Today's posts continue below...
When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of a big floofy flower-laden website to document every iota of my wedding. And once again, Star Jones has stolen my dreams!
Anyway: the Star Jones wedding website is like the romantic version of "The Ring." You won't necessarily die seven days after you see it, but it'll take at least a week before you're willing to have sex again.
Star and Al's Wedding []
Johnny Ramone, guitarist of -- strangely enough -- The Ramones, is rumored to be in the hospital. Nothing like confirmation yet, but we wouldn't be surprised -- not a very hardy bunch, those Ramones. Both Joey and DeeDee Ramone, heroes of the Lower East Side, died in the last couple years. I guess all those years of clean living really take their toll.
Johnny Ramone Hospitalized? [Coolfer]
Please note: formerly called "Remainders," I thought these sort-of daily updates deserved a more accurate name. There, that's better.
1. Brit craves more Madonna lip action; the carnal mother/daughter-esque duo will lock 'em in Madison Square Garden. Allegedly. (Please keep in mind certain pop stars are desperate to sell tickets.)
2. Governess sought for INSANE FAMILY of a celebrity 7-year-old boy. (Name me a famous 7-year-old, please? Anyone?) $350-$500 a week, yo.
3. Ben Affleck's terrifying face is slowly beginning to resemble that of director Kevin Smith.
4. Open All Night has screengrabs of Marc Anthony's ring from the 'Today Show.' He's J. Lo's little Gollum now!
1. Broadway Under the Stars kicks off today in Bryant Park to celebrate "summer in the city" on stage. I cant wait for the number featuring the sweaty homeless people getting jiggy with coked up fashionistas.
2. We're in some sort of war in Vietnam or Iraq or Belgrade or something? To learn more, check out the docupic Hearts and Minds.
3. Local proprietors give out cheap food today in Times Square. Wed take a toothy five-dollar blowjob from a trannie hooker from the Times Square of yore over some shitty cheese fries from ESPN Zone any day.
Today's posts continue below...
Madonna's flacks have been denying for weeks that tickets to Her Madgeosity's "Older Women Do It Better" Tour 2004 have been going for less than face value -- but what's up with the reduced-price tickets email we just got? See inside.
[more...]We would be remiss if we didn't mention a major recent death -- perhaps you saw it in wall-to-wall television coverage over the weekend? Yes, Egon Von Furstenberg, age 57, the brilliant and louche fashion designer and visionary, died of causes unknown on Friday. (God, that'll take ya back -- remember when everyone in Manhattan died of unknown causes?) Our condolences to the family, and to the other denizens of Manhattan nightlife from back when it was fun and wasn't run by PR hacks and jackass social climbers.
Obituary: Egon von Furstenberg, Prince of Fashion, 57 [WWD]
Von Furstenberg Dies [British Vogue]
Say you meet a nice guy on a popular online Jewish dating service, and go out for dinner. Then you get a little busy at work for a week or so, and don't jump all over the guy like a desperate hussy.
What do you get? An invoice for that date's dinner. Yeah, our name-withheld-heroine must be sad she's missing out on this clown's attentions. His invoice after the jump.
[more...]There's actually lots of gossip hidden away in the kiddie columns in the weekly tabloids. New York Post's Elisa Lipsky-Karasz's still suffers through last-minute edits, while Daily News-boy Ben Widdicombe kicks things up a notch in the competition. The full report:
EL-K: At fashion awards, Nicky Hilton dissed by P. Diddy bouncer; Natalie Portman trampled.
BW: Is John Kerry's stepson doing Diane Kruger, AKA Helen of Troy?
Winner: We'd give this to Widdicombe, cuz it sounds all exclusive and nasty, but a Hilton gets ignored at a party? Now that's giving the people what they want.
Blind item guesses are back from their hiatus, because today's is just too damn good -- and besides, I'm taking my new lawyer out to lunch this week and we need something to talk about:
Page Six says: "WHICH magazine staffer sold out his source for $10,000? A recently married pop singer/actress was so furious when her private luncheon hit the glossies, she had one of her people contact the writer and offer him the money for his source. The writer collected the cash in a bag."
