Frater Dagaz's Journal

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Friday, November 8th, 2002
12:40 am - Please help me out here....
WTF happened to PSERV?


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Thursday, November 7th, 2002
1:25 am - About frickin' time....
I'm back.....

Flash of light on shiny claw,
scarred flesh from demon fang,
throat stinging, eyes tearing,
miles of goose flesh growing.
Mane and ear caressed by talon,
forked incubus tongue flipping
from Demon maw
fucking you while sucking you.
My claw tangles in your hair
pulling back your head,
holding you there
for the moment
in total submission.
I devour you
from head to ankle
in tiny bites,
Demon kisses with teeth.
I take my time, spending your time –
together in light of day where there is no fear.
Fiery breath on demoness flesh,
nipple begging for private attention-
delivered only by
Body alive, fire stoked by sunlight’s touch,
toys with soft down
and spikes
and pins
and scratches -
my claws leave crimson trails-
small and aware
on your back.
Welts I leave on succubus ass
prove reminders of torturous pleasures.
wetness- seeping in through demon lips
proof of passions rise
catch my full attention
as I feed my need
with your pleasure.
Then, I violate you-
I violate you until there is only one sensation-
until the whole of your flesh
seizes you-
and your body dies a thousand times in my arms
as gasps become moans
and we become one.

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Sunday, May 26th, 2002
11:38 am - A Discourse on U-man Bio-Circuitry
At thee center ov thee heart
pulsing with(in/out) thee Multiverse
lies thee seed ov time and space.
Thee stench ov thee bloom is enough
to gag a sorcershamanneuromancer.
It appeals to us on many transcended levels
ov articulated noosphace that we may perceive
if only thee cryo-sonic sensor is allowed to sleep.
Altering our neuro-mechanism to run new software
sometimes requires thee integration ov new hardware.
To hardwire oneselfs meta-model to thee seed will
produce mutated germinations ov vomit in an
electrostatic technicolor circuit known as

Thee limited quantum model ov consciousness,
although cutting edge neuro-theory cannot begin
to explain thee placement ov thee phantom seed
ov mutated germination.

Thus, there is only thee vibratory cryo-sonic sensor
with which to articulate conceptual perception.
All beings relegated to this discourse suffer accordingly,
proportional to thee volume ov lies ingested. Relativity
is thee ultimate lie, yet thee ultimate truth simultaneously.
Since no absolutes exist relativity becomes a metaphor for
contradiction, and thee center ov thee heart pulsing with(in/out)
thee Multiverse transcends all consciousness through geometry.



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Tuesday, May 21st, 2002
9:50 pm - Thee Cannon ov thee Trumpet Flower
It has been an amazing couple of weeks. I have had little time to make a real post, but I figured it was getting ridiculous so I better get on it ;)

First off, a topic I don't usually post about. I have a 5 yr old God-Daughter (Satan-Daughter just sounded wrong LOL!) I am in residence with. Having no children of my own, watching her grow and develop sometimes astounds me. A couple of weeks ago, I witnessed something amazing. The only way I can describe it is that another area of her brain switched "on". Her ability to reason doubled overnight. Now, parents are used to these kind of transformations. I, however, was completely dumbfounded. It led to many internal discussions upon the nature of the thing we call consciousness - it's limitations (for example, in the inherantly stupid) and also upon the nature of the work we (as Magickians) do to free it.

Magickally, I have been incredibly motivated. I have been pumping out rituals like crazy - the Chaotic Invocation ov thee Bornless One, Thee TB/TC Charge ov Baphomet, Thee Disruption ov thee Binding Web and many more. It's been very positive. Business has also been fantastic. Just got and read Carnal Alchemy by Stephen Flowers. Good, basic book. Recommend.

Lately finding much comfort in the company of the one I call my Soror. Truly a fantastic and wonderful magickal partner. Our work together is progressing into areas we had only hoped to accomplish. I cannot express using language who she is to me, but we were once magickally compared to Shu & Tefnut, and that reference has remained etched in my consciousness since.

I have also been developing many new friends online, and I would be remiss if I failed to mention the current impact they are having on me.

