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*Glam _ Trash's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in *Glam _ Trash's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
    9:44 pm
    Does anyone post here anymore?
    title or description

    Less glam than trash. )
    Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
    6:46 am
    red-the color of the moment

    well i got bored when preparing for spirit week.for class color day i havta wear red.YAY,its a good color for well yeah i took pics...Read more... )

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: 12 stones - crash

    Monday, October 11th, 2004
    10:42 pm
    Do you want to make new friends who are honest and actually care about your thoughts?

    Join [info]goodlookin123 not only a rating community on personal apperance but also on your thoughts and interest

    Join Today! next 2 people who fill out a application and joins gets accepted :D

    9:09 pm
    showing off some new wigs

    halloween is everyday )

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: ministry
    # 1 | glamorous
    Saturday, October 9th, 2004
    8:10 am
    is angered

    ok i've been lookin around for ever for a fricken leopard print cowboy hat or a black straw cowboy hat.the only place i found the leopard print one was in cali and i dont live there anymore.and the straw ones i can find on but i am cheap and dont wanna spend $32 on a hat hence me not buying either when i lived in cali.i found a similar straw hat at a local store here but it is $ my kwestion is do you kidds know where i might be able to find one?i ask cus i cant find any on ebay and i hoped that im not the only one who thinks they are awsome.

    here is a pic of the kind of cowboy hats at hot topic

    clicky )

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: slipknot - prothetics

    # 2 | glamorous
    Thursday, October 8th, 2015
    8:06 pm
    Do I look cute ?

    mpfffffff.... not really sure.
    Friday, October 8th, 2004
    11:58 am
    Finally Got Majority of my Halloween Auctions Up for All you Girlie Girls
    Hope you enjoy, International Bidder Welcome! Terrible Collage Sorry! Colors are brighter on auction page.

    Thursday, September 30th, 2004
    2:26 pm
    I have some outdated&unused; pictures&unseen; too. I just figured you'd appreciate them; Nothing too clever this time. I took most of these of [info]astridhaven & a few friends; Some I'm proud of, some are extra's, so, I just figured you'd like to see it.

    Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try

    No hell below us Above us only sky

    Imagine all the people living for today...... )
    # 7 | glamorous
    Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
    11:12 pm
    BUY MY STUFF!!!!!!
    OK I've listed some more bay stuff HERE Please check it out. I'll be adding more soon as I race against time to avoid bouncing checks, so check back.

    XX Cross Posted XX

    Current Mood: determined
    3:09 am

    sorry if it sucks,all my pictures are self done,and i still cant figure my timer >_<

    Current Music: miss kitten and the hecker-fuck me im famous
    Sunday, September 26th, 2004
    2:51 pm


    A place for all the likes of frankenstein girls, ghoulie girlies, scream queens, chainsaw chicks, horror whores, etc. Monster BOYS are welcome here too ;). Post anything you'd like from pictures to promotions for movies, conventions, ebay sales, webstores, websites, tours, etc. Not a rating community, everyone is welcome! Please join and help us grow!!!

    NOTE:  [To prevent the spamming of communities in other communities I'd like to put a banner of wherever I promote us in the user info. If I cannot find a banner, I'll use the community icon and a short description.]
    Saturday, September 25th, 2004
    2:13 pm

    Actually--I'm quite blue. heh

    Having fun. If having blue results in me having no chin and a blue face--so be it. ;D

    don't start singing that song )
    # 10 | glamorous
    Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
    6:02 pm
    New Pics and Music Link
    My band

    MORE )
    # 2 | glamorous
    4:32 pm
    wowzah! your all so so pwittyfull!

    anyway i just joined...check out my profiles if you want to know more about me
    kinkysixx and lieutenant_13..

    rock the boat

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: cinderella - push push
    # 2 | glamorous
    Monday, September 20th, 2004
    9:47 pm
    Hey there fellow rockstars and starlettes, just a lil pic to let you know i havent died from an overdose yet. Keep rockin!

    Read more... )

    Current Music: Kiss - Lick it Up
    # 10 | glamorous
    10:17 am
    from bar sinsiter on saturday night
    11:31 am
    Rub my comments on your c*nt
    hey again,
    sorry, but i like my reds and pinks. ::shrugs:: get use to it.

    btw, my posts will be randomness at best. and from now on i will lj cut them, that way, its easy to skip over if you hate the vanity.
    so that means---
    1: if you don't like me, don't bother to read them.
    2: i'm vulgar as fuck--- so if you don't like it, don't bother to read them.
    and it goes on from there.

    The Beast you Love to Hate )

    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: teenage prostitue-gwar
    # 2 | glamorous
    Sunday, September 19th, 2004
    10:49 pm
    6:05 pm
    Saturday, September 18th, 2004
    7:31 pm
    My second shoot with Dustin Hall. I adore this guy--him and his wife ROCK!
    To see the rest, check out my journal: [info]scary_mary

    Again, I apologize for the bad quality. It was a result of uploading--not the photographer!

    and you'll never get this back )
    # 10 | glamorous
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