Title:Horror of horrors Date: 1439!100604 Author:Sara
I think Zachary suspects something about me that I'd rather not anyone knew. I haven't told anyone about it, and nor am I going to, but it seems he might have figured it out. Bleh.
And now I'm off to spend a long weekend at Arcachon with the family. Taking tomorrow and Monday off from school so I won't have to deal with that.
(Rob and I have tried to change classes, but it seems difficult to manage. We'll have to stay at least next week in the current one. GAAAAAH! One positive thing about the whole business has come about, and that is that I've been talking a lot more than usual these past few days. Mainly to Rob, but also to Anders (who left today, which put an end to that). I suspect it shall be even more to Rob next week; we have to get through the school days somehow, after all.)
Title:She's a human sleeping bag Date: 1401!080604 Author:Sara
I'm starting to get worried about Blue. Probably nothing, really, but since the last I heard from her was that she was feeling a bit ill, and that was a week ago, it's a bit iffy. I hope she's alright. (If anyone's heard from her later than last Tuesday; comment here?)
Jérôme was if possible worse today, and it was not improved by the absence of both Anders and Rob. My thesis was indeed very much confirmed.
This afternoon, the family and I are going to la Grotte de Lascaux, a prehistoric cave with wallpaintings. Hopefully we won't boil to death, although that seems a likely possibility. Yesterday was burning, and today is supposed to be even warmer (I think). Right now it doesn't seem to be, but it might just get there soon enough. Blargh.
The family arrived in Bordeaux yesterday. They're renting the awesomest little house in Saint Loubes (I think it was).
New teacher is icky. I am not alone in thinking this; after class today Rob stalked me (a bit, anyway) and asked what I thought of it, and if I want to change classes. I said yeah, maybe, if things don't get better and if you do (ahaha, now I'm the stalker), and he said that if he decides to change, he shall talk to me first. Like I said before, class without Rob isn't class.
I want to see PoA - soon! Apparently it's only available in French dubbing here, but I might have to give in and go see it here anyway (despite lack of Rickman!voice and Biggerstaff!voice). From spoilers I've read, it's even more slashy than the others. Must. See. Now.
Title:The story of my life Date: 1542!040604 Author:Sara
I imported all the entries from Synd here and arranged things in categories. Not all entries belong to one, but the ones relating to Morrissey do, as well as those written in either French or Swedish.
You find the categories listed in the side bar, just below the archives from the last five months.
Rockin' to: Belle & Sebastian - If you're feeling sinister Comments?0
Title:Typical me, typical me Date: 1445!040604 Author:Sara
Weekend, at last. And as previously stated, the family comes down on Sunday. Don't know if I'll actually get to see them that day, though. It might end up being late when they arrive; in which case we won't meet until Monday, as they won't live in Bordeaux.
To the great astonishment of Philippe (apparently), I've actually quitted the classroom during breaks these last two days. Since the weather's been mightily fine, and I still have some shots left on my roll of colour slide film, I've taken the opportunity to stroll over to Jardin Public, which is right nearby.
Most of the shots will probably turn out crap, because I wasn't exceedingly motivated to do my best, and I'm still experimenting. I do place hope in a few ones of a tortie cat I encountered on the way back to school today. She was a real beauty; sitting in the doorway to the house where she lives (I assume). I also saw a Vizsla in the park, but I wasn't quick enough to get a nice shot of him.
For a while I busied myself with macro shots of some gorgeous roses, and a man in a building close by saw me and opened the window. Then he proceeded to ask how I wanted him to pose, and struck a few different ones for me. He was kind of amusing, but I didn't take any photos of him. I just smiled at him and shrugged. He bid me a good day, and I did the same to him (upon which he thanked me).
Then I ventured further into the park, and after a while I spotted one of my class mates (Rob) lounging on the grass. It would have made a nice photo, I think, but I didn't feel like acting like a stalker, so I let it pass. Sort of, anyway. I had pretty much made up my mind to snap a photo after all when he up and left. Evil bastard. ;D
Only five shots left now. I think I might opt for black and white next, thus making it another experimental roll. Not decided yet though, because if I'm going to do a lot of stuff with the family (which happens to be the case), then I might be better off with colour. And since it's early summer too. It shall require some considering, to be sure.
Rockin' to: Nirvana - The end (cover, live in Gent, Belgium, 1991) Comments?1
Title:Like a butterfly Date: 1450!030604 Author:Sara
Yesterday Philippe gave us a paper with a bunch of different questions on it, and as homework for today we had to pick one of them and write our own response to it, and reasons for replying as we did.
There were maybe ten or fifteen subjects altogether, and what do you know? Rob and I picked the exact same one; again, and said the exact same things about it; again.
It's happened a bit too often to be entirely comfortable. Philippe keeps asking if we've done our homework together, and we always reply in the negative. Each time, he looks more and more disbelieving.
Title:Tout est au mieux Date: 1431!020604 Author:Sara
Ma famille va venir à Bordeaux ce dimanche. Whee! Ils me manquent, tous les trois. Peut-être que mon père me manque le plus, mais je ne suis pas sûr.
J'ai entendu encore des choses negatives de notre nouveau professeur, et rien de positif. Ack, ack; pas bon. Anders m'a dit que c'est peut-être mieux pour Rob et moi de changer de classe, parce qu'il avait eu Jérôme pour professeur pendant quelques jours, et il n'était pas bon du tout. Mais je ne sais pas; je ne veux pas changer pour une classe plus difficile, et je ne crois pas que ce soit possible pour une qui est plus facile (en tout cas; je ne le veux pas).
Donc, je reste. J'éspère que Rob va faire le même, parce que classe sans Rob; ce n'était pas classe. (Aujourd'hui il m'a demandé si je voulait aller avec lui et Zachary (nouveau étudiant, de Pennsylvanie) pour acheter quelque chose à manger. Comme je suis bête, j'ai decliné.)
Title:Good times will end Date: 1519!010604 Author:Sara
This week is the last with Philippe as our teacher, apparently. The class is too small to go on on its own, so next Monday we're going to be bunched up with another small one, and get a new teacher (Jérôme). This seems to be a bad thing, from what the others know of Jérôme. Bah.
Philippe is a great teacher, in my opinion. He's taught me a lot, but he's also incredibly funny. Some of the jokes in class are real inside ones, so newcomers don't understand them, and I'd guess that they're pretty shocked at them too.
Like this morning; Anders was telling us about how he'd been driving a lot this weekend, and earned himself a lot of points. Everyone told him good job, and Philippe asked how many pregnant women [he had run over]. The new guy in class just stared at him, but everyone else was laughing and nodding and asking the same thing.
I guess it really doesn't make sense to anyone who hasn't been around us for long. There's a thing about six that certainly doesn't, but it makes us all bend double in laughter.
Sara. Teen, but not for much longer (25july). Swedish. Studying French at a school in Bordeaux, France. Avid reader. Loves felines. And bovines. Vegetarian. Occasional writer. Wannabe-artist. Obssessed with Morrissey. Drinks frightening amounts of tea (no sugar). Is painfully shy. Owns a Canon EOS 300V camera. more?