[info]aloas introduced me to [info]blue_rat and [info]eianorange, and can I just say HOLY FUCKING HOT VESSEL CADAVER! It has started a wonderful trip. Invoking the Puffin often and wondering about them, also my old friend Sighris.

[info]thefoolofchaos and I have also been working together intensely again, which kicks ass. [info]bustedslinky likes to muddle over "thee nature ov thee multiverse" with me, and discuss our mutual Papadeaux addiction. [info]dbananza is fucking pushing my buttons. She has this way of writing that spontaneously triggers the higher circuits - she's like a damn drug. You know, speaking of that, [info]chaoticerotic does that shite to me sometimes. The other day in one of her posts she demonstrated a working knowledge of Liber Kaos. I almost shit myself. Why the fuck isn't she in the PACT, and why the fuck don't I make more of an effort to pick that drug-in-a-thought mind. I think I will ;) Another one that makes me feel like the Puffin is invoked is [info]niwi. It's like, take two parts Thelema and one part Ceremonial Magickian, mix with two parts Chaos & one part fnord, and you have her. Damn I'm happy about LJ peeps at the moment.

Then there's [info]fossegrim who I met through [info]eianorange. Fuck. There's another neurochemical incarnate. And of course, I couldn't live without my daily headbutting from the infinitely stubborn [info]evil_lynn.

There are certainly more of you important folks out there, I suppose I'm just listing by the most recently inspired. ROFLMFAO!

One of my favoritest 3D world friends, [info]zentropa, painted me an absolutely AWESOME picture. I'll post a photo of it at the end of this message. It rawks my sawks. I wish I could paint something other than sigils LOL!

I'll be posting some of my rituals soon. Damn I miss my Lil. Fuck. Far too much rambling. Merci le Puffin.


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Sunday, May 5th, 2002
1:19 pm - What an interesting little article.....
BDSM in Magick.

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2002
12:57 pm - Walpurgisnacht
Happy Walpurgisnacht! Rege Satanas! Ave Lucifuge! All that!

How about a little Burroughs to celebrate?

To the ancient ones, to the lord of abominations, HUMWAWA, whose face is a mass of entrails, whose breath is the stench of dung and the perfume of decay, dark angel of all that is excreted and sours, lord of decay, lord of the future, who rides on a whispering south wind,
To PAZUZU, lord of fevers and plagues, dark angel of the four winds, with rotting genitals from which he howls through sharpened teeth over stricken cities
To KUTULU, the sleeping serpent who cannot be summoned
To the AKHKHARU, who suck the blood of men since they desire to become men
To the LALUSSU, who haunt the places of men
To GELAL and LILIT, who invade the beds of men and whose children are born in secret places
To ADDU, raiser of storms who can fill the night sky with brightness,
To MALAH, lord of courage and bravery
To ZAHGURIM, whose number is 23 and who kills in an unnatural fashion
To ZAHRIM, a warrior among warriors
To ITZAMNA, spirit of early mists and showers
To IX CHEL, the spider-web-that-catches -the-dew-of-morning
To ZUHUY-KAK, virgin fire
To AH DZIZ, the master of cold
To KAK U PACAT, who works in fire
To IX TAB, goddess of ropes and snares, patroness of those who hang themselves
To SCHMUUN, the silent one, twin brother of ix tab
To XOLOTL the unformed, lord of rebirth
To AGUCHI, master of ejaculations
To OSIRIS and amen in phallic form
To hex CHUN CHAN, the dangerous one
To AH POOK the destroyer
To PAN, god of panic
To the NAMELESS GODS of dispersal and emptiness
To HASSAN I SABBAH, master of assassins

Nothing is true/ everything is permitted



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Thursday, April 25th, 2002
12:39 pm - Poetry du jour
gliding in dark places
hidden in shadows,
to drink from sky,
pausing only
to part tender flesh
and penetrate slowly
with sharp fangs,
rhythmic sucking, and then
injecting cold venom,
snake seed that awakens
through entropy -
Great things,
but less than Damballah,
eater of the unborn
sustainer of worlds
his methods are not Legbas
yet he hide beneath the robes
of Patrick the Saint.


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Monday, April 22nd, 2002
5:02 pm - A few schtuffs
Alright already! When I have new aquaintences telling me to update my journal, I suppose it's time for an update LOL!


