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-  Bader: The Darling of Anti-Choice
-  Farmer: Who Removed Aristide?
-  Chomsky: U.S. & Haiti
-  Marshall: Militarism and Violence Against Women
-  Bader: Abortion Decline 

New Left Review
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-  Sven Lutticken: Planet of the Remakes
-  Nancy Hawker: Mizrahi Wanderings

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June 2004

... inside the mind of the suicide bombers; Pakistan, between the US and the Islamists; crisis of legitimacy for the Bush cabal; Israel, politicide and industrial zones; Europe, a road map for privatisation; Africans need free and friendly healthcare... and more

Next issue, July 14th



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English language editorial director: Wendy Kristianasen
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 1997-2004 Le Monde diplomatique