Thomas W. Laqueur
3229 Dwinelle Hall
BA, Swarthmore College (Hons. Philosophy)
Princeton University, 1967-68, M.A. (with distinction 1969)
Princeton University, 1969-71, Ph.D. (1973)
Nuffield College, Oxford University (1971-73)
Teaching Experience:
Instructor in Social Sciences, Concord College, Athens, West Virginia,
Assistant, Associate, Full Professor of History, University of
California, Berkeley, 1973-
Director, Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities, UCB, 1992-95
Selected Publications:
Religion and Respectability:
Sunday Schools and Working Class Culture, 1780-1850 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976).
Catherine Gallagher and Thomas Laqueur, edited with introduction,
The Making of the Modern Body (Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of California Press 1987)
Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud
(Harvard University Press, 1990).(French translation with new introduction,
Gallimard, 1992; German translation, Campus Verlag, 1992; Italian,
Laterza, 1992; Spanish 1994; Swedish, 1995; Portuguese Lisbon 1997,
Brazil 1998; Japanese 1998; Chinese, 1999; Rumanian, Korean, and
Hungarian translations in progress).
Classes or Syllabi on-line:
None at this time
History Site
"Literacy and Social Mobility in the Industrial Revolution
in England," Past and Present, no. 64, August 1984,
pp. 96-107
"Working Class Demand and the Growth of Elementary Education1750-1850"
in Lawrence Stone, ed., Education and Society (John Hopkins
University, 1976)
"The Cultural Origins of Popular Literacy in England, 1500-1850,"
Oxford Review of Education , vol. 2, no. 3, 1976, pp.255-275
"John Bull and the Ideology and Symbolism of Legitimation
in England, 1792-1799," The Consortium on Revolutionary
Europe Proceedings, Owen Connelly, ed., Athens, Georgia, 1979,
pp. 271-280
"The Queen Caroline Affair: Politics as Art in the Reign
of George IV," Journal of Modern History, September
1982, pp. 417-466
"Bodies, Death and Pauper Funerals," Representations,
University of California Press, January 1983
"Toward a Cultural Ecology of Literacy, 1600-1850"
in Daniel Resnik, ed. Literacy in Historical Perspective
(Library of Congress, 1983)
"Orgasm, Generation, and the Politics of Reproductive Biology,"
Representations 14, Spring 1986 (variously reprinted)
"Amor Veneris, vel Dulcedo Appeletur," in Michel Faher,
et. al. editors, Fragments Toward a History of the Body
(Zone Books, 1989) 5, 91-131
"The Social Evil, the Solitary Vice, and Pouring Tea,"
in Michel Faher, et. al. editors, Fragments Toward a History
of the Body (Zone Books, 1989)5, 334-342 (variously reprinted)
"Bodies, Details, and the Humanitarian Narrative,"
Lynn Hunt, ed. The New Cultural History (Berkeley and Los
Angeles: University of California Press, 1989) 176-204 (translated
into Japanese, French, Portuguese)
"Crowds, Carnival, and the State in English Executions,
1604-1868," Lee Beier, David Cannadine, and James Rosenheim,
eds., The First Modern Society: Essays in Honor of Lawrence
Stone (Cambridge University Press, 1989)
"The Facts of Fatherhood" in Evelyn Fox-Keller and
Maryanne Hirsch, eds. Debates in Feminism (Routledge, 1990)
and variously reprinted
"Sex, Gender, and Desire in the Industrial Revolution,"
in Patrick O'Brien and Roland Quinault, eds, The Industrial
Revolution and British Society: Festschrift for R.M. Hartwell
(Cambridge University Press, 1993)
"Sexual Desire and the Market Economy during the Industrial
Revolution" in Domna Stanton, ed. Histories of Sexuality
(University of Michigan Press, 1992)
"Cemeteries, Religion, and the Culture of Capitalism,"
in Colin Mathews and Jane Garnett, eds. Revival and Religion
since 1700 (London: The Hambledon Press, 1993)
"Memory and Naming in the Great War" in John Gillis,
ed. Memory and Commemoration (Princeton University Press,
"Introduction" [with Carla Hesse] to "National
Cultures before Nationalism" Representations Fall,
1994 (special issue)
"Credit, Novels, Masturbation," in Choreographing
History, ed. Susan Foster, University of Indiana Press, 1995
"Names, Bodies, and the Anxiety of Erasure" in The
social and political body, Theodore R. Schatzki, Wolfgang
Natter, editors New York : Guilford Press, 1996.)
