
tell me a secret

as we say... your secret is in a deep well
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  • Tuesday, May 18, 2004

    may his soul rest in peace, the head of the GC...
    i dont know the man, generally we dont know most of the GC members...they all werent living in iraq...
    i will try to discribe how it really was for most of people:
    news: the head of the gc was assassinated.
    we: who?
    news: the head of the GC.
    we: who is that?
    news: Ezz Eldeen Salim (i had to go and check what's his name befor i wrote this,i really dont know him)
    we: sorry, never heared of him.
    i am not trying to be rude in anyway, sorry if anyone thinks i am, but just trying to show you what people feel about the GC...
    the imported GC if i ma call it.
    isnt it strange that we dont know who id our president?
    wait for the strangest part then, his coffin was the iraqi flag, and that is common, but the thing is that it was the old iraqi flag!
    how about that? a GC member uses the old iraqi flag?
    what can i say...may his soul rest in peace, him and the other GC members.

    posted by khalid  # 11:27 PM

    Saturday, May 08, 2004

    i missed you all!
    i am not following news at all.
    so life sounds really happy:)
    i am studynig...loads of books.
    and i thought of something that i actualy discusses with raed once...a major issue:
    you all know Fido Dido dont you?
    isnt he the only cartoon character that he is actually, unemployed?
    he doesnt have a show of his own, he doesnt act in movies or anything, he is actually unemployed!
    poor guy...he only works in commercials, God knows how many small Fido Didos he have to feed everyday, not mentionning Fido Didoette:) the poor guy, find him a job.
    posted by khalid  # 1:00 PM

    Thursday, May 06, 2004

    And they say I believe in conspiracy theory?:), check this email, its from Tim:

    H Khalid,

    Rape and Torture pictures - True or False?

    I think that what may be happening is this... There are real pictures... And
    there false pictures...

    Maybe the Psychological Operations (PsyOps) and Intelligence people have
    become very worried about the real pictures and so are sending out false
    pictures so that all pictures become suspicious. Some websites and
    newspapers have received pictures anonymously which is understandable if
    this is to protect the senders of genuine pictures but also it can allow
    false pictures to be received.

    If you think about the work of PsyOps it would be seen as quite normal to do
    this. They could pretend that there is an Iraqi "black propaganda unit" that
    is doing it. They would secretly tell the Government this lie and say "well
    we have to do something against this as part of the propaganda war" and then
    make some pictures that are really easy to expose as fakes. Then they
    circulate them, so it creates a sensation in the media the Government say
    "well if it is true this is wrong and of course we will send the people who
    did it to prison but first give us time to investigate this". After a few
    days they say photographic experts have exposed them as false and their is
    another sensation in the media.

    After that when more real pictures come out people have doubts even if they
    understand that at least some of them must be true.

    This sort of uncertainty weakens the impact so that first thought of the
    ordinary person when they see the next torture pictures is not "Oh how
    terrible" but "Oh are they genuine?".

    So far no one has accused the Iraqi resistance of doing this but that comes
    next, with some "proof" of course.

    Then no one can be sure what is true or what is lies.


    posted by khalid  # 12:58 AM
    Hey, check this
    posted by khalid  # 12:36 AM

