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    Friday, June 04, 2004
Silly Site o' the Day

Despite some annoying body aches, this is the first time I've come into the new office feeling like I might actually get some normal secretarial-type work done, on which I've been working all morning. (It also helped that I finally found a deli that doesn't charge over two bucks for a small tea and bagel, and my coworkers just recommended another one.) Of course, I probably won't catch up on blog reading soon, or have enough free time to post a lot until my boss sails and I get a car, but at least I don't feel like I'm drowning any more. And I think, yes, I'm actually smelling some roses at last! Which reminds me, Laura Gjovaag found another 404 Error spoof which actually reflects the kind of mood I'm in today...

    Thursday, June 03, 2004
Silly Site o' the Day

Every time I think work can't get more exhausting and time-consuming it does. And now I'm being scolded because I've been given so many things to juggle that, duh, I'm starting to drop a few. Oh well, a little over a week and he sails (and I can take a day off to buy a car), so I'm just trying to get through 6 more workdays after this... Today's silly site is via Laura Gjovaag, who brings us "File Not Found" messages in different tongues.

    Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Silly Site o' the Day

Nothing silly about my workload, unfortunately (and on my half-birthday, too! does anyone but me even take note of half-birthdays when they get to be 46�?). This situation (exhausting 9-5:30 workload, long commute, no bloggy time) is likely to continue for most of the next two weeks until my boss sails and I get a car. But the Silly Sites must go on, and so I give you, via Andrew at The Poor Man, the apparently necessary Crouching Bunny, Hidden Rabbit. Had I seen this before I did my "White Rabbits" greeting yesterday, obviously I would have used it then. This is what my timing's been like lately...

    Tuesday, June 01, 2004

    Monday, May 31, 2004
On Popularity Contests

A couple days ago Trish Wilson e-mailed a number of folks a blogging survey she was doing for an off our backs article on which she's working. One of the questions involved whether we'd ever been nominated for or won any blogging honors, and of course I never have, although I remain ever hopeful that, once I get back to regular blogging, someone will think of me later this year come Koufax time. I guess I don't deal too well with popularity contests, never having been on the receiving end of too many of them. I mean, when you set the record for the most service hours ever recorded in a pledge period and your chosen fraternity still almost blackballs you from membership, you get used to the idea that achievement and acceptance don't always go hand in hand.

Add to that the fact that I feel crappy this weekend (today's cold symptom was mostly sneezing so I'm hoping it's finally exiting my system) and face another week of hard work in the not-ready-for-prime-time office (where I play receptionist, secretary, property manager and at least five other infield utility positions), along with my frustration over not having had enough energy to post more to my blog (heck, to even read others' blogs), and I was fairly bowled over when Scoobie Davis wrote to inform me that, somehow, this weblog has cracked the Top 100 of Blog Influence Quotient as measured (doubtless arcanely) by Blogstreet, and I'm... well, a little taken aback.

I have no idea how it happened. I'd demand a recount, except that I really like the illusion of popularity contests, so I don't want to say anything to anyone in power in case they too realize they've made a mistake somewhere along the line. So I'll just say thanks to everyone who continues to visit here, and has been patient enough to bear with me through this enforced dry period. It looks fairly promising that by the middle of the month I'll be back to full blogging strength.

Silly Site o' the Day

Via Atrios, a very strange anti-Bush game, whose intro was so long that I didn't even feel like playing the game itself when it started. Fans of Hulk Hogan and Mr. T might find it amusing, I guess.

    Sunday, May 30, 2004
In Memoriam

Wonderful post by Mark Evanier talking about today's Doonesbury and other thoughts on Memorial Day. I found myself nodding pretty much straight through the entire post.

Silly Site o' the Day

An oldie but goodie from Avedon Carol, which I thought I'd pass along before it becomes completely obsolete - Candidates and their cartoon equivalents.

Fun with Linguistics

One of my favorite linguistics classes back in college (yeah, I majored in the stuff) had to do with US regional variations not only in how things were pronounced but in what slang words were used to denote various products. Mark Evanier has now found a site that charts generic names for soft drinks by county. I wondered if there were any out there which chart stuff like heroes/subs/hoagies, and found this dialect survey from Harvard. (My query above is question #64.)

    Saturday, May 29, 2004
Milestone Note

Happy belated blogiversary to Norbizness. I've decided to take it easy so far this weekend and not blog or read a heck of a lot, as I seem to have picked up something nasty amidst all the dust and tension at the not-yet-at-move-in-condition office. But I will try to break in here from time to time if I see a milestone worth noting...

    Friday, May 28, 2004
Friday Cat Blogging (� Kevin Drum)

Checking out the hallway...

Nope, nothing to see here...


Well, that was a pleasant surprise. I'm finally online here at work, and our e-mail works as well. Had I known, I wouldn't have given up last night and marked everything "read" on Bloglines...

    Thursday, May 27, 2004
Milestone Notes

Happy belated anniversary to Peter and Kath! Wish I had more time and online access so I could have sent greetings yesterday... And Mark Evanier reminds us today is Harlan Ellison's 70th birthday.

Silly Site o' the Day

Via Jesse Taylor at Pandagon, it's time to Find Those Weapons! After all, the government seems to need all the help in can get finding things and "suspect" people...

(In case you're wondering, I'm still the only one in my office whose computer can't connect to the Internet, and that situation is likely to remain that way at least through the beginning of next week. I haven't looked forward to a 3-day weekend this much in years!)

Standing By

Everyone at the office has Internet but me... *sigh* Oh well, it's not like I don't have enough to do anyway, what with learning how to be a property manager whilst trying to be a secretary at the same time. Back to my office now...

    Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Where Went the Internet?

They tell us we'll have Internet tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it. If I do get online from work, I'll finally be able to catch up on blog reading (theoretically), as my office is pretty much set up now and I can close the door if I need to. But I'm not holding my breath, and as Robin tells me there's an outside possibility that our home connection may be down as well, mayhap one or both of my guest bloggers could pop in and see if I've written any new content by, say, 8 PM tomorrow, and if not please feel free to post something...