LiveJournal for a cracked machine.

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Friday, June 11th, 2004

Subject:why do we still live here in this repulsive town?
Time:11:48 pm.
my birthday is in 27 days. it doesn't feel like it.

seriously, i am very weirded out by this.
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Subject:i know all the saddest people, most of them are dead now
Time:9:01 pm.
1. "If there is someone on your friends list you would love to have an epic, sweaty, damn near legendary, 12 hour fuckathon with, post this same exact sentence in your journal."

2. matte, i need to know how much longer i can expect to have you living here and not austin.

3. the road trip in august may end up being a plane trip.

4. today was the last day in katy on the books-a-million trip and camille and kristen and i had one last meal that the company was paying for, so the three of us went to bennigan's and it was totally 86 dollars for our lunch. hell yes. fat kids represent.

5. john, if it is a plane trip after all we will probably be in the northwest not too far from you, so we've got to hang out if kelly and i are up there.
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Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004

Time:12:29 am.
oh, i forgot- i have another business trip coming up....
i am once again traveling to fair and majestic katy, tx!
ah well, it gets me out of my store for 3 days and my food, mileage, hotel, and some or all of my alcohol will be paid for.
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Subject:there's no one, no one, nothing around for miles
Time:12:11 am.
wow, it is so never a good idea to read through very old livejournal posts. i was obnoxious. i'll probably say the same about posts from this period of time in a year or two.


now that that's out of the way, i can tell you about the big tornado scare we had at work tonight! we thought we were going to have to go to the hallways in the middle of the mall. pretty intense stuff. heh. shut it, i am afraid of weather sometimes.

someone needs to open a hostel in milwaukee before august.
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Wednesday, May 26th, 2004

Subject:backwards forwards
Time:6:37 pm.
i am going to write a musical about how much working at bam can make people want to die!

ps- yesterday was chris' last day and i am happy for him, but so envious as well. (even though we did all wear shrek ears all day today, so i've got that going for me. dude, chris, you missed out.)
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Subject:it's the final countdown
Time:6:34 pm.


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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004

Subject:seems like you've been gone oh so long
Time:2:06 am.
Mood:not tired.
1. which would diana least like to do?
a. go to a show
b. read
c. drink and hang out with friends
d. go on a road trip
e. go to bed now, wake up around 6am, and go to work

2. which does diana have to do?
a. go to a show
b. read
c. drink and hang out with friends
d. go on a road trip
e. go to bed now, wake up around 6am, and go to work

if you answered E for both 1 and 2, you have a score of 100!
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Monday, May 24th, 2004

Subject:well it's gonna take money
Time:12:52 am.
Music:george harrison- i got my mind set on you.
alright, i am totally out of the livejournal loop and i have just decided that i need to start reading and updating again. what the crap is this "real life" shit i've been spending my time on??

ps- summer road trip postponed to august. this is bittersweet.

pps- milwaukee-dweller, will you be in town in august?
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Tuesday, February 24th, 2004

Subject:i've been thinking long and hard about the things you said to me
Time:12:40 pm.
Mood: lazy.
i would like to state that i do not feel like studying or taking a test, and right now i have to do both.
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Sunday, February 22nd, 2004

Time:11:55 pm.

You're Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!

by Lewis Carroll

After stumbling down the wrong turn in life, you've had your mind
opened to a number of strange and curious things. As life grows curiouser and curiouser,
you have to ask yourself what's real and what's the picture of illusion. Little is coming
to your aid in discerning fantasy from fact, but the line between them is so blurry that
it's starting not to matter. Be careful around rabbit holes and those who smile to much,
and just avoid hat shops altogether.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

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Subject:playing with the boys
Time:11:42 pm.
Mood:rather swollen.
so i ate some brie tonight and a while afterwards i noticed that my mouth was kind of swollen on the inside. guess why? there is penicillin on the rind of the brie and i am allergic to penicillin! you'd think if i was only allergic to that one thing it would be no problem for me to consistently avoid it (not like i come in contact with it that often...or so i thought), but apparently not. yaaaay.
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Tuesday, February 17th, 2004

Subject:the coldest winter of our time
Time:10:40 am.
Mood: restless.
i am so tired of work and it took me forever to do the opening stuff today because all i do these days is daydream about going on road trips! (and smoke secret cigarettes). and it's making me even more absent-minded than usual. which is saying a lot. bleh. i can't wait to get out of this area. books-a-million can suck it. seriously. and i need to get on the ball with this french thing if we are going to quebec city!
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Thursday, February 12th, 2004

Subject:with glowing hearts we see thee rise, the true north strong and free!
Time:10:53 am.
my apologies for the length of this post, hosers.