"Forward" to Sylvie-Anne Goldberg, Crossing the Jabbok
(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996)
ix-xiv. (On death in central European Jewish communities)
"Jeu de Corps/jeu d'esprit" Paletten 2-3/96,
nr 225-26, August 1997, Malmo Academy of Art
"From the Body of the King to the Names of the People"
(in German) in Bilder der Nation, Ulrich Bielefeld und
Gisela Engel, eds. (Hamburg, 1998)
"L'Homme, L'Humanitaire et La Categorie de L'Humain au
xviii siecle" in Claude Calame and Mondher Kilani, ed, La
Fabrication de l'humaine dans les culture et en anthropologie
(Lausanne: Etudes de Lettres, 1998)
"Onanie und Geschlect" in Ursala Pasero and Frederike
Bruan, ed Wahnrnung und Herstellung von Geschlecht (Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1999)
"'From Generation to Generation:' Imagining Connectedness
in the Age of Reproductive Technologies" in Paul Brodwin,
ed. Biotechnology and Culture: Bodies, Anxieties, Ethics
(Bloomington University of Indiana Press, 2000)
"The Dead Body and Human Rights" forthcoming in Ian
Hodder, edited, Darwin Lectures 1999 (forthcoming Cambridge
University Press, 2001) (A short version has appeared in Times
Higher Education Supplement, March, 1999)
"Introduction" to the special issue of Representations
on Memory, Winter 2000
" 'Dying Well' and the Doctors" in Susanna Elm and
Stephan Wilich, MD.,eds. Medicine in the New Millennium,
Kwasar Academic Publishing, Amsterdam, forthcoming 2001.
"The Place of the Dead in Modernity" in Dror Warhman
and Colin Jones, eds, Age of Cultural Revolutions (University
of California Press, forthcoming 2001)
"Introduction" to Susan Brownell and Jeffrey Wassertrom,
ed. Sexuality and Gender in Chinese History (forthcoming,
2001, University of California Press)
Longer reviews, review essays, and occasional
"English and French Education in the Nineteenth Century,"
History of Education Quarterly, Spring 1972, pp. 53-58
"The John Johnson Collection" (a bibliographical note,
History Workshop Issue 4, Autumn 1977
Philip McCann, ed., Popular Education and Society, in
Social History, January 1979, vol. 4, no. l, pp. 129-143
David Stannard, The Puritan Way of Death, in Journal
of Social History, Winter 1979, pp. 338-342
James Obelkevich, Religion and Rural Society South Lindsey,
1825-1875, in Journal of Social History, 12:4, Summer
1979, pp. 637-642
Michael Ignatieff, A Just Measure of Pain, Social
History, 6:3, Oct., 1981, pp. 384-386
"Clio Among the Doctors," Threepenny Review,
no. 9, spring 1982 (and variously reprinted)
"Clio Among the Old Folks" Threepenny Review,
Spring 1984
"The White Visibility of the Dead" University Publishing,
Summer 1984
"Viral Cultures" (a review of Mirko D. Grmek's History
of AIDS and Claude Quetel History of Syphilis) New
Republic, July 8, 1991, pp 36-41
"History under the Skin," a review essay of Barbara
Duden, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Spring 1993.
