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About Paid Accounts

I have to pay to use LiveJournal?

No, of course not. Paying for web services is annoying, we agree. That's why nearly all of LiveJournal's functionality is available free of charge. However, if you're happy with the service you're being provided, show your support and get a paid account.

It takes money to run websites (for servers, colocation, and bandwidth), and this seems like a better way to pay for it than blasting you with pop-up banner ads and spamming you with advertisements.

Well, how much does it cost?

The rates are as follows:

12 months$25.00 US
6 months$15.00 US
2 months$5.00 US

That works out to a little over $2/month for the year plan. That'll hardly break your pocketbook. The most annoying part will likely be pulling out your wallet, finding your credit card, and typing in your information.

What's the status of my paid account?

You can review the status of any of your paid accounts by checking the Paid Account Status page.

So what cool features will I get?

Check out our Features by Account Type comparison chart.

To show appreciation for users who have made contributions, there are a number of features that are only available to paid accounts. These features include, but aren't limited to:
New! Post by E-mail
Paid accounts can post to their journals and communities quickly and securely through our e-mail gateway.
Customizing your Journal
In addition to just being able to pick the style of your journal and the colors, you'll also be able to create your own style using whatever HTML you like. This will also let you be able to make new styles that match your website that you can then easily embed, never revealing that you're using as your journal mechanism.
Paid accounts have the ability to create polls in their own journals and in any communities they are a part of and can post to.
More User Picture Icons
Paid accounts are allowed 15 user picture icons, rather than the 3 allotted to free users. E-mail Alias
Paid accounts are given a e-mail address ( that can be turned on or off.
Directory Searches
Paid accounts are given access to use the directory to search for other users. Subdomain
Instead of having your journal at, it'll also be available at, much shorter and more personal.
Paid accounts have the ability to create new syndicated accounts, which are RSS feeds that are incarnated on LiveJournal.
Text Messaging Interface
Paid accounts are given access to the text messaging feature, which will allow them to receive text messages on their phone or pager through LiveJournal's custom interface.
More To-Do Items
Paid accounts can set up to 150 to-do list items in their to-do lists, and can set differing security levels on each item.
Paid accounts have access to the complete range of options for embedding your journal into your home page, as explained on the "Embedding" page.
Domain Forwarding
Paid users can set up domain forwarding, so that their internet domain points to their LiveJournal.
For a complete list of Paid Account benefits, please read What are the Paid Account benefits?
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