June 10, 2004

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes--the Live Action Movie!

After the motherlode of rain we've been getting, I took a step outside today to see how my tomatoes had fared in all the flooding.

Apparently, Central Texas rain is chock-full of steroids, crack cocaine, and Viagra. Must be fallout from Austin.

Four out of six of the plants had grown so monstrous, that they'd bent their frames over and were now spreading out and trying their damndest to occupy as much land as they could. The other two had forgone their fencing and had put out massive branches at their bases, like leafy pot-bellies. My Romas are so loaded down with fruit in various stages of ripeness that the supporting branches were threatening to snap. I literally loaded down my XXL tee-shirt with ripe Romas, and I still have at least another half-bushel of green ones waiting. And that's not counting the Valentines; that are already twice as large as a hen's egg and STILL green! And the Mortgage Lifters look like their fruit is still growing as well.

We propped the leaning fences back up and drove poles in the ground to hold them upright. When we were done, the plants were level with the top of my head. And at least 75% of the branches were still laying on the ground. I don't dare prune them off because most of them sport tomatoes. The only thing I can really do is prop them up onto something to keep the branches off the ground and away from hungry critters. And maybe even invest in a solid chair and a bullwhip, so I can get into my backyard without fear of the plants attacking me in their neverending quest for world dominance.

If I turn up missing, check the backyard first.

Posted by Denita TwoDragons at 10:00 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)

June 08, 2004

If Michael Moore falls on a Journalist, does the journalist make a sound?

The Word for the Day is: "Forien Endorsements"

I think Connie du Toit is right: there is a slowdown in the blogosphere. It's taking me longer and longer to mine out Spam!worthy stuff than it did a few months ago when I could easily have filled 3 a day. "Spam!worthy"? Hrmm... I'm not sure if you guys should consider that a compliment or not. *g*

"Hey! I made it into a DailySpam! Roundup!"

"Oh, you poor thing..."


Pejmanesque has a stunning tribute to Reagan in THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY (THE RONALD REAGAN EDITION), with links to other tributes. Excellent reading. He has a number of the words that I don't.

We lost one of the few larger than life men that we've bred in our lifetimes when Reagan died. Rest ye gentle, sleep ye sound. You'll be missed.

Speaking of better words, it'd be hard to top Michele's tribute: Celebrating Reagan. And she touches on part of the blogosphere's reaction to Reagan's death in The selfishness of politics. Reagan caused 9/11??? (00) That's a new one on me... I somehow doubt that reaching beyond the bounds of sanity was what Milton meant when he said "A creature's reach should exceed its grasp".
It's becoming obvious that something is exceeding these people's grasp...

The coals are burning hot on this one »

Posted by Ironbear at 02:03 AM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)

June 07, 2004

31 Year Old Female Desperately In Need Of Stiff Drink And Backrub...

I've been suffering from insomnia and problems sleeping for the last several weeks...

I washed Eric's wallet this afternoon, while doing a load of his pants...

When my next-door neighbors lived in what is now our house, they fitted the bedroom door with a lockable knob. Which never gave me any trouble, until today, when I decided to take a short nap. And found that the door wouldn't open. I'm just lucky they didn't bother to throw away the key, and that they were home that day. As it was, I ended up spending an emotional hour trying to figure out how to get in...

My friend Lori needs me to babysit her little boy. From 5 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Zane came back from his day with his grandparents in such a foul and demanding mood that I'm giving serious thought to sending him to bed early...

And to top it all off...my modem cable just crapped out on me.

You don't have to work a job, to still have suck-ass Mondays.

Posted by Denita TwoDragons at 07:06 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

How surprising.

Ted Rall--never known for his class, taste, or compassion--is slamming the newly-deceased President Reagan; further securing his position as Soulless Unintelligible Hemorrhoid On The Ass Of Satan's Most Retarded Minion.

You're not even worth linking to, Rall. I wouldn't grace you with the traffic of my worst enemy.

Posted by Denita TwoDragons at 12:32 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

June 06, 2004

60 years

60 years ago today, an event took place that would irrevocably change the entire world. In the space of 24 hours, common men, with simple dreams and average families and everyday aspirations; men who wrote letters home to their families, who told dirty jokes with their peers and looked forward to a good night's sleep, would become heroes of such valor and conviction as to be forever seared into the very fabric of our history. These brave soldiers would, by their actions, come to represent the very definition of words like bravery, patriotism, fortitude.