"Clio Looks at Corporal Politics," in Corporal
Politics, (MIT List Visual Arts Center and Beacon Press, Boston,
"It's not Cricket" review of "The Crying Game,"
Threepenny Review, March 1993
Review of "Oleanna," Threepenny Review, Fall,1994
Contribution to Symposium on Laura Engelstein, The Keys to
Happiness, ed. Irina Paperno, Slavic Review, Fall 1994
"The Holocaust Museum" The Threepenny Review,
Winter 1994 (translated into Roumanian, Dilema, 11-17 Nov. 1994)
"Closing Time" [review essay of Sherwin Nuland, "How
We Die"], London Review of Books, 18 August, 1994
"Smoking and Nothingness",[ review essay on the cultural
history of tobacco] New Republic, Sept. 17-24, 1995
"The Facts of Life" [review essay of Lesley Hall and
Roy Porter, Sexual Knowledge, London Review of Books,
Feb. 15, 1996
"The Past's Past," London Review of Books,
18, 18, Sept. 1996 (translated into Swedish and Portuguese)
"The Sound of Voices Intoning Names" London Review
of Books, 19, 1, 5 June 1997 (translated into Dutch)
"Sexual Behavior in the Social Scientist," (Review
of J. H. Jones, Alfred Kinsey: A Public Private Life) Slate,
Nov. 4, 1997
"The Troubled Marriage of Poles and Jews" (Review
of Eva Hoffmann, Shetl and Dan Jacobson, Heshel's Kingdom,
London Review of Books, May 1998
"Medicomania" London Review of Books, 21, 15,
19 July 1999
"Pint for Pint: The Price of Blood", London Review
of Books, 21, 20, 14 October 1999
"Dogs Eye View" Threepenny Review, Winter 1999
"Species and Genius"( Review of Lisbet Koerner, Linnaeus
: Nature and Nation) New Republic (June 5, 2000):35.
"On Death Row" London Review of Books, 22, 19,
5 October 2000
"A Symposium on the Weird, the Strange and the Uncanny"
Threepenny Review, Spring 2001
Short Reviews:
Numerous short reviews in the American Historical Review,
Social History of Medicine, Bulletin of the History of Medicine,
Isis, Journal of Social History, Victorian Studies, School Review,
History Teacher, Renaissance Quarterly, Journal of Library History,
Journal of Modern History, Eighteenth Century Studies, Social
History, Nineteenth Century Contexts, The San Jose Mercury, The
Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Times Higher Education
Honors, Awards:
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1967-68
Princeton University Fellowship, 1969-71
Nuffield College, Oxford, Studentship, 1971-73
Berkeley Institute for International Studies Grant and Regents'
Junior Faculty Fellowship, 1973-76
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, 1976- 77, 1990-1991
American Council of Learned Societies Training Fellow (Medicine),
1980-81; Senior Fellowship, 1983, 1990-91 (both declined)
Director, NEH Summer Seminar, 1982
Lowe Prize of the North American Conference on British Studies
for the best article in the field of British Studies, 1983
Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities, 1983-84
Directeur des Etudes, Ecole Des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 1989
Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, 1990-91
Frehling Visiting Professorship, Institute for the Humanities,
University of Michigan, Oct-Nov., 1990
Distinguished Visiting Humanist, Northwestern University Center
for the Humanities, May 1993
Ashworth Lecturer, University of Melbourne, July 1993
Hearst Professor of English, Washington University, St. Louis,
Spring semester 1995
Kreisel Lecturer, University of Alberta, Spring 1998
Darwin Lecture, Cambridge University, Spring 1999
Fellow, National Academy of Arts and Science, 1999-
Hewlitt Foundation grant for developing a course with UCSF-Berkeley
Joint Medical Program on "Death in History and Today"
Berglund Senior Fellow, National Humanities Center, 2000-2001
Editorial Boards:
Representations; Sexualities; Cambridge University
Press series on social theory
Birthdate: September 6, 1945
Istanbul, Turkey