Li'l Mezcla's LiveJournal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in
Li'l Mezcla's LiveJournal:
Thursday, February 1st, 2001 | 10:46 pm |
Just Wanted To See.. I just wanna see what kinda little smiley face they put for the mood below (if they put one at all). LOL. Current Mood: hornyCurrent Music: I'm musicless right now. | 10:38 pm |
Yay! Yay! It's almost the weekend. Just one more day. And thank the Lord I have like no homework for the rest of the week. Nothing very interesting happened today.. except around 10 in the morning, the electricity went out. It's not supposed to go out around here, since we live by a fire station, so my mom said it musta been accidental. It stayed out for an hour, almost, and I was home alone. :-( Poor me. I had nothing to do. Like 10 minutes before the lights came back on, I got in bed (cuz it was freezing) and started to read a book. Four pages later, the lights come back on. LOL. Oh well. Atleast I didn't really need the electricity for anything important. I'm in a good mood today, and I don't really know why. Hehe. I guess it's because my homework is done. I've been laughing a lot.. but I guess that's nothing really new. I always laugh (if you know me and hang out with me, you would agree). Watched some really funny TV shows today. Feels good to laugh at other people. LOL. Well, you know what I mean. :-P That's all for tonight. See ya! Current Mood: cheerfulCurrent Music: None. Sorry. :-P | Wednesday, January 31st, 2001 | 10:00 pm |
Can't Think of a Subject I'm just gonna keep this short, cuz I'm tired, and I just don't feel like going into detail. Went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned today. Yay! No cavities. Hehe. Got Taco Bell for lunch. Then walked with my mom to PetsMart to pick up my doggy, Buddy, from the groomers. Came home and did some homework. Then just relaxed the rest of the day. That's about it. Oh, and if you didn't notice, I didn't write an entry yesterday, because nothing very interesting happened. So, that'll be the reason for when I don't make any entries. Well, off to bed early. Night!! Current Mood: okayCurrent Music: None right now. | Monday, January 29th, 2001 | 8:00 pm |
Just A Few More Hours-- Just a few more hours until it's Tuesday. Thank God. I read three chapters for English today in " Uncle Tom's Cabin. " We hafta read like.. 15 chapters this week. I hate reading books that schools make you read. The book may be good, but I hate being forced to read like a certain number of chapters each week and stuff. Oh well. Anyway.. I think I'm just gonna read more now so I can get that done early, too. -- On to the next subject. I think I'm gonna make a webpage with pictures of my doggies on it. Think that's a good idea? I do, even if you don't. Hehe. Well, I'm gonna read now. So.. Later! :-P Current Mood: aggravatedCurrent Music: E.I. by Nelly | 2:16 pm |
Mondays Suck Really wasn't much to do today, other than homework. Finished two Bible assigments (one left over for the rest of the week), a math assignment, all my Spanish, and probably gonna do some History pretty soon. Just watched " A Baby Story. " I don't think I ever wanna have a baby. Too painful looking. But who knows? I may change my mind when I get older. But I may end up adopting too. Anyway.. there's so many things that I want to do, but I don't think I have enough money for any of them. Hehe. Need to get my hair dyed (some pretty shade of brown, I need ideas, so give me some!), get my ears pierced, and my nails done. Nothing else really to say now, so.. if anything comes up, I'll letcha know.
Current Mood: accomplished Current Music: The " A Baby Story " Music. Hehe. | Sunday, January 28th, 2001 | 9:16 pm |
Just A Comment.. Do you know how sad it is to see how many missing children there are in the world right now? There's like.. 2558 missing right now or something. Just wanted to add that in, cuz I gained an interest in looking at the website when I'm bored. I feel so sorry for some of those kids. I also wonder why so many of them ran away from home and haven't returned for so long. Life sucks, huh? Current Mood: curiousCurrent Music: None, again! | 9:06 pm |
Boredom Today was, in short, uneventful. Went to church as usual, and nearly fell asleep. I stayed up a little too late last night, and had to get up early to get ready. Afterwards I came home, and did nothing at all. Other than watching a little TV and doing some homework, which really won't lighten up the work I have for this week. I think this was just about the most boring day I've ever had. Probably because everyone was off watching the Stupid.. I mean.. SuperBowl. :-P I guess I'm gonna get to bed early tonight. Try to finish my homework early again, so I can have the rest of the week off to do whatever. Peace, people! Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: None, cuz.. I'm watching TV. | Saturday, January 27th, 2001 | 11:05 pm |
A Tiny Bit More Interesting.. Today was actually a little more exciting than usual. I woke up pretty early, but there wasn't much to do, so I went back to bed at 10:30. Then my mom woke me back up around 1:45, because she didn't want me sleeping all day. Surprisingly, she wanted to do something this weekend, so we decided to go to the museum. [ Exciting, aren't we? ] It was something that would interest my dad too, because it was all classic cars there. So, that's what we did. Checked out the cars, had some dinner, fed the ducks while we ate, got some ice cream, and came home. It was pretty nice to get out and do something together. Yeah, I do like my parents. :-P I'd rather be doing something remotely interesting with them than becoming a pothead or a drunk. LOL. Anyway, I'm off for now. Current Mood: satisfiedCurrent Music: Snoop Dogg by Snoop Dogg [ Duh ] | 12:19 pm |
The Oh-So [ Un ] Interesting First Entry Hey there, to those who may have accidentally [ or purposely ] stumbled onto this. This is my first entry, obviously. It's going to be short, quick, and.. well.. just look at the subject line! :-P I have nothing really to put here yet, and probably won't have anything too exciting to say, but who knows? So, I'll keep ya posted. Current Mood: hyperCurrent Music: The Righteous Ones by Bone Thugs -n- Harmony |