city, making parts of it uninhabitable for years, it was reported. International Atomic... Asparagirl 2004-06-04T09:52:38-08:00 VERILY, THOU DIDST GET SERVED... THUSLY I’ve come to the conclusion that one could compile quite the coffee table book of quotations in which one historical figure insults, demeans, belittles, and otherwise lashes out at another. Churchill, for example, described Mohandas K. Gandhi quite unfavorably, noting that… It is . . . nauseating to see Mr. Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer now posing as a fakir of a type well... Doctor Suarez 2004-06-02T10:39:18-08:00 SUCH A (NOT-SO-)NICE (NOT-SO-)JEWISH BOY Proving the old adage that sometimes the biggest anti-semite is just a self-hating Jew, one of the FBI's new "BOLO" (Be On the Look Out) terrorism suspects is an Islamic convert named Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, a.k.a. Abu Suhayb, a.k.a. Yihya Majadin Adams, a.k.a. Adam Yahiye Gadahn, a.k.a. Adam Pearlman. Yep, you read that right. Curiousity piqued, I poked around on the Net for more clues... Asparagirl 2004-05-28T23:51:48-08:00 GREASE MONKEY SHINES Blogging will be light until today's computer overhaul has been completed. I and my trusty pal Vik will be wiping the system clean, swapping out the GeForce FX 5200 for an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, patching in a new ~120 GB Hard Drive and moving the current 40 Gig drive into the slave postion, and then, of course, playing Vice City on as high a... Doctor Suarez 2004-05-28T09:02:32-08:00 FOR KEVIN (This was originally a comment in response to this comment by Kevin on this post by yours truly. It got too long for the comments section so I'm creating a new post for it. You should probably go read that stuff first for context.) worst president ever. how can this be disputed? Um, by simply saying that while I won't be voting for him this... Asparagirl 2004-05-26T16:29:24-08:00 SO LONG, DOC Babylon 5 actor Richard Biggs has died of what appears to be either an aneurysm or a stroke. I only mention this because a friend and I encountered him while watching a street performer in Amsterdam. My friend, who was already watching the show at the time, (this was 1996,) approached him, and he graciously sat us down at an outdoor cafe to discuss our... Doctor Suarez 2004-05-25T16:07:48-08:00 MULTI-LINGUAL WEBSITE SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS? I wanted to repost here a question I asked of AskMetafilter last night: I'm looking for advice on creating and maintaining a large multi-lingual website--or rather, a large English-only site that's going multi-lingual soon, once we start capturing our users' language preferences via a self-registration form and putting that into a cookie. Or is it better to detect the browser's settings? Or something else? Any... Asparagirl 2004-05-25T12:09:52-08:00 GRAFITTI ON OUR BLOG We've been in Las Vegas for the past few days, visiting family who are in town for the big annual commercial real estate convention there, and so weren't able to defend the blog from having grafitti such as this scrawled in our comments section: "FUCK FUCK JEWS FUCK ISRAEL FUCK USA AND FUCK ZIONIST PIGS FUCK SHARON AND THIS MOTHERFUCKING PORK OF BUCH & Cie... Asparagirl 2004-05-24T17:59:01-08:00 MAY, WHEN FLOWERS BLOOM, YARDWORK STARTS... ... and bad TV shows peek out from under the soil and spread their leaves in the sun. For actors, this means they can't speak to their friends, take trips or eat solid foods. For writers like myself and my intrepid partner, it's a little less stressful, but no less important. Not only are we competing with other unemployed or first-time Staff Writers, but also... Doctor Suarez 2004-05-20T12:35:48-08:00