It leaves me exhausted just trying to place myself in their shoes; up to my elbows and knees, crawling across a vast stretch of muddy beach while a lethal hail of bullets and mortars rain down around me and I watch the deadly storm pick off comrades I had come to know as brothers, one by one. Trudging toward the very embodiment of evil, rifle in hand and a prayer on my lips. The Eastern sky shading towards a morning I am unsure I'll ever have the fortune to greet...

And they kept on coming. Past the torn bodies of their friends, past tangled masses of concertina wire and the lumpen pyramids of hedgehog barriers. Marching knee-deep in the muck and the blood to meet the enemy, madder than a kicked bull and as inexorable as the incoming tide. And by the end of that day, an entire hate-filled regime bent on eugenics and opression; one that had left a wast wake of dead and destroyed behind it, was left with its misshapen back broken. A devil was killed that day.

Truly something to be respected.

We owe all these men--the living and the dead--a tremendous debt for their hard work and sacrifice. Take a while to contemplate what the world would be like if these men had not possessed such iron wills that day. Take a moment to think about what we'd all be living like, if the Generals on that battlefield had spent most of their time talking and none of that time acting. If they'd tried some equivalent of an Oil for Food program, or whittled away the days in peace talks.

There is such a thing as a necessary war. And because thousands of brave men acted instead of sitting around negotiating, that necessary war was won 60 years ago today.

"In the final choice, a soldier's pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chains." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

God Bless America. And God Bless our troops.

Posted by Denita TwoDragons at 10:01 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

In Memoriam

I don't think there is a more fitting obituary than the one written by Scott Ott:

Obituary: President Reagan Dies at 93

(2004-06-05) -- Former U.S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan died at home this afternoon at the age of 93, after a decade-long journey with Alzheimer's disease.

He is survived by his wife, Nancy, three children and several hundred million men, women and children in the former Soviet Union, and around the world, who were set free from the hopeless terror of communist tyranny through his steadfast courage and unwavering faith.

In addition to recordings and transcripts of dozens of the most compelling, sincere and influential speeches ever heard, President Reagan also leaves behind an America that is no longer afraid to call evil what it is, and to do something about it.

I spent a good deal of my childhood with President Reagan leading this country of ours. He was the first president I truly remember (I entered this life during Nixon's resignation speech, and all I remember of President Carter when he was in office was his vaguely freakish smile). While I didn't understand politics at that age, I did recognize something different about President Reagan. It was his sense of duty and knowledge of "right vs. wrong" that set him apart in my eyes. It was the fact, that even with his strange bumblings, he lead this country. He had faith in his fellow countrymen, and reminded us all of the greatness that we can achieve if we put our hearts and minds to it.

President Reagan, while I didn't understand your contributions to the world at the time, I am honored to have been around while you served your country.

Rest well, for your duty is done.

Posted by Eric, the Mad Monk at 07:27 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

June 05, 2004

I fought the "News" and the "News" won...

The Word for the Day is: "Delusional"

And I wonder, still I wonder - who'll stop the rain?

*Glub* I'm dogpaddling as fast as I can, honest! Heh. Maybe my plans for building an Ark are a bit premature... it's slacking off, and the latest revised forecasts from The Weather Channel submit that we may be out of the storm zone this weekend. *listens to rain drumming on the roof and watches lightning dancing on the horizon* I just wonder if they're looking out the window, or trusting their instruments? ;) I gotta disagree with Myria on that one: it evidentally can rain all the time, in Texas anyway.

Well.... all things considered, ya'll may have to make do with a Saturday Spam! rather than a Food for Thought from me. Unless maybe Denita can come up with something thought provoking. I haven't finished anything that I've started on the essay front... been in kind of a "Pah - someone already did that one" mood. Oh well.

At least other blogs are thought provoking. Thank gods. ;]

InstaPundit is full of good stuff lately. I usually hate to start a Spam! prowl at InstaPuppy, because I've found that he influences my subsequent blog prowling and links hunting. Not by what he links to... by me conciously going out of my way to find things that Glenn didn't link to. I figure that you're probably already reading Glenn, so why should I cover the same ground he is? Doing that makes this suspiciously like working for a living, and I'm an inherently lazy sumbitch. ;]

Still... Reynolds' makes for a hell of a good reading list of linkage when I'm in a hurry...

The coals are burning hot on this one »

Posted by Ironbear at 06:08 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)