Recent Talks
All links are to powerpoint files.
Galaxy Physics
(5.7 MB) Physics Department, UNSW, 03/03
Black Holes in Galaxy Nuclei
(5.9 MB) IUCAA, Pune, India, 10/02
When the Universe was Young
(5.0 MB) Popular talk, Sydney, 03/03
Jet-Gas Interactions in Seyfert Galaxies
(2.0 MB) Colloquia 01/04
Seyfert Jets: Weak, Slow & Heavy
(0.9 MB) BHSIGN conference 03/04
Cosmic Music: Sounds from the Infant Universe
(4.6 MB) Charlottesville Classical Guitar Society (02/04)
Primal Scream: Sounds from the CMB
(1.1 MB) Brief Presentation at BHSIGN (03/04)
these last two talks do NOT have the sound files embedded (see above).
Recent Publications
Jet-Gas Interactions in Markarian 78 -- I : Morphology
and Kinematics,
Mark Whittle & Andrew Wilson, 2004, AJ, 127, 606-624.
(3.6 MB)
PDF (1.4 MB)
Jet-Gas Interactions in Markarian 78 -- II : Ionization Mechanisms,
Whittle, M., Rosario, D.J., Silverman, J.D, Wilson, A.S
& Nelson, C.H., 2004, AJ, submitted.
(3.6 MB)
PDF (1.1 MB)
Jet-Gas Interactions in Markarian 78 -- III : Gas Dynamics and Jet
Whittle, M., Silverman, J.D, Rosario, D.J., Wilson, A.S & Nelson, C.H. 2004, AJ, to be submitted shortly.
(3.1 MB)
PDF (1.2 MB)
Featureless Continua and Stellar Absorption Lines in Nuclear
Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies,
Nelson, C.H. & Whittle, M. 2004,
Ap J. submitted.
Postscript (275 kB)
Stellar Absorption Lines in the Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies,
C.H. & Whittle, M., 2003, A.S.P. Conf., 297, 891-894.
Postscript (228 kB) and
PDF (118 kB)
Jet-Gas Interactions in the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 78,
Whittle, M., Wilson, A.S, Nelson, C.H., Rosario, D.J., & Silverman, J.D. 2002, Rev. Mex. de
Astro. Astrofis., 13, 230--235.
PDF (436 kB)
Seyfert Galaxies,
Mark Whittle 2001, Invited Review
for Encyclopedia of Astronomy & Astrophysics, IoP & Macmillan Press.
(15.5 MB)
PDF (3.3 MB)
An H-a Survey of 8 Abell Clusters: the Dependence of
Tidally Induced Star Formation on Cluster Density,
Moss, C.M. &
Whittle, M. 2000, MNRAS, 317, 667-686.
PDF (486 kB)
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