How the ASF works!
This page will give you everything you always wanted to know about
the foundation but were afraid to ask. The difference between membership and
committership, who decides what, how elections take place, how is our
infrastructure setup, what is the board, what is a PMC, what's the philosophy
behind the incubator, why is the foundation moving away from project
containment. Come and see behind the scenes of the ASF.
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is a non-profit organization incorporated
in the United States of America and was formed primarily to:
- provide a foundation for open, collaborative software development projects
by supplying hardware, communication, and business infrastructure
- create an independent legal entity to which companies and individuals can
donate resources and be assured that those resources will be used for the
public benefit
- provide a means for individual volunteers to be sheltered from legal suits
directed at the Foundation's projects
- protect the 'Apache' brand, as applied to its software products, from being
abused by other organizations
That's the dry fact, but how did all this came to be and what does it really
mean in its details? We have to step back a little in history.
The foundation was created in 1999 by a group of people that called
themselves the "Apache Group" and that got together, several years earlier,
to continue to support and maintain the HTTPD web server written by the
That server was freely available, came with source code and was licensed
under a license that allowed very open modification and redistribution, but
the original developers lost interest in that project and moved onto something
else, leaving users with no support.
Some of those users started to exchange fixes (called "patches")
and information on how to prevent problems and improve the existing software.
Brian Behlendorf created a mailing list on his own machine for those users to
collaborate to fix, maintain and improve that software.
The name 'Apache' was chosen from respect for the Native American
Indian tribe of Apache, well-known for their superior skills in
warfare strategy and their inexhaustible endurance. It also makes a
cute pun on "a patchy web server" -- a server made from a series of
patches -- but this was not its origin. The group of developers
who released this new software soon started to call themselves the
"Apache Group".
Between 1995 and 1999, the Apache HTTPD Web Server created by the Apache
Group became the leader of the market (and currently still is, with more than
65% of the web sites in the world powered by it).
But as the web grew bigger, economical interests started to grow, and the
Apache web site hosting new sister projects (such as the mod_ perl project,
the PHP project, the Java Apache project), the need for a more coherent and
structured organization that would shield individuals from potential legal
attacks felt more and more necessary.
Unlike other software development efforts done under an open source license,
the Apache Web Server was not initiated by a single developer (for example,
like the Linux Kernel, or the Perl/ Python languages), but started as a diverse
group of people that shared common interests and got to know each other by
exchanging information, fixes and suggestions.
As the group started to develop their own version of the software, moving
away from the NCSA version, more people were attracted and started to help
out, first by sending little patches, or suggestions, or replying to email on
the mail list, later by more important contributions.
When the group felt that the person had "earned" the merit to be part of
the development community, she was granted direct access to the code
repository, thus increasing the group and increasing the ability of the group
to develop the program and maintain/ develop it more effectively.
We call this basic principle "meritocracy": literally, govern of merit.
What is interesting to note is that the process scaled very well without
creating friction, because unlike in other situations where power is a scarce
and conservative resource, in the apache group newcomers were seen as
volunteers that wanted to help, rather than people that wanted to steal a
Being no conservative resource at stake (money, energy, time), the group
was happy to have new people coming in and help, they were only filtering the
people that they believed committed enough for the task and matched the human
attitudes required to work well with others, especially in disagreement.
The chain of merit
There are different "merit stages" inside the ASF:
user -> committer -> member
- a "user" is anybody that uses the software but doesn't have write access
to the code repository. She can be passive (doesn't participate in mail list
or discussions, also known as "lurker") or active (participates in
discussions, sends patches, documentation, suggestions, criticism, also known
as "contributor")
- a "committer" is an active user that was elected because of his merit for
the evolution and progress of the project. She has write access to the code
repository, an @apache. org mail address, the right to vote for the
community-related decisions and the right to propose an active user for
- a "member" is a committer that was elected because of his merit for the
evolution and progress of the foundation. Legally, a member is the
"shareholder" of the foundation, one of the owners. She gets the right to
elect the board, to candidate herself for the board election and to propose a
committer for membership. She also gets the right to propose a new project for
incubation (we'll see later what this means).
As the Apache Web Server started to grow in market share and popularity,
due to synergy of its technical merit and to the openness of the community
behind the project, people started to create satellite projects. Influenced by
the spirit of the community they were used to, they adopted the same
traditions of community management.
