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[21 Aug 2004|05:00pm]

sinmachine is mailing out free demos. If you would like one just send an email with your name and address to

visit for more info.

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TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!! [18 Aug 2004|10:48am]


Wednesday, September 22
Darque Productions presents
Metropolis Recording artist

with UV (BLC Productions, Cleveland, OH)

at Alvin's
5756 Cass ave.
Detroit, MI. Doors @ 9PM, 18+

This is Icon of Coil's first ever Detroit performance not to be missed!!

Tickets: U.S.$14.00 or $17.00 at door

Tickets available at:
Noir Leather (Royal Oak)
Rock Of Ages (Garden City)

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TONIGHT Aug 12. 2004 [12 Aug 2004|01:57pm]


Psyche w/ Ayria
August 12 at The Labyrinth
Doors at 9pm   $10 Cover    18 +    21 + to drink for more info

Located in Bochum, Germany, the synthpop duo Psyche has been making music for 20 years. Featuring Darrin Huss on vocals and Remi Szyszka on synths, Psyche simply makes marvelous synthetic pop music. Ranging in themes from the meaning of art to the state of the internet, and drawing heavily on their history as well as history in general, the music is thought-provoking and engaging. The result is a fantastic array of material, from pumping floor-fillers to ambient piano pieces to funky radio pop.

Psyche has released two studio albums, one remix album, a best of, and an EP on ArtofFact records and has been involved in over 100 remixes and compilation appearances during their long career. When they are not in the studio, the duo is constantly touring, playing for fans in dozens of countries every year.

Ayria is the electronic project of ex-Epsilon Minus singer Jennifer Parkin. The idea for Ayria began to take shape in January, 2003. Soon the project became mainly a collaboration of both Shaun Frandsen (of Seattle based Glis) and Jennifer Parkin (Toronto, Canada) who saw the album through to completion in September, 2003. Other musicians featured on the upcoming debut album, entitled "Debris", include Iris (Diffusion Records), Delobbo (Rubin Roche), Massiv In Mensch (Artofact Records) and DJ Ram (Virtual Server). Ayria's "Debris" was released November 7th, 2003 on Alfa Matrix and has since been receiving excellent reviews.

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DJ S@iN+ at Necto for Factory night [11 Aug 2004|11:53am]

[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | Neuroticfish - "The Bomb" ]

August 16
Necto Nightclub | Ann Arbor, MI

Join the Necto and DJ Jinx in a send off to DJ
before he travels to spin at the
UK's premeir festival of electronic music

Those who haven't been back to A2 in a while may recall this staple as the Nectarine Ballroom. Names might change, but the Necto's reputation as "the only place to dance in Ann Arbor" maintains. Necto is a veritable garden of electronic delights, with its stunning lights and sick, sick sound system. Both the main room, and the downstairs Red Room come alive with DJ performances. Necto is loud with an epicenter of a dance floor.

10 p.m. - 2:00 a.m
(DJ SaiN+ 12:00 - 2:00 a.m.)
$2.00 cover

feel free to crosspost

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This THURSDAY [09 Aug 2004|11:21am]


Psyche w/ Ayria
August 12
[this THURSDAY!!!)
at The Labyrinth
Doors at 9pm     $10 Cover     18 +      21 + to drink

Also Storming the Base distribution will be on hand selling merchandise!!!!
For music fans who have had a hard time finding the latest and best releases in the elektro-ebm-trance-futurepop-powernoise-industrial scene, Storming the Base distribution will have a great selection of CD's, T-shirts and more for you to purchase from a wide variety of labels and musical genres.  For music fans who have been looking for a fix since the closing of East Alley Records and Culture Shock, the search is over.

::artist overviews::
Located in Bochum, Germany, the synthpop duo Psyche has been making music for 20 years. Featuring Darrin Huss on vocals and Remi Szyszka on synths, Psyche simply makes marvelous synthetic pop music. Ranging in themes from the meaning of art to the state of the internet, and drawing heavily on their history as well as history in general, the music is thought-provoking and engaging. The result is a fantastic array of material, from pumping floor-fillers ("Sanctuary", "The Quickening", "The Outsider") to ambient piano pieces to funky radio pop.

Psyche has released two studio albums, one remix album, a best of, and an EP on ArtofFact records and has been involved in over 100 remixes and compilation appearances during their long career. When they are not in the studio, the duo is constantly touring, playing for fans in dozens of countries every year.

Ayria is the electronic project of ex-Epsilon Minus singer Jennifer Parkin. The idea for Ayria began to take shape in January, 2003. Soon the project became mainly a collaboration of both Shaun Frandsen (of Seattle based Glis) and Jennifer Parkin (Toronto, Canada) who saw the album through to completion in September, 2003. Other musicians featured on the debut album, entitled "Debris", include Iris (Diffusion Records), Delobbo (Rubin Roche), Massiv In Mensch (Artofact Records) and DJ Ram (Virtual Server). Ayria's "Debris" was released November 7th, 2003 on Alfa Matrix and has since been receiving excellent reviews.