    Wednesday, May 05, 2004

    i just knew that the last three kinks arent working!
    but you could tell me:)
    my good friend gelli sent me an email about it, thank you:)
    i fixed the last two links, but couldnt fix the one before them, i dont remember where did i get it from:(
    but it was an article from the Guardian.
    thank you!
    please check the links that i fixed, they both are important.
    posted by khalid  # 6:23 AM
    thw word is lunar eclipse :D
    thank you mohammed :)
    posted by khalid  # 5:35 AM
    I still have about 20 days to the finals.
    everyone keeps telling me that this period of my life, being a student, is one of the most beautiful parts of people's life.
    well, now, when I see the layers of books I have to study, it doesn't exactly look beautiful.
    actually, if this is one of the beautiful parts of my life, then this is the right time to die, I don't want to see the ugly part:D
    so, I went to the university today, and...I didn't have any class, it was a fun visit, I just met people who I love, chatted with everyone, drank Pepsi:) and I made small arrangements for the finals, getting a missed paper,you know...Such stuff.
    and I went back home...It started to be hot in Baghdad, its about 37c = 100f today, this semi-spring period last for few days only usually.
    after that..Its SSUUUMMMEEEERRRR till October or November.
    I wish that we will have electricity this summer:*(
    last night, I had a chatting appointment (ha?) with a peace group, an international organization, they wanted to include someone from Iraq, and it was ok for me to wait till 7:30pm their time, which is 4:30am my time, but guess what? The power went off :*( and I couldn't make it:((
    we get electricity for 12 hours a day only.
    when I was a kid (was that like two years ago?) I remember that one of the TV channels used to have "happy-news bulletin" which is basically news, but all of them are nice, no dead people, no accidents, no problems, all about good things happen in the world...
    Je, I could use one of these now!
    can you tell me happy secrets?
    posted by khalid  # 5:35 AM
    I wish I know what's the word, but I will describe it, and you'll tell me,ok?
    its when earth comes between the sun and the moon, so the shadow of earth covers the moon...Ok...I am sure you know what I am talking about.
    this thingy happened last night!
    its beautiful! The moon wasn't black, it was..emmm....Red?
    I am not kidding! It was red!
    my next door neighbor, Hussein, came to tell me about it, and we spent a long time outside watching:)
    we have a special prayer that we do when this happens, so mosques were all saying the prayer using their loud speakers with their beautiful voices, it was a nice event.
    then, I left everyone and went upstairs to the roof, set there by myself, (with a Pepsi can:D ) and I kept staring at the moon, for a long time, and I asked god to end the occupation :*(
    posted by khalid  # 4:20 AM
    I have some good news, isn't that strange? ;)
    I think that the rape pictures that I refereed to, are fake.
    while I was making my daily tour in porn sites, I found a site that shows these same pictures...Wait..What? My daily tour in porn sites??!! , ok, that was a lie, the truth is a friend sent me a link to a porn site that shows these rape pictures in addition to other pictures too.
    so, it seems that the pictures are fake.
    two notes:
    the first: I never go to porn sites :D
    the second : nevertheless, reports about Abu Ghreb mentions rape cases, you can check the link in my lat post.
    thank you:)
    posted by khalid  # 3:58 AM

    Tuesday, May 04, 2004

    is this case gonna be closed ever?
    posted by khalid  # 10:13 PM

    Monday, May 03, 2004

    Hey guys..
    how are you?
    dad went to Jordan yesterday, now I can feel freedom surrounding me, LOL :D, parties that never ends, boys and girls, alcohols and drug, every night.
    ok...I am lying...None of the above is happening.
    maybe when mom leaves :D
    you just convince her and you all are invited!
    celebrate freedom!
    ok, stop trying to be funny, the country is under occupation khalid.
    haven't you read what Seymour Hersh wrote
    posted by khalid  # 4:53 AM

    Sunday, May 02, 2004

    democracy sucks!
    I deleted the comments section..Finally...Basing on the demands of many people, who I trust and respect.
    comments section isn't supposed to be a place for dialogue, its simply, for comments.
    and that rarely happened, it turned into a battle field, with discussions that leads to no where, did anyone of you change his opinion or idea basing on what he read on the comment section, or the discussion he had there?
    so...I was trying to show you how would a normal person think of when he watches what the American army is doing here, I, the calm nice 21 engineer (well, almost) was that angry, and I never used violence in My life, I remember that the only fight I had wa's with a friend, at fourth grade, and I never ever had a fight since then.
    I am a peaceful person, and my beliefs are based on peace too, assalamo alaykom, means peace on you! And in our prayers, five times a day, the last thing we do to end each prayer is to say peace on you! To whoever on your right, and the same to whoever on your left!
    its what angels say to believers in heavens...Peace on you!
    but yet, what's happening here is intolerable.
    I wana talk about the CNN and UStoday...
    we arranged a meeting where we invited people coming from falluja, and a reporter and photographer from UStoday, during the clashes period in falluja, then after hours of questionning them in our house, the article that was published in UStoday didn't say one word about falluja or people of falluja, it only took some sentences that mom said about Iraq, and the rest of the article talked about two Iraqi bloggers who were saying "American and Israel are our friends". How about that? I have been in this city since 1991, and I haven't seen one person who can say that sentence...sunni or shee, anti Saddam or pro Saddam, drunk or sober, not one person, but UStoday did it...They found two of them, two brothers actually.
    and CNN. Ok...They talked to my mother on phone few times, then talked to me one time on phone, and everything was ok, then they came to my university, and took permission to enter Cameras in the campus then they filmed me there, and we went back home, had lunch all together with my family, and made a long interview....
    guess what?
    they didn't put it on TV!
    I don't know, you tell me! Is it because we didn't say that "American and Israel are our friends" ?
    you tell me!
    its a nice sunny day, I am out, at an internet cafe...I had a good lunch, and I had my hair cut..I look like Jim Cary now, you can look at my head, think of anything, and reflect on it! LOL:)
    I need to go home and get a bath...And then, I will study, inshalla.
    take care of yourself!

    posted by khalid  # 7:24 AM


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