What Do I Need to Get Into Canada?
Regulations for U.S. citizens entering Canada have changed! To enter Canada, a U.S. citizen must provide proof of citizenship with either:
1. a U.S. passport or
2. an original birth certificate or certified copy of a birth certificate.
(U.S. drivers licenses and voter registration cards are not sufficient.)

Traveling by Car:
Carry with you (not in your suitcase) proof of ownership or rental agreements for your car and/or any trailer you are hauling.
Carry proof of insurance while driving in Canada.
Be prepared for border searches, which are routine.
Use seat belts at all times.
Leave radar detection devices at home. They are illegal even to possess in many Canadian provinces.

Spending Money in Canada:

Always convert some of your money prior to leaving home. This is easy to do at your local bank.

Once in Canada, it is always best to exchange your money at a recognized financial institution, bank, trust company or currency exchange rather than a privately owned exchange station. Credit cards and bankcards automatically get the best exchange rate.

The currency system in Canada uses dollars and cents similar to the U.S. system. Canada now has one-dollar coins ("loonies") and two-dollar coins ("toonies"), in addition to 1-cent, 5-cent and 25-cent coins. Paper money comes in different colors and designs. The most common are $5 bills (blue), $10 bills (purple), $20 bills (green), $50 bills (red), $100 bills (brown) and $1,000 bills (purple).

The GST, or "goods and services tax," is a 7% federal tax that applies to most goods and services provided in Canada. Believe it or not, this tax offers an opportunity to save money: visitors to Canada are entitled to a rebate of GST on most goods they take out of Canada as well as on short-term accommodations. Keep your receipts if you wish to apply for a rebate, then pick up a Tax Refund Application for Visitors at any customs office or most tourism information centers, duty-free shops, department stores and some hotels.

You qualify for a tax refund if:
You are not a resident of Canada.
Your purchases (before taxes) of eligible goods and accommodations total at least $200 CAN.
Each individual receipt for eligible goods shows a minimum total purchase amount (before taxes) of $50 CAN.
You have your original receipts.
You apply for the refund within one year of purchasing the qualifying goods and accommodations.

Major credit cards such as American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted in Canada and automatically apply favorable exchange rates.

You can use most ATM cards to obtain cash at a favorable exchange rate from any automatic teller machine in Canada. Ask your local bank about availability and any potential service fees you may encounter.

Tips or service charges are not usually added to restaurant bills in Canada. A 15 percent tip on the pretax amount is common and expected for restaurants, barbers, hairdressers and taxi drivers.

Bellhops, doormen, porters and similar staff at hotels, airports and railway stations are generally paid $1 CAN per item of luggage carried.


Visiting Canada:
Examination on Entry

When you arrive in Canada, an officer from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will speak to you about your visit. It will usually be a quick interview. You will not be allowed into Canada if you give false or incomplete information, or if you do not satisfy the officer you are suitable for entry into Canada. You will also have to satisfy the officer that you will leave Canada at the end of the temporary period authorized for your stay.

A CIC officer may ask you for a cash deposit for security if the officer believes you need extra motivation to respect the conditions of your temporary stay in Canada. The deposit will be returned after you leave Canada if you have not broken the conditions imposed on you.

Once you arrive:

An officer will ask you a few short questions when you arrive. To make this go quickly, keep your passport with you and not in your luggage.

The officer will stamp your passport or advise you how long you may stay in Canada. Feel free to ask questions if you are unsure about anything.

Many provinces also require drivers to keep their headlights on during the day, especially just prior to sunset and immediately after dawn.
For a more complete listing of Québec's vegetarian restaurants, visit the Québec page of:

Bring Your Own Wine
Following European tradition, many Montréal restaurants have a bring-your-own wine policy. Just stop off at the closest dépaneur (the ubiquitous combination deli-convenience store-bakery) for a bottle of your favourite vintage, and then settle in for a mellow meal in good company.