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[08 Aug 2004|02:43pm]

For those who may be interested... has reopened it's applications

In other news, the message boards are still free. (And best of all, they don't send you spam either.)

But..what's MJ have to offer? 18+ only behind cut. (adult content )
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ANTI-FLAG [06 Aug 2004|10:49am]




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sinmachine [05 Aug 2004|05:49pm]

Industrial act, sinmachine will be performing at X-cel Nightclub on friday aug.13th.
This should be messy..

for more info, visit

Best regards and glass shards,
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::Struktur:: RIP [23 Jul 2004|04:45pm]

As of 7.22.04 ::Struktur:: at the Cavern Club is no longer.

Last night after the club had shut down and after 2 weeks of poor attendance where the crowd emptied at 1:15 am, the clubs owner and myself sat down and discussed many alternatives. Failures to compromise and unable to come to an understanding on certain issues, a mutual decision was made to conclude Thursday nights ::Struktur::

Strange thing – there’s not a bitter feeling. Beginning with few expectations, as well as knowing the history of every other startup/failed industrial-goth night in Ann Arbor (save for the historic Necto), there was never any anticipation that the night would last beyond maybe a month’s time. It lasted close to 6 months – on a Thursday, in a town whose elektro scene is small yet dedicated.

::Struktur:: provided a key opportunity to learn many things.
First it was a moment to build a night basically from scratch with a free-form format of “so long as it is electronic, anything goes”. It was nice to build a night such as ::struktur:: and take many ideas and visions and make them reality. Many who visited ::Struktur:: commented on how cool the place was and became regulars. It was nice to be able to try different things such as guest dj’s, release parties, special dj nights as well as live performances. Was often quipped that ::Struktur:: was the testing ground for things to later play at City Club and many times sets from ::Struktur:: would far best those played at City.

Likewise the night taught the hard lessons that unless a venue/management is 100% behind a DJ, in full support, it is extremely difficult to make a club night grow. There was always an issue to advertising in the local papers or via flyers/postcards. “Too much money” the owner would say. One can only do so much via word of mouth advertising/message board posting and it’s the belief that failure to advertise really did the night in. Also management really had no idea what to expect from a Thursday night crowd and just how to cater to the goth/industrial scene. The owner was always ambitious in thinking 100+ attendance was a reasonable goal to achieve and completely ignored the devoted who made that night. It was a constant struggle of a bar owner wanting to only make money versus a DJ who simply wanted to play music and build something over time, yet each one of us could see the reasoning in what we did – but never could come to a compromise. Offers to split ad cost, host a web site and every other option to make the night successful were met with shrugged shoulders.

In the end and after some reflection over a few beers at lunch (LOL), ::Struktur:: offered a lot. It was a stepping-stone for DJ Jinx to launch his successful Monday Factory nights out at Necto, which you all are encouraged to support whole-heartedly. It personally gave me the great fortune of meeting my girlfriend. Other ‘love connections’ generated from people meeting there on Thursday nights.

Would like to take this opportunity to thank those who attended and gave their overwhelming support to the night and fostered it’s development. Much thanks to Mike and Joey - Street Team. Thanks to all the guest DJ’s who came out to spin – it was a thrill to DJ with you all. Thanks to the live bands that gave entertaining performances. Finally thanks to those who made request, talked music, laughed, shared, etc… – all things that made the night unique and forever memorable. There are enough memories to last a good long while.

So what’s next then?
In Ann Arbor – support Factory, Monday nights at Necto with DJ Jinx. If the crowd picks up to 200+ people –and it’s nearly there- they may open the basement area and the chance of DJing downstairs with DJ Jinx still upstairs, may become a likelihood.

In Detroit – Alternate spots at City Club will still occur. Next fill-in spot is this Saturday the 24th - closing shift.

On internet radio –

There’s the trip to the UK to DJ at Infest at the end of August…

No matter what and where, get out and support the scene. Things don’t last forever so support them while the exist and while you can.

Thanks again everyone

Forever looking forward
-Marc C.

