General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev . . .
Anyone else watching this ceremony in Washington? That old Onion article about the Reagan pyramid was supposed to be a parody, right?
Bummer about Reagan. Allah's got nothing to add except that he's really enjoying watching the TV news people interrupt their Bush-bashing and apologizing for Islamic terror to salute a Republican president who stood up to fascism. They'll love you someday when you can't remember your name, George.
Allah should also say that the blogosphere is never, ever more grating than when it's in obit mode. And it's only going to get worse as the week wears on. Purple prose is one thing but c'mon, people: Do you really need to be the twelfth guy on your block to post the "tear down this wall" quote? Just say no to redundancy. The Gipper would have wanted it that way.
UPDATE: The only Reagan obit you'll need.
Reagan Akbar.
I've been remiss in not saying thanks to those who have sent along their well wishes, among them the Commissar, Michele, Charles, Roger, Michael Ledeen, Juliette, Kate, Joe, Jheka, Cameron, Ed, Clay, and especially Cecile Dubois, who sent me one of the sweetest e-mails I've ever received. What happened to those bratty, self-absorbed teenagers of yesteryear, I ask you? Ah well. Blame the parents.
Thanks again to all of them and to all the non-blogger readers who have written to give their encouragement. I really appreciate it.