You said: Well, the first three emails contained the letters J, L, and O -- and lots more of you people, who aren't necessarily stars, have written just to get in touch. That's sweet!
Send your deep thoughts to
Just Asking [NYP]
· Comedian Richard Pryor doesn't seem too amenable to plans by former NYT film critic Elvis Mitchell to write a book about him. Pryor's book on himself, co-written with Jennifer Lee Pryor (his 6th and 8th wife), is hitting the publishers now. [NYP]
· Poor Dominick Dunne -- the Vanity Fair writer's source-payment pseudo-scandal just won't die. (He's just not as teflon as his scandal-proof boss Graydon Carter, evidently.) Martha Jane Shelton says Dunne paid her to make shit up: he points to her and makes the universal sign for crazy. [WaPo]
· NYT public editor Dan Okrent is gunning for the paper's over-reliance on anonymous sources. It turns out that people unwilling to speak on the record might have agendas! Horror. [NYT]
Aww, New York's most famous Asperger's victim has tried to set us all free on the third rail once again. On Friday, Darius McCollum got arrested for something like the 20th time in 24 years for his obsession with driving the subways. Just give the brother a fucking job already, right?
Now all we need to do is find a bunch of Asperger's folk who fixate on being elementary school teachers and this city is set.
Subway Stealing Legend Arrested Again [Gothamist]
Henry the Intern watches Sunday's nights Topic A with Tina Brown so that you can hitchhike home from the Hamptons in peace.
In last night's media sexcapade: writer P.J. O'Rourke talks politics, lawyer-to-the-stars Ed Hayes banters with Rolling Stone's Toure about O.J. Simpson, and Ronald Reagan is evidently still dead. I bet he remembers the colonies.
[more...]Just up the Fire Island beach from where Uma Thurman hides, each summer the homosexuals gather in the Pines to enjoy the sun, the beach, and grain alcohol cocktails. But can a tiny beach town of vacationing Manhattanites handle too many celebugays in the bushes? Our Thpecial Correthpondent writes in after a harsh weekend:
[more...]It's still early, early season at Fire Island Pines, so when I spotted Ch 2's Andrew Kirtzman pulling his luggage down Fire Island Boulevard, I assumed that would be the sad extent of any celebrity sightings this weekend. But that was before the multiple encounters... [Ed. Note: snicker.]
Sunday is the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade -- and we all know the only thing worse than the Ricans is that gay march thingey later in the month. (For a species of prissy hair-gel-loving neatfreaks, the gays can really trash the place). But now, all over town, white people are battening down the hatches for Sunday, reports our Special Correspondent on Municipal White Privilege:
I rode on the bus from 86th street down to 65th street today and in front of all the big apartment buildings HUGE barricades are being put up to protect the hedges, flowers and even the trees. You can see this with every single building! They are obviously expecting the worst on Sunday. Not too welcoming, and I'm sure all the residents have left town.
Indeed. And you too can catch the Whitebread Express, AKA the 5:30 Hamptons Jitney, if you hurry up to 40th Street right now.
Another person who actually owns a radio writes in on this morning's Don Imus comments on Ray Charles:
To be clear about Imus' show this morning, I didn't hear the comment your reader sent in, but for most of the morning he was defending Ray Charles and talking about how his passing was getting the "short shrift" because of the wall to wall neverending Reagan coverage, and that he thought it was unfortunate. [Ed. Note: Reagan who? Wait, did something happen to Reagan?????]
Most of the racist-like comments I heard came from producer Bernard McGuirk's mouth, so someone might want to check the tape on this.
Fleshbot points us to some interesting photos: we had heard about shots of hotel heiress and Paris sister Nicky Hilton clad only in body paint a while back, but have never seen them. Please note: we're 85% convinced these are real. Nicky appears to be between brunette and blonde, which, if it's her, will help you real obsessives to track the date of the shots.