So, by the time the ASF was created, there were several separate
communities, each focused on a different side of the "web serving" problem,
but all united by a common set of goals and a respected set of cultural
traditions in both etiquette and process.
These separate communities were referred to as "projects" and while
similar, each of them exhibited little differences that made them special.
In order to reduce friction and allow for diversity to emerge,
rather than forcing a monoculture from the top, the projects are
designated the central decision-making organizations of the Apache
world. Each project is delegated authority over development of its
software, and is given a great deal of latitude in designing its own
technical charter and its own governing rules.
At the same time, the cultural influence of the original Apache group was
strong and the similarities between the various communities are evident, as
we'll see later.
The foundation is governed by the following entities:
- the Board of Directors (board) governs the foundation and is composed of
- the Project Management Committees (PMC) govern the projects and they are composed of committers. (note that every member is, by definition,
also a committer)
The Board of Directors (board)
The board is responsible for management and oversight of the business and
affairs of the corporation in accordance with the foundation Bylaws. This
includes management of the corporate assets (funds, intellectual property,
trademarks, and support equipment) and allocation of corporate resources to
However, technical decision-making authority regarding the content and
direction of the Apache projects is assigned to each respective project
management committee.
The board is currently composed by nine individuals, elected between the
members of the foundation. The bylaws don't specify the number of officers
that the board should have, but historically, this was the number of the first
board and it never changed.
The board is elected every year.
The Project Management Committees (PMC)
In addition to the officers of the corporation, the Board of Directors
establishes, by resolution, Project Management Committees consisting of at
least one officer of the corporation, who shall be designated chairman of such
committee, and may include one or more other members.
Each Project Management Committee is responsible for the active management
of one or more communities identified by resolution of the Board of
Subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, the chairman of each
Project Management Committee is primarily responsible for the communities
managed by such committee, and she has the power to establish rules and
procedures for the day to day management of communities for which the
committee is responsible, including the composition of the PMC itself.
The board has the faculty to terminate a PMC at any time by resolution.
It must be noted that since the appointed PMC has the power to create its
own self-governing rules, there is no single vision on how PMCs should run a
project and the communities they host.
At the same time, while there are some differences, there are a number of
similarities shared by all the projects:
Communication is done via mailing lists. These identify
"virtual meeting rooms" where conversations happen asynchronously, which
is a general requirement for groups that are so geographically distributed
to cover all time zones (like it's normally the case for the various apache
Some projects use more synchronous messaging (for example, IRC or instant
messaging). Voice communication is extremely rare, normally because of costs
and the language barrier (speech is harder to understand than written text).
In general, asynchronous communication is much more important because it
allows archives to be created and it's more tolerant on the volunteer nature
of the various communities.
Decision Making
Projects are normally auto governing and driven by the people who volunteer
for the job. This is sometimes referred to as "do-ocracy", power of those who
do and works for most cases.
When coordination is required, decisions are taken with a lazy consensus
approach: a few positive votes with no negative vote is enough to get going.
Voting is done with numbers:
- +1 -- a positive vote
- 0 -- abstain, have no opinion
- -1 -- a negative vote
Rules require that a negative vote includes an alternative proposal or
a detailed explanation on the reasons for the negative vote.
The community then tries to gather consensus on an alternative
proposal that resolves the issue. In the great majority of cases, the
concerns leading to the negative vote can be addressed.
This process is called "consensus gathering" and we consider it a very
important indication of a healthy community.
While there is not an official list, these six principles have been cited
as the core beliefs of philosophy behind the foundation, which is normally
referred to as "The Apache Way":
- collaborative software development
- commercial-friendly standard license
- consistently high quality software
- respectful, honest, technical-based interaction
- faithful implementation of standards
- security as a mandatory feature
All of the apache projects share these principles.
All projects are composed of volunteers and nobody (not even members or
officers) are paid directly by the foundation for their job. There are many
examples of committers that are paid to work on the projects, but never by the
foundation themselves, but rather by companies or institutions that use the
software and want to enhance it or maintain it.
The ASF does not have offices or buildings, it's a virtual entity that
exists only on the internet. It's only physical existence is the technical
infrastructure that runs it.