The move into the big new house is complete. The pool & hot-tub are great, and the hardfood floor is gradually growing on me. Business is excellent, so excellent in fact we are looking at an in-house health plan instead of carrying ourselves like we have been doing. My partner is matching my pace, which was one of my big concerns, but we're snagging new clients almost everyday. Enough with the crap.

Eye am a machine ov intention,
a master ov perception,
thee only deception
is a misconception.
Pay close attention
to thee custom intervention,
then come to thee reception
where we teach circumvention.

Thee intent ov our verbal seduction
is conceptual reproduction.
Through it, thee induction
ov Magickal production.
Und then there comes destruction,
an individual reduction,
full Ego deconstruction
which leads to Da’ath’s introduction.

Now heed thee vibration
ov a qlipothic nation,
resist thee temptation
to feel agitation.
Allow thee sensation
ov intense stimulation
to create a relation
between thee locations.

There is no abdication
for magick education,
only thee incubation
ov viral contamination.
No innoculation
can divert thee devastation.
Thee end is a final emigration
ov self-strangulation.
-Fr. Dagaz

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
5:10 pm - Oh hell yeah....
The infamous Christ-on-a-Cob

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Thursday, April 4th, 2002
4:56 pm - Someone once told you...
Someone once told you so,
and you believed them
Then Maya wrapped herself about you
and veiled you from the essence that has no form
So for you, the grass is green,
your body is encased in flesh
and you feel the illusion with your skin
when the wind blows.
You are your body
Because someone once told you
it was that way.
Cats and dogs fight.
Man cannot levitate.
Your thoughts are private.
Someone once told you
you had limitations
because of the human condition,
fire is hot,
ice is not,
food is necessary,
your body is your temple.
Someone told you that you could see a person?s soul
in their eyes; implying
they have a soul, and also
that they have eyes.
But beneath the Maya
you have created your own reality
and I tell you this is so because it is a lie,
but a better lie than what you have now.
There is no I.
There is no truth.
You are your perception.


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Tuesday, March 26th, 2002
12:50 pm - I am Dagaz's shrunken liver.
Amazing weekend. Simply amazing. It's going to take me a week just to exist in this world again ;) Thank you Salvia.

"In that flash of an instant,
we froze time
and space came rushing to us
in gasping breaths
and Lamaze regulating rites of
bio-circuitry induction and
caused by the cacophony
of vowel-ent tones regulating
holy sacrament induced glossallalia.

If you see my stigmata, latch on
to a palm
or twist
my wrist
flesh parts
and starts
a flood
of blood
now feast
on unholy beast.


I currently only have a hotmail addy, thank you COX communications. Fuckwads. My house was moved over the weekend (while I was in Flagstaff) and they can't set us up in the new house until mid-April, so the fuckers d/c'd my email, which they said they would not do. Oh yes, it's time to involve the corporation eating egregore.

Long story short: IF YOU SENT ME AN EMAIL SINCE 3/20 PLEASE RESEND TO: - no attachments please.

I miss Lilith. She hasn't tortured me in what feels like aeons. My Lil. Demon Spawn. You can make a coat out of my skin, consider me flayed.

More when I can - I have little internet access at the moment.


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Monday, March 18th, 2002
8:49 am - Those who know, know. Those who blow, blow.
C?mon in and step right up
The Minister of madness ? The Preacher of pain will see you now!
Don?t be afraid,
lot?s of people have come here before
and left more alive than when they walked in!

Why fear change?
Change is the great reconciler of destiny!
Change is the motion of the Multiversal ocean.
It?s not hip to be static anymore

Pack all your masks
into your old kit bag and
Whole new worlds await you -
Billions even -
All on the head of this pin!

Why, have you ever seen a Baobob tree?

Antoine said they kill roses and small planets,
but he?d tell us all anything to get on that damn plane of his.
It?s not really a fiery inferno type of thing
as much as a meme.

Fuck we?re tired of memes.


I can?t help it if people in front of you are in your way. Remember how your Universe is made of clay? Sure ? and you are a potter! All you have to do it think it. THINK it. DECIDE it. BLOW on it.

You know?..

The way Isis fixed Osiris??.