[Update: Yup, totally fake. You'll have to wait for the Olsen Twins 18th Birthday Nude Limo Orgy porn coming this weekend to get your mogulette skeeze on, boys.]
What About the Other Hilton? [Anon Outsider]
The New York Times's Marianne Rohrlich seems to have gone ballistic on some nice little weblogger. Reportedly, Ms. Rohrlich, of the House and Home section, called the weblog Apartment Therapy and said "Did it occur to you that it is not right to just lift other people's work? Our legal department is going to be calling you!" We find it odd that Ms. Rohrlich doesn't use contractions when she talks, but hey, we're taking their word on it.
Apartment Therapy bends over backwards to show Ms. Rohrlich some love. Speaking from our vast legal experience of being threatened and bullied -- feel free not to do a damn thing but be polite until you get a letter, kids. The NYT legal department is a big and extremely busy place, given their propensity for getting threatened with suit themselves.
Apartment Therapy on Getting Into Trouble [AT, via Boing Boing]
· Did anyone hear Don Imus on the death of Ray Charles this morning? (I certainly didn't -- I'd rather be bludgeoned with a radio than listen to it.) A reader says Imus spent some time making fun of Charles's 36 descendants: Imus said "'that's more than the Million Man March.' Then his cronies start naming the kids, 'Malcolm X Charles, Charles Charles, Ray Charles, Jr.' and laughing."
· Please, please let Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter run for mayor, distributing cigarettes and ice cream to all the children. That would rule. [NYP]
· Our congratulations to Janice Min, Us Weekly's head cheerleader -- she's finally popped. No word yet on whether she'll name her new boy "Rogue" or "Rascal" or some hideous celebrity baby name. We're just sad they weren't twins -- a lifetime of Min Twins posting would do us right. [NYP]
· Now Lindsay Lohan's dad says he lied in his divorce papers -- evidently he made up all those things about Lindsay's mom and her alleged coke-snorting, kitchen-implement-smacking behavior. [NYDN]
· The Martha Stewart do-over is gaining steam... at least in the papers, if not in the courts. [NYDN]
1. Are you ghettofabulous or not?
2. Pictures of the Fox/CNN billboard war on Sixth Avenue.
3. America's first -- and most disturbing -- supermodel, Janice Dickinson, offers free advice to the Olsen Twins on the occasion of their 18th birthday this weekend.
4. Inside the Paris Hilton.
Sightings are provided by stalkettes like you: send them to
This week's news from the streets: Sean Combs declines brunch, Elvis Costello & Diana Krall, Tina Fey at Harry Potter, Johnny Knoxville goes home with Selma Blair (who loves rice and bread pudding), Jill Hennessey, Andy Dick falls down, Chris Meloni's fine behind, Nick Warnock, Paul Rudd on Jet Blue from Long Beach to JFK, Uma Thurman, Justin Theroux, Jim Jarmusch, Rebecca Romaijn, Claire Danes and Billy Crudup, Kyan Douglas, Lili Taylor on a bicycle built for two, Tom Wolfe, Ric Ocasek, and, recapping the Da Silvano incident, Princess Michael of Kent + Vincent Gallo + Marisa Tomei = crazy.
[more...]Someone better be getting her trademark infringement lawsuit ready -- she did copyright her own name, we hope? A Texan writes:
Hilton Furniture owner Jack Hilton, quite a celebrity with his energetic cheap local-only Houston commercials, introduced his baby daughter on a commercial today. He named his daughter Paris. Paris Hilton.
I assume Paris is gonna sue that baby's ass off -- but hey, at least she'll have something to talk about with David Letterman on Monday night.
Dave's got Paris [TV Barn]
I got really homoerotically confused at the newstand this morning, until I realized it was gay pride month. (Yes, that's probably just a coincidence.) But anyway, happy gayest magazine covers ever, gays!