The infrastructure of the foundation is mostly composed of the following
- the web serving environment (web sites and wikis)
- the code repositories
- the mail management environment
- the issue/ bug tracking
- the distribution mirroring system
The ASF has an "infrastructure" team that is responsible for the management
and day-to-day system administration and operativity of the various hardware
that runs the above services. Some of the members of the infrastructure team
volunteer to be "on call" and be paged in case the system goes down.
The infrastructure team is also responsible for approving the installation
of a new system or software on the ASF machines.
In order for new projects to be created, the ASF created a project called
Incubator which is responsible to help new efforts to join the foundation.
Since the meritocratic rules work from top to bottom, it is vital, for the
long-term stability of such a form of government, that the initial set of
committers has to know very well the dynamics of such a system as well as share
the same philosophical attitude toward collaboration and openness that the ASF
expects from its projects.
The incubator is responsible for:
- filtering the proposals about the creation of a new project or
- help the creation of the project and the infrastructure that it needs to
- supervise and mentor the incubated community in order for them to reach an
open meritocratic environment
- evaluate the maturity of the incubated project, either promoting it to
official project/ sub-project status or by retiring it, in case of failure.
It must be noted that the incubator (just like the board) does not perform
filtering on the basis of technical. This is because the foundation respects
and suggests variety of technical approaches. It doesn't fear innovation or
even internal confrontation between projects overlapping in functionality.
The incubator filters projects on the basis of the likeliness of them
becoming successful meritocratic communities and the basic requirements for
incubation are:
- a working codebase -- over the years and after several failures, the
foundation came to understand that without an initial working codebase, it is
generally hard to bootstrap a community. This is because leadership is not
well recognized by developers without a working codebase. Also, the friction
that is developed during the initial design stage is likely to fragment the
- the intention to donate copyright of the software and the intellectual
property that it may contain to the foundation -- this allows the foundation
to obtain an irrevocable and permanent right to redistribute and work on the
code, without fearing lock-in for itself or for its users
- a sponsoring ASF member or officer -- this person will act as the main
Shepard, giving directions to the project, helping out in the day-to-day
details and keeping contact with the incubator PMC.
The incubation period normally serves to estimate whether or not:
- the project is able to increase the diversity of its committer base and to
play with the meritocratic rules of the foundation.
It might seem rather easy to achieve, but it must be remembered that in a
volunteer and highly selective environment, attracting new committers is not
Diversity of committership is important for two main reasons:
- it gives long term stability to the project development Ð in fact, with all
the developers affiliated to the same entity, the chance of seeing all of them
moving away from the project at the same time is much greater than with a
community of individuals affiliated to unrelated entities
- it gives a greater variety of technical visions Ð something that guarantees
a better adherence to environment and user's needs, thus a higher change of
finding real-life use of the software.
After infrastructure and incubator, the foundation hosts several other
entities more or less formalized open to ASF members and to invited experts or
individuals that do not directly create code but serve for specific purposes.
They are:
- the conference organizing committee (aka concom)--responsible for
the organization of the official ASF conference (aka ApacheCon)
- the security committee -- responsible for the handling of
potential security holes in the software produced by the foundation that
might impact our users. It gets contacted by the finders of the problems
before the problem report is made available to the public, to allow the
projects to provide a fix in time for the report, thus reducing vulnerability
to a minimum
- the fund raising committee -- responsible for the fund raising
(collaborates with the concom since the conference is one of the major
source of income of the foundation)
- the JCP committee -responsible for the liaison between the ASF and
the Java Community Process (of which Executive Committee, the ASF is member)
- the licensing committee -- responsible for the legal issues
associated with licensing and license compatibilities and for the revision
of the Apache Software License
- the press committee Ð responsible for the press-related issues like
press releases for major ASF events or dispatching requests for interviews.
The ASF also hosts a few foundation-wide mailing lists:
- announcement -- is a moderated mailing list where announcements of
releases or major ASF events are made
- community -- is the ASF-wide mail list, readable by all but writable only
by ASF committers. It is mostly used to discuss issues that touch that entire
With 4 years of operation, the ASF represents one of the best examples of
an open organization that was able to find balance between structure and
flexibility. It grew from 200 of committers to almost 800 and exhibits no
trends of saturation. It was able to create several software products that
are leaders in their market, competing and winning with commercial
closed-sourced alternatives. It was able to find balance between openness and
economical feasibility, earning respect from a range of people, from single
individuals, to multinational corporations and providing inspiration for
businesses, governments, education and for other software foundations.