Because I loved them all, now I love you, but there is Ananda at times. I cannot debate the maya of Ananda, but it is a lucrative illusion. I ask you not to hesitate in making this decision; I?d make you walk the fucking plank if I could.

Gawd that idea is HOT!

There is no duality, only singularity, 2=0, +1-1, naught. The incarnate no-thing ov Jeezis lineage come to play with whips and chains and ?bad habits?. What is the Theriomorph? Where is the Theriomorph? Heeeeeereeee rabbit rabbit rabbit?.

The brainbizz floats on a pink tinged sea of vitreous fluid, orange sun setting in the suburban wasteland. Weapon me. Rear vantage. Illuminate. Pleasure me. Kill me.


Hold me now, while my old life dies tonight.



current mood: ecstatic

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Monday, March 11th, 2002
2:36 pm - Good old Charlie. Damn I miss his mouth.
These are always fun to review-

Infekshuns Twenty Three Comments:

1.Never compartmentalize.
2.Always check to see if you've left any curses out.
3.Be careful to use servitors and sigilized posts correctly.
4.When leaving the surly bonds of Earth beware Chaosatellite fragments.
5 Never invoke Baphomet without first attatching your hooves in the gynocological stirrups.
6.DO NOT EVER use Ellegua for scoring drugs.(the price is WAY too steep)
7.Each Demon will agree with your sexual urges, ie: "True Will"
8.Just between you and me, Cthulhu is important.
9.Satan Claws taste good, like a pastery should. (there's nothing to banish!)
10.It's perfectly cool to use human sacrifices that aren't necessary.
11.It is important to remain detatched while using "vessels" without their permission.
12.It's better not to unnecessarily split up infinity.
13.Never leave a Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds just laying around without any entheogenic substances to accompany it.
14.Only Proper Barbaric names should be capitalized and a curse should begin with a sigil and end with an orgasm.
15.Use your will to explore the Tunnels of Set and arrive in pleasure domes.
16.Use E-mail to report cosmic events like when you know an Asteroid is going to smash Earth to bits.
17.Watch out for unpopular demons which have crept onto your list serve.
18.Demons should always be summoned in alphabetical order.
19.Avoid using unnecessary self-control. Invoke Choronzon often!
20.A paradigm musn't shift your point of view.
21.Never create more servitors than will dance on the head of a broom carrying a bucket.
22.A "physical body" isn't a good thing to begin an eschaton with.
23.Avoid memetics like the plague!

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
7:33 am - Goddamnit
Going to Dallas this AM - will be back Friday PM.

I will return all correspondance and update this journal then.


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Friday, March 1st, 2002
10:15 am - Tierra de los antepasados.
We recently found ourselves in a position where a soror was being stalked. We decided the stalker was worthy of magickal intervention, and through discussion suggestions ranged from restraint to deathcurse. We finally decided on a dual purpose curse, however I promised I would not reveal its purpose here.

I did break out "la tierra de los antepasados" though. That should give you an idea ;)

For more and photos-
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Sunday, February 24th, 2002
10:59 am - General Update
MY LIFE IS GOING TO CHANGE FOREVER..... more about that later on...

An old friend and fellow Magickian came to visit recently - Sighris. Great chap. Took him to a couple of favorite haunts. I dunno why I forgot to mention it earlier. He looks a lot like Michael Keaton to me - in his batman days. He should not have opened a 'gate' in the bar. It has not since been the same ;)

Sometimes I feel very seperated by time & space from those close to me, mainly because ppl I love are everywhere from Jersey to Milwaukee to North Hollywood to Pueto Rico. What's a magickian to do?? I am still human enough to crave the physical contact LOL!! It is good that I live with a fellow magickian and have a close Temple. Enough claptrap.

