[Salon: Lost in Translation]
I love Papa Ray, but I have to acknowledge he has increasingly become an irascible old man. Like the many hot-off-the-presses hagiographies have declared Ronald Reagan, so Ray Bradbury is the Eternal Optimist, a man who loves American and its ideals. Alas, Papa Ray's eye remains uncritically fixated on the America that endured the Depression and WWII. The America that created the suburban utopia of the 1950s and took us to the Moon. The America -- curiously enough -- of Hollywood glitz and Ronald Reagan's heyday. Certainly in his writings and public appearances of the last 15 years or so, Ray has indulged in nostalgia of that happier, better, and dare I say idealized, America.
Of course, we're getting the story round about in translations from the Swedish news. And it is to the media's benefit to make the story sexier by having Ray denounce Michael Moore and "Farenheit 9/11". So I'm not entirely surprised his response. Just a little disappointed in its sheer orneriness.
Save the money and read it here
American Prospect Online - ViewWeb
Sooper sekret snippets (i.e. "the good parts") of Bill Clinton's up-coming memoir... hahahhaaahahaah [thud]
Give my regards to Broadway... or not
Would you like some more bland in your bland? Too bad "Cats" is gone -- or is self-licking also too naughty.
Reuters.com | Broadway's Best Shows Too Risque for Republicans
"Gay puppets, transvestites, assassins and a pedophile child killer piled up Tony honors on Sunday but those shows will be shunned by Republican delegates at the political party's convention in New York this summer.
With thousands of Republicans set to descend on the Big Apple to nominate President Bush for re-election, convention organizers decided to treat delegates to the glitz of Broadway before they knuckled down to the business of politics.
But Republican organizers, selling themselves as the family-values party, decided to buy tickets to tame shows like "42nd Street" and Disney productions like "Aida" and "The Lion King," avoiding more offbeat fare."
Socrates Cafe this Thursday
We're going to try another Socrates Cafe this Thursday, June 10, 7~9pm at Home Brew Coffee.
Ronald Reagan Remembered... With Music!
The Capitol Steps - Ronald Reagan Remembered
I didn't know how to address the passing of Ronald Reagan over the weekend. There is already Too Much {Info|Invective|Incontinence} on the topic....
So thanks, Capitol Steps, for hitting it right.
[Joy of Tech: GoogleBomb]
Joy of Tech shows (again) shows their stripes. But what can you do: they're Canadian. :-)
Shrek 2: Attack on the Family
Oh no! Shrek is warping young minds!
QUOTE: " Now, Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition is alerting parents to yet another danger lurking in children's entertainment. This time, the offender is a supposedly "transgender" bartender in Shrek 2. This bartender has stubble yet wears a dress and has "female breasts," the TVC alert warns. Confusing matters further, the bartender's voice is that of Larry King."
KCRW dropping "Says You"
Say it isn't so!!! KCRW will be dropping "Says You" from their lineup. So says the latest email newsletter (I can't find an announcement on the site yet.) On the one hand, it is to make room for new local programming. On the other hand, since KPCC dropped the program last year, there IS NO SAYS YOU in Los Angeles. [pout]
Actually, there is still "Says You" on KVCR 91.9 San Bernadino on Saturday afternoons. If you live far enough east.
This is pushing me dangerously close to getting a new iPod and Audible so I can download the episodes.
1 in every 75 U.S. men in prison
David Harris' Science & Literature
Report: 1 in every 75 U.S. men in prison.
QUOTE: This confusion between correlation and causation leads to so many bad policy decisions. If Ashcroft is right, why not put everybody in prison? Then there will be absolutely no crime, a perfect solution to the problem from his point of view.
Stooopid idea #3,000,134
Yahoo! News - Disney Cartoon Sequels Could Damage Pixar -Analyst
Someone remind Mickey (Eisner) that most of Disney's sequels suck. Lion King 1 1/2: the Quest for more DVD Sales, anyone?
Although I kinda liked the "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" cartoon show, if for no other reason that Patrick Warburton gets work.