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Below is information about the "WhatsUrPleasure" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:whatsurpleasure (813494) whatsurpleasure
Location:United States
About:This is a community for the discussion of human sexuality. The topics discussed here are of an explicit nature so if this is not your pleasure then this is not a community for you. For the most part this is a no holds barred comminity, but we ask that you please respect the following guidelines:

1) THIS IS NOT A DATING SERVICE. If you wish to pursue romantic relations with someone you meet in this community please do so in your own journal.

2) Threats, degredations, and other forms of malicious behavior are not welcome and will have you permanently Banned from this community

3) Topics that are not to be discussed include: Child pornography and related subject matter, rape discussed in a malicious manner (rape in a fantasy sense is acceptable).
ALL other subject matter is welcome! ^_^

4) NO DRAMA. Bitchfests should be kept to your own journal.

5) You MUST be at least 18 years of age to join this community. If you are found to be underage after joining, you will be banned.

If someone posts about something you are not into feel free to comment, but remember that we are not here to pass judgement. As the saying goes, to each their own.

Burdinraven007 and Tallula97, the founders of this community, reserve the right to ban a user under other extenuating circumstances not covered here.

These rules are in place to keep this community fun & safe, not overly diciplined. Please understand, as stated before, that violating these rules will result in you being banned from this community.

So come on in, strap up/strap on, tie up or get tied down- or what ever tickles your fancy- and tell us all about it.
Interests:150: 69, after sex cigarette, anal, anal sex, androgony, art, ass, astroglide, bdsm, betrayal, bi-sexuality, biting, blow jobs, blow up doll, bondage, breasts, butt plugs, candlelight, car sex, casual sex, chains, clitoris, cock rings, cocks, condoms, cum, cunnilingus, deep throat, dicks, dildos, doggie style, domination, drag queens, drunk sex, ejaculation, erotic, eroticism, exhibitionist, facials, fantasy, felatio, fetish, fetish gear, fingering, fisting, foot fetish, foreplay, forgiveness, fuck, fuck foods, fucking, garter belt, gay, geisha, goth, gothic, hand jobs, handcuffs, home movies, homosexuality, inebriated sex, interracial, kissing, ky, lace, leather, lesbians, licking, lingerie, lips, love, lovers, lube, making love, masterbation, menage a trois, mile high club, missionary, music, nipples, office sex, one night stand, oral sex, orgy, pain, panties, passion, pearl necklace, peeping, penetration, penis, photography, piercings, pin-up, pleasure, pleather, pocket pussy, porn, pornography, promiscuity, pussy, quickies, relationships, restraints, role playing, romance, rough sex, s&m;, safe sex, satin, satin sheets, scent, semen, sensuality, sex, sex machines, sex swing, sex toys, sexuality, shower sex, silk, skin, sloshing, slow sex, slutty, spanking, stds, stockings, straight, strap-ons, submission, swingers, taste, tatoos, tits, titty fucking, toes, tongue, touch, transexual, transgender, transvestite, two on one, vagina, vibrators, vinyl, virginity, voyerism, whipped cream, whips. [Modify yours]
Members:74: 05rewopehtthgif, adameros, aurora_goddess, azspleasure, bi_baby_girl, biklar, blindconfession, blindlink, brownhole, burdinraven007, cajunsweets, core9, cu4fun, dlkereluk, dreamer79, duffkink, evil_kc, flyfisher654321, girlinadream, gman777, gothik, hank73220, heart_locket, hemlocked_lips, heteroclitic, huh74, illustrae, ilovemybody, jdm0511, jewelraven, kinderxwhore, krakmunky69, kristinjrocks, kyriedj, let_me_see, lisabird71, listalker, m_amin, mattsbrat, mysadnessveil, nanner, offtrack, panty_snatcher, placeinthestars, pleasedtomeetya, psychic_psycho, psycho_bob, quizdiva, rebro, riyo, rora, saturnolia, secretsexposed, sedatesoul, sexystaci, sianara, skip_hunter, slapmywrist, smirkingjustice, sombre_doll, spikeme, sprkldst, sugaplayer, swtlilbrattgrrl, tallula97, tashira, tete_a_tete, thethreeps, thoabath, tousledelegance, twizt3dang3l, vixenonstage, x_lolita_x, xfucktardx
Account type:Free Account

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