1 United States Dollars = 1.31928 Canada Dollars
1 USD = 1.31928 CAD 1 CAD = 0.757988 USD
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Wednesday, February 4th, 2004

Subject:once in a lifetime
Time:3:13 pm.
Mood: good.
so the other night i was feeling kind of sick still and i had to get up early for work the next day, so i decided to check out that casino in oklahoma. britt was right, it totally does look like a moon bounce! and in the picture of it that i saw on the web site there was a fountain in front and there is so no fountain in real life. when i was there i made sure to pick up a brochure with a picture of the casino on it and, upon furthur inspection, i realized that the fountain was actually a computer graphic. the casino was teeming with these rude, old people (and if they weren't old they were just really ugly) (or sometimes both, which was a real treat!). like they would walk past you and bump into you and make you spill your drink and they would just keep walking, or worse, they would look back at you like it was your fault. and speaking of drinks- no alcohol in sight...but all the free soft drinks and coffee you can handle! haha. and all they had were slot machines. now, i know i shouldn't have compared this place to vegas in any way because that would be an automatic letdown, but i don't think that could've been avoided after i've been to all those bitchin casinos in vegas. so yes, i was a bit disappointed. and i lost $40, which was lame. i did manage to win some money for my mom's husband though. woooohoo.

in other news, john is in town from oregon and chris and i hung out with him and mike and ariel (the friends he's staying with in denton) and that was a lot of fun. we went to rubber gloves for the first time since the remodel and it is really weird, but pretty nice. more room and all. and hopefully they will have liquor soon...and maybe they'll make it 18 and up.
now it is time for me to go to fresh choice with chris and gorge myself on salad and whatnot. i am very excited.

ps- matte, kelly, melissa, remind me to tell you why i am a human garlic clove.
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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004

Subject:monday morning wake up knowing that you've gotta go to school
Time:11:50 pm.

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide

yay, i only have 4 to go.
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Subject:you steal the scene
Time:11:46 pm.
Mood: crappy.
so i was sick recently, and i felt like i was going to die, and then i got well, and the kingdom rejoiced, and only like 3 days of me being well have gone by and now i am sick AGAIN and i am fucking pissed!!!

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Thursday, January 8th, 2004

Subject:the stars look very different today
Time:1:40 pm.
Mood: hungry.
jesus, i feel like i have been out of the loop lately. i haven't updated in weeks.
things are kind of weird right now. unfortunately, i just lost all my ambition to write a real entry. i am going to go make italian food with chris and eat it while we watch the godfather, which i have never seen before.
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Saturday, December 13th, 2003

Subject:baby got back.
Time:3:43 am.
i feel like i haven't updated in forever. recently i went to a hookah bar, which was totally rad. we laid around on pillows on the floor and the flavor of our hookah was "the nightcap," which consisted of coffee and mint. yum. tonight i went roller skating with some work people and they played baby got back and some guy totally touched my ass as he skated past me. it was the most hilarious thing ever. that may be a bit of an exaggeration, what with all of the other hilarious things that have happened, but it was still damn funny. in other news, they have asked me to ba a manager at work and i don't know what the right thing to do is. hopefully i will be able to come to a decision soon, and hopefully it will be a good one. must go to bed now.
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Saturday, December 6th, 2003

Subject:you're impossible to entertain
Time:12:34 am.
how fitting!

Your horoscope... by spiralinghalo
Zodiac sign:
You will realize:one of your friends is going out with a 7 year old.
You should avoid:ninjas, in general.
Your new love interest:little boys (you know you wanted this result).
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
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Wednesday, November 26th, 2003

Subject:and in my dreams you're alive and you're crying as your mouth moves in mine soft and sweet
Time:12:58 pm.
Mood: hungry.
Music:mazzy star.
so last night i just said to myself, "since i am getting up semi-early to go out to lunch with my mom and my grandma (in town from california) and then going to work until one or two in the morning, i think it would be a good idea to stay out drinking and playing cranium until 6am!"

so i feel fantastic....heh.

but it was a fun night, and good to hang out with ben and courtney and matte.
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LiveJournal for a cracked machine.

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