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Eris: Web Design

simple isnt a style, its a state of mind.

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eris has standards.  standards in web design.  standards in life.


2 days ago

The hardest obstacle I’ve had to face as a designer doesn’t have anything to do with web design at all; web design is the easy part. But it has been determining my monetary worth, assessing the level of the skills I possess and charging accordingly, that has given me more questions than answers.

Every new project brings with it the opportunity to be better than the last. But What does "better" really mean? To me, for a site to be "better", it has to have a solid balance of standards and simplicity. Some of the most beautiful solutions are the simplest ones.

Standards: n An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; a criterion. A degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment. Widely recognized or employed as a model of authority or excellence.

Simplicity: n Freedom from artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury; plainness; as, simplicity of dress, of style, or of language; simplicity of diet; simplicity of life. Freedom from subtlety or abstruseness; clearness; as, the simplicity of a doctrine; the simplicity of an explanation or a demonstration.

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From seeing my mother get her computer science degree in the early, early 1980s to being involved on a board where I encourage and push girls to be quality web designers, I’ve watched women come a long way in technology. I grew up around empowered women in computers and technology and it wasn’t until I hit college and walked into my first comp sci class where I saw only three other girls that I realized women still have a long way to go.

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If you are pleased enough with my free templates that you would donate a dollar to me for my hard work, then I want you to donate that dollar to the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology.

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