American Politics

Reagan's Victory
"Great men not only affect their own time, but in death remain a force to be reckoned with and fought over. We are seeing the opening round of that continuing struggle" (Tony Blankley, Town Hall). 06/10/04

A Tale Of Two Presidents
"It wasn't that [Ronald Reagan] was just a nice man," observes Mark Davis. "He was a wise man -- his rightness proven in the years since his presidency, and yet to be proven further as countless souls around the world enjoy the freedom and prosperity that he helped win for them" (FW Star-Telegram). 06/10/04

There They Go Again
"MEMO to all those who believe that Ronald Reagan is being unfairly lionized in death: Bring it on" (John Podhoretz, NY Post). 06/10/04

Burying Carterism
Duane D. Freese reflects on Carter's malaise and Reagan's optimism (TCS). 06/10/04

International Politics

A Plan
Paul Wolfowitz lays out the Bush Administration's roadmap for a sovereign Iraq (OpinionJournal). 06/10/04

Betraying Chalabi
Danielle Pletka comments on the betrayal of Ahmed Chalabi (LA Times). 06/10/04

More Saudi Vandalism
Wahhabis continue to tear down holy places in Saudi Arabia (Stephen Schwartz, Weekly Standard). 06/08/04

Risky Path For Pacifist Europe
Bemoaning war's senselessness will not stop an enemy (Max Boot, LA Times). 06/03/04

Arts and Letters

D-Day's Lessons
Paul Johnson argues that the liberation of Europe holds lessons for today's war leaders (OpinionJournal). 06/03/04

Wages Of Appeasement
Victor Davis Hanson explains how Jimmy Carter and academic multiculturalists helped bring us 9-11 (OpinionJournal). 05/10/04

Post-Bias Media
Ed Driscoll analyzes the post-Bias media (TCS, Part One). 05/05/04

Transcendental Goods
Charles Murray discusses art, accomplishment, faith, and doubt (Ronald Bailey & Nick Gillespie, Reason). 05/03/04

Distorting Bob Woodward
Political hacks and sympathetic journalists have done some job distorting Bob Woodward's book (Robert Novak, Town Hall). 04/29/04

Population Implosion
"The global fall in fertility," writes Phillip Longman in The Empty Cradle, "is creating a world for which few individuals, and no nations, are prepared" (Nicholas Eberstadt, OpinionJournal). 04/28/04


Main Street v. Wall Street
An old, populist rift gets smaller every year (Irwin Stelzer, Weekly Standard). 06/03/04

Bad Service, Awful People
Neil Cavuto asks why we tolerate bad people (Town Hall). 06/02/04

Quick Hits

David Brooks: Reagan's Promised Land (NY Times)

Dinesh d'Souza: There They Go Again (NY Post)

Thomas Sowell: Partial-Truth Abortion (Town Hall)

Daniel Henninger: Dems Get Mad, Not Even (OpinionJournal)

Lou Cannon: Actor, Governor, President, Icon (Wash Post)

A Truly Exceptional American (Michael Barone, US News)

Thanks from a Grateful Country (Peggy Noonan, OpinionJournal)

A Great Gentleman ( R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., American Spectator)

He Could See for Miles (Charles Krauthammer, Time)

The Reagan Legacy (OpinionJournal)

America Loves Reagan (Wlady Pleszczynski, American Spectator)

A Wonderful Life (Cal Thomas, Wash Times)