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Thursday, May 27, 2004
WHAT THEY'RE SAYING: John Kerry's Iraq Speech

Sen. Cornyn Says Kerry's Rhetoric Doesn't "Match Reality." Sen. John Cornyn: "Only John Kerry could say that Iraq should be included in the War on Terror, vote to support the Iraq War Resolution and then boast of being an 'anti-war candidate.' Now he wants to 'internationalize' an effort that already involves NATO nations, the UN and over 30 coalition partners. Kerry’s rhetoric on Iraq simply doesn’t match reality."

Sen. Chambliss Says Kerry Offered Nothing But "Baseless Rhetoric And Anger." Sen. Saxby Chambliss: "Senator Kerry today argued for steps that are already in process. The fact of the matter is, NATO and the UN are involved in Iraqi reconstruction and training Iraqi forces to provide for their own security. The American people want steady leadership, not John Kerry’s baseless rhetoric and anger."

Rep. Hunter Says Kerry Is "For And Against" The President's Plan. Rep. Duncan Hunter: "John Kerry said he voted for the $87 billion funding for our troops in the field before he voted against it. Judging by his speech today, Kerry seems also to be both for and against the President's plan in Iraq. Kerry challenges the President's Iraq policy, but offers no alternatives beyond steps the President is already taking. Kerry says we should work with the UN--and we already are. Kerry says we should involve NATO--and we already have. Kerry says we should train Iraqi security forces--and we're doing that too."

Admiral Morris Says Troops In The Field "Pay The Price" For Kerry's Political Approach To Iraq. Admiral Thomas Morris, USN (Ret.): "Once again, John Kerry decided not to show the world that America is committed to achieving our objectives in Iraq. American voters recognize that Kerry has made the political calculation that he doesn't stand a chance in this race unless he attacks the President on Iraq policy, but the enemies of freedom misinterpret his words and are emboldened by his rhetoric. It's our troops in the field who pay the price while Kerry advances his electoral prospects."

Sen. Santorum Says Kerry's Stance Is "Politically Motivated." Sen. Rick Santorum: "Kerry's stance today on Iraq is as politically motivated as it always was. One of Kerry's top foreign policy advisers, Kerry's brother and Kerry himself have all admitted that he factored his presidential bid into his vote to authorize force in Iraq. Then, in an appeal to the far left of his political base during the Democrat primaries, Kerry voted against funds for the war he had earlier authorized. Kerry’s constantly shifting positions should concern the American people."

Commissioner Bernard Kerik Says This Is Another Example Of Kerry Attacking A Policy He Supported. Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik: "Howard Dean said a lot of crazy things during the Democrat primaries, but he was right on one point: John Kerry has no credibility and has tried to be on both sides of every issue. Kerry's speech on Iraq today wasn’t the first time he attacked one of the President's policies that he earlier supported and voted for. When he encountered liberal criticism in the primaries, Kerry also attacked the Patriot Act that is cracking down on terrorists."

Rep. Cantor Says Kerry's Policies Are "Misguided And Dangerous." Rep. Eric Cantor: "America has assembled a strong and substantial coalition of more than 30 nations that are contributing some 25,000 troops to help Iraq including troops from 16 NATO allies. The coalition forces have spent the last year fighting terror in Iraq-instead of in Washington or New York. John Kerry's absurd 'hat-in-hand' foreign policy will never deter terrorists, and his insistence on deferring to other nations for the protection and security America is misguided and dangerous."  
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