The new Conde Nast policy guide is out -- a riveting read, really, like many of their fine magazines -- and it gets all New York Times on everyone's ass. Their ethics guidelines are basically on par with the rules for gifts to the White House, like this bit from page six:
The integrity of Conde Nast and its employees depends greatly on avoiding conflicts of interest of appearances of such in editorial and business conduct... For example, employees should not accept any favors, discounts, services, lodging, meals, travel, entertainment or gifts of more than a nominal value that could lead to such a sense of indebtedness.
Yeah, that's gonna happen. How are the junior editors supposed to live on 28K a year without free shit from advertisers? Pretty soon they're going to end up charging for all those sexual favors that they currently give away for free.
Why do we get movies about Manhattan's coming ice age, when a real disaster awaits us this season -- millions of birds dropping dead from the sky after colliding with skyscrapers, largely because they are stupid. But leave it to the environmentalists to find the lighter side of 9/11:
New York lags Chicago in its efforts to turn out lights, although its bird death toll has declined since the Sept. 11, 2001 destruction of the twin towers, said Rebekah Creshkoff, founder of Project Safe Flight bird-protection group.
Lights-Out Policies in Cities Save Migrating Birds [Reuters]
Now we're semi-sure that yesterday's ridiculous impending-terror email started with a young man at CNN. (Of course, you can never tell with these damn things -- they spread like herpes at an all-girl's private school.) The NYPD claims the email is a virus, but we see that most of these were forwarded intentionally. We also hear that CNN boy is feeling the heat in the office. Of course, there's always another (far more sarcastic) explanation...
[more...]Good gravy, it's apparently gossip columnists interview week. The Daily hits on NYDN columnist Ben Widdicombe:
Q. How does someone get on your good side or bad side?
A. Quentin Crisp used to say, "No one is boring who will talk about himself," and I'd add to that "or other people." The only way to get on my bad side is to lie -- which is why I hate most Hollywood flaks.
Hollywood is filled with liars? That's crazy-talk!
Snoopy Sundays [The Daily]
Wow! Tonight's the most important night in the music and movie industries -- maybe even the most important night in contemporary cultural history! Like, ever! Last week, MTV crammed a bunch of celebrities into giant soundstages and, after days of frantic editing, assembled a quickly-cut, fame-besotted montage of the goings-on. How could it fail to entertain us?
Karen O. photo courtesy: MTV Movie Awards Pics 2004 [Arjan]
Off camera wrapup: MTV Movie Awards [Arjan]
Also: MTV Movie Awards: No Awards For Fashion Here [The Daily]
The immense Day In The Life Of A Bitter Investment Banker email that the National Post covered yesterday has arrived for your reading pleasure. It's pretty fucking grim -- makes us feel a little bit better about our liquor-bottle-strewn sweatshop.
[more...]New York mag's Deborah Schoeneman, who writes the Intelligencer column, explains the tricks of the trade:
Lets just say I use a pseudonym at Soho House. And, I'd never allow a photograph of myself on my column. People tend to not put my name and face together--which is a good thing. If I'm working on an item, I'd often rather call the person the next day than barge up and ask them for a quote or comment in person. However, plenty of industry parties are a potential mine field and I have been known to crawl on the floor to escape an event undetected.
Deborah Schoeneman, NY Mag [Gothamist, Young Manhattanite]
We keep frantically turning to the pages of the NY Daily News, looking desperately for Lloyd Grove's gossip column. But it's never there, and our heart breaks a little bit every day. Lloyd was on vacation just the last week of April -- what gives?
New York playwright Eve Ensler, author of "The Vagina Monologues," has sure ridden that vagina a long way. Now she's using the power of the vagina to appeal to women to chose which dick to vote for this year. Salon's Rebecca Traister describes Ensler's Monday night pro-pussy rally:
Ensler took the stage and thanked all the "fierce, incredible vagina warriors here tonight. I feel like we are about to take off in this big vagina plane." (I wondered briefly: If a vagina were a plane, where would the wings be?)
For the record, the story uses the word "vagina" 33 times, which must be some sort of record. We hope.
Vote your vagina! [Salon]
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