So last night a friend and I decided to go to dinner and see Queen of the Damned. We settled on Indian food, a personal favorite. We arrived at the restaurant (one she frequents, btw) and were asked if we minded waiting. I was polite and said no. When it came time to order, we were both wet for Chicken Tika Marsala, but he had just served the last four to the table ahead of us. I told him to go take one and bring it to us. He didn't understand I was serious, so he made a counter suggestion that was acceptable. Enter Goth couple (the restaurant is a Goth hangout on the weekends and plays Industrial music, etc..) who decided to sit next to us. While they were cavorting and having a good time, we asked for a drink refill. The waiter swooped our glasses and straws off the table, filled them, and DELIVERED THEM TO THE GOTH COUPLE NEXT TO US. They tasted them, looked confused and switched them, tasted them again and shrugged. Get this - they were drinking out of our dirty glasses and straws. We started laughing so hard we were crying, and we kept trying to say something to them, but no words would come out. When I was finally able to tell them they got our drinks, they looked at me like I was insane (which I was by that time) laughed, and kept sipping away. I don't think they realized I meant we had already used those glasses and straws.

Hail Satan!

Queen of the Damned was not bad at all. In fact, I *really* liked it. Some beautiful camera work there. All in all I had a good night with a good friend. Capped off a lovely day of shopping and hanging out with Soror Rubicon.

Now, I promised you I would tell you more about how my life is going to change forever!

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current mood: pleased

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
9:42 am - Old one revisited
You know, my last few posts make me look much more into romance than I am. Well, okay - I'm a Pisces. -D

Last night I saw you dancing in the firmament-
hair strewn wildly about curled horns, undulating in scintillating rhythms.
I caught the endless black depth of your eyes for a moment
but reeled myself in before they could take my soul.

You pranced on two left feet
slightly out of my grasp,
yet twirling closer to me
than I am accustomed.

Reaching out to me, you offered the sacrament of your pain,
which I eagerly lapped from your proffered cup,
consuming the bitter fluid
even as the sulfurous solution consumed me.

Every Demon and Prince of Hell I have defeated
howled and cried, begging to be loosed of their bindery to
strip the flesh off the bone
of the despised.

All the worse that the hated would be abolished of sin ?
allowed to spend an eternity in Elysian Fields
but for his afflicted heart.
Mine weeps at his redemption.

Then came the dance of the hare and the clever goose,
who, realizing the scent of perfection,
did covet to savor
the taste of you.

Talk of adornments, black and shiny,
smelling of latex, and plastic, and leather.
Hologram hair and kitten ears
balanced on boots that lick calves.

Dreams shared and nightmares explained,
lines of verse penned by our tongues
attended by ears straining to hear
a shared joy.

And the pleasure of feeling without touch,
your skin and the soft of your hair,
as you danced in the firmament on two left feet,
twirling ever closer.

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
8:18 am - On Love.....
Maybe I'm just not good at this whole love thing - or maybe I just don't understand myself enough.

I'm too..... something, I just don't know what it is.

I seem to have a talent for stepping on those who care deeply for me. Maybe it's a timing issue. Or maybe I'm subconsciously pushing someone away.

It used to be so simple, back in the days when emotion was not involved. When it was all about mating, I knew all the rules.


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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
9:22 pm - I'd roll over, but I've got this 10 penny nail in my wrist....
Tomorrow is day 14 with no smokie smokie. I have been most obnoxious. My oral fixation goes unfulfilled. Shame.

Do you think then, when they are leading me to the gallows, that they will KNOW I can fly? Do you think they will collect the San Graal from me, and paint pictures in the clouds? What if the Golden Mariner sets sail without the ghost pirates? Will they have tea with me? Do you suppose they packed a prairie squid and tic-tacs?

C'mere and cuddle with me while it's cold. I won't bleed much more, the money in my pocket is burning a hole. I can't ignore the ticking hourglass, I can still hear every grain of sand mocking me. Is this what it will be like on my last day? What happened to the way we couldn't stop laughing when we were together, Mo? You're so cynical now.

Shave my fangs quick, Queen Fish. I don't want anyone to see what I really am before it's time, you know. They might think I could gnaw through the rope instead. My throat hurts. Oh. It's just you going back for seconds.

I want to knit a blanket out of your orgasms
and wear them around my house
like a regal cloak.

Of course, you can spin gold
from my hair
in the moonlight.

I'll spend days applying the Dewey Decimal system to our conversations
until I can reference them
with my eyes closed.

The undead crowd around me
because I speak the words
of Papa Legba.

Pomba Gira wants me to have you
but only because I will gift her
with fine rum and other rewards.


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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
10:15 am

Day 7

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