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Autumn Leaf Faerie Necklace (last time, I promise) [22 Oct 2004|11:04pm]

Again, I really hate posting about my auctions...
But I have listed my LAST TWO Autumn Leaf Faerie necklaces in my eBay store(I just opened one!) at a set price. The auction I had last week ended at a shocking $30.00, so if you need one for your costume you can "buy it now" at 1/2 the previous ending price and I can ship it out just in time before Halloween.
Heres the link:;=20158&item;=3756950637

(sorry I cross posted in like one other faerie community
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Faery Pixs [22 Oct 2004|07:07pm]
[ music | Adema-Givin In ]

If anyone knoes any good websites I could go to for inspiration to help me in drawing faeries, I would seriously appriciate it or if you know any other good faery artists like Amy Brown that would be great also.I have just recently joined this communtiy but have had a love for faeries since I was very young and still love them very much. OK well thanks alot.

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[21 Oct 2004|09:41am]

I've just added my new 2005 Calenders onto Ebay. You can get these at
Faerie Calender
title or description
title or description
title or description
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Muahaha [20 Oct 2004|05:24pm]

The custom of dressing in costume and 'trick-or-treating' is of Celtic origin with survivals particularly strong in Scotland. However, there are some important differences from the modern version. In the first place, the custom was not relegated to children, but was actively indulged in by adults as well. Also, the 'treat' which was required was often one of spirits (the liquid variety). This has recently been revived by college students who go 'trick-or-drinking'.
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Halloween Jack (x-posted) [19 Oct 2004|03:54pm]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Dreadzone~Canterbury Tale ]

Just wanted to share my newest Halloween painting. He's up for auction and I'll be offering him as a print in my eBay store for $7 soon.
Each year in Ireland, on All Hallows Eve,a tale that has been whispered through generations, is told of a man named Jack.
Banished from both heaven and hell, his plight is to wander as an immortal for all eternity.
Here, Jack stoops on a graveyard tomb, beneath a withering oak, shedding bitter tears like fallen leaves,for the parody his existence has become, and for loves lost through the centuries.

I've called it 'The Gods forgot they made me' and it was a nice oppurtunity to paint on a circular canvas, though scanning and piecing it together was possibly the biggest head trip I've had since trigonomotry.
My fiance [info]la_lune says Jack looks a little like me-I guess the weathered look is me, though thankfully my hair hasn't turned white just yet.

The auction link is below:;=3755841476

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Another layout ::winter's time :: [19 Oct 2004|12:13pm]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Re del blu re del mai ]

I've changed my's not totally complete but I hope I'll work again and again......all suggestions are welcome!!


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Amy Brown [18 Oct 2004|11:54pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Aerosmith 'Angel' ]

I have recently discovered I have a fae back gound and that you can find me mostly in Amy Brown's art, there are a few pics that my cousin laughs and says I just changed cloths and went back saying "look at me, Look at me" or at least I changed my Corset LOL

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[19 Oct 2004|12:41am]

[ mood | awake ]

The following Original paintings(9X12 acrylics on canvas sheet) are now relisted on Ebay.


There's another pic behind the cut.
Read more... )

Thank you for checking out and be well.
Rowena----Furst Warlock Productions

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[18 Oct 2004|06:56am]


here's the wings i mentioned.... it's a doll... hahaha...



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Goblin Masquerade Ball!!! (portland oregon) [18 Oct 2004|02:52am]

Okay, wow, I figured this would be posted by now!

To celebrate Brian Froud and Ari Berk's new book, "Goblins!", Imaginosis is putting on a Goblin Masquerade Ball, in Portland, Oregon!

I encourage you all to come, if you can make it! If you can, I'm going to be a vendor! Come say hi! I'll be Handcrafted Faery Wear. :D
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[16 Oct 2004|11:11pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

So I was wondering to all you who make fairy wings out there...what kind of fabric do you use? A lot of people say that pantyhose is great...and I've tried that before several times but it always ended up distorting my I have this fabric called organza...its really nice...its fairyesque I guess you could say...but I was wondering if you know a really good material that works well or what not? Stuff to stay away from...or if there really is a special way to use pantyhose and I'm just ignorant to it lol. Yeah...I just started out with making wings so yeah...whats the good fabric to use? Thanks everyone :)

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Faerie-sized faeries [16 Oct 2004|08:53pm]

I love all these dresses but I've got a problem! Are there any things out there for small faeries? I don't know if those my size experience this, but it is near impossible to find faerie things for petit (4"11-5"3) women who are not stick skinny. I happen to range from small to large (39-26-38) and never find faerie dresses. Any suggestions
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Promotion [16 Oct 2004|10:53pm]

[ mood | chipper ]

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[16 Oct 2004|01:44pm]

Here are two fairies that both incorporate moons and stars.

Click on the thumbnail to go to the full picture.

Slumber Time

Kayley Starshine
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new wings [15 Oct 2004|10:18pm]

Hello everyone, just wanted to show you all my newest wings! I am really really happy with the way they turned out. I am selling them, but if they don't sell by halloween, I am wearing them! Let me know what you think!

Here is where they are on my website. I will post some pictures of them on as soon as I have some!
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[15 Oct 2004|06:56pm]

Hi everyone!

I finished this last night and thought I'd post it here as I haven't added anything here for a while.....This is only a practise piece but I thought she was sweet! Its called Midnight Mushroom and can be seen under the lj cut!

Please go to my gallery to comment and rate any of the art I've got stashed there and if that doesn't work, go to and search for Rubyg, you'll find me!

Read more... )
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Gentle Magick... [14 Oct 2004|12:21am]

I think this may be the first faery that I have painted with wings in a looooong time!

Click here for more details on "Moonflower"

I hope you enjoy her gentle magick:)
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[13 Oct 2004|04:53pm]

for those who are new to the craft:
please join [info]_yearandaday, a witchcraft study group
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[12 Oct 2004|02:08am]

Hi! I wandered into this community and am charmed by the vibe here. The art is wonderful.

I made a quiz of my own fae art, if you'd like to check it out here.

This is my result:)
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Fallen... [11 Oct 2004|09:41am]

[ mood | accomplished ]


Listed here:;=3754387893

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