DJ Sain+
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HELP! [22 Jul 2004|05:26pm]

Hey, I'm Bosco and I'll be Minister of Sound at the August 14 Noir show at the tavern on the park. Problem is the boss man told me "play industrial, dark, and goth stuff". Ok, I know New Wave, not industrial. What would you want to hear?
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Thursdays in Ann Arbor [22 Jul 2004|10:02am]


::S T R U K T U R::
elektro | ebm | future synth pop | industrial |
noise | schranz techno | trance + MORE

Each and every Thursday
10 pm - 2am
Cover: $3.00

@ The Cavern Club
210 S. First St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
[next to the Blind Pig and Millennium Club]
enter through wrought iron gates, walk down slope, entrance on right hand side

Some spy photos from Mechanikal Ver. 1 and earlier from the inside of the club can be found here:
Yes it's generally that dark inside! They're Caverns!!!   Thanks to [info]crashsite68  for the photos

PLENTY of NEW music to play this week as always
alongside all your usual request and favorites.
Gearing up and getting ready to spin in the UK at Infest
In the next few weeks we'll be doing concert ticket giveaways for
Psyche w/Ayria, Manufactura vs. Terrorfakt, Cruxshadows w/ Entluften
Icon of Coil and more.

CD Release parties in the works now as well.

Join us please

DJ S@iN+

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[15 Jul 2004|11:14am]


A reminder:
::S T R U K T U R::
elektro | ebm | future synth pop | industrial |
noise | schranz techno | trance + MORE

Each and every Thursday
10 pm - 2am
Cover: $3.00

@ The Cavern Club
210 S. First St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
[next to the Blind Pig and Millennium Club]
enter through wrought iron gates, walk down slope, entrance on right hand side

This week: 
click for more info >>

DJ Saint and DJ John Pohl at City Club
Not sure just yet who has the opener and who has the closer... (John info please???)
Both Pohl and I have been wanting to DJ a night together for quite some time and I predict this night to be VERY memorable with a strong emphasis placed on the harder bands (Hocico, Suicide Commando, ::Wumpscut::, E-Craft, Amduscia, etc...)  So if that's your thing then head out and yes you can also expect to hear the usual favorites as well. 

Im Rhythmus Bleiben!


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Hey All! [12 Jul 2004|12:51pm]

[ mood | artistic ]

I thought I'd pimp my Labyrinth community :P YOu don't have to join, but I would really appreciate some suggestions on what our theme should be. For instance there is a Labyrinth Icon based community, so we need something to offer as well...Feel free to leave a comment, email me or join the community and post something! Thanks for reading :P Love, Kirsten


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::STRUKTUR:: A2 Tonight w/Humachine - LIVE- [08 Jul 2004|10:06am]

::S T R U K T U R::
elektro | ebm | future synth pop | industrial |
noise | schranz techno | trance + MORE

Each and every Thursday
10 pm - 2am
Cover: $3.00

@ The Cavern Club
210 S. First St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
[next to the Blind Pig and Millennium Club]
enter through wrought iron gates, walk down slope, entrance on right hand side

This week:
a live performance by


One of the newer bands on the Detroit electronic music circuit the two man band fabricate a straight ahead harsh brand of electro-industrial rock comparible to Chemlab, Haloblack, Unit 187, 16 Volt, Hate Dept., and more...

Music to remind you of the harder, angrier dance, gutter-tech influenced guitar industrial that will build you up and tear you down. Their track "Twitch" can be found on the Delectronict 3 compilation

Please come out and show your support.

DJ S@iN+ (site updated)
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GayLansing [03 Jul 2004|11:14am]

Hey everyone. I have started a new community for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people as well as gay friendly people in the Lansing Area.


Please feel free to join and promote.


Sorry this is X-posted.
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::STRUKTUR:: Thursday reminder [30 Jun 2004|03:15pm]

::S T R U K T U R::
elektro | ebm | future synth pop | industrial |
noise | schranz techno | trance + MORE

Each and every Thursday
10 pm - 2am
Cover: $3.00

@ The Cavern Club
210 S. First St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
[next to the Blind Pig and Millennium Club]
enter through wrought iron gates, walk down slope, entrance on right hand side

Inertia, Parallel Project, U-Turn 3 (Blank vs. Moonitor)
The Last Influence of Brain, DE/Vision and more
alongside all your usual request and favorites

Join us please

DJ S@iN+ (site updated)
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::Struktur:: a2 tonight reminder [24 Jun 2004|04:10pm]

elektro | ebm | future synth pop | industrial |
noise | schranz techno | trance + MORE

w/resident DJ S@iN+
Each and every Thursday
10 pm – 2am
Cover: $3.00

@ The Cavern Club
210 S. First St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
[next to the Blind Pig and Millennium Club]
enter through wrought iron gates,
walk down slope
entrance on right hand side

good to see everyone at Skinny Puppy last week. Hope to see many faces tonight at ::Struktur::

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August 6th - 9th [19 Jun 2004|05:53pm]

Is anything going on that weekend? Ill be in town and know Ill need to sneak away from
the "fam" at some point!

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Skinny Puppy after party @ Mephistos [17 Jun 2004|06:20am]


Also don't forget Bella Morte & Electrophile are playing Friday as well.
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