Melissa's LiveJournal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in
Melissa's LiveJournal:
Wednesday, May 30th, 2001 | 11:47 am |
Well, I should be in school right now, but I have so many reports to do so my mom allowed me to stay home to get them done. If I didn't have to work every night this week,Ii wouldn't have to stay home from school. I am so glad that school will be out in 12 DAYS!!! yeah! I got out of doing community service b/c my teacher loves and she knows that I am sooo busy and it's really hard for me to fit that in as well. So now, I am doing a 5-7 page report on Kurt Cobain. lucky me =) That is going to be so easy too because he was great =) I have my fist exam on Friday in Forensics. Wich is great that we do that in school because that is one less exam I have to take on those silly half days. They start on June 12th. Junior Prom is next week, but I am not going for a few reasons. #1~ I wouldn't be going with Chris because I promised my friend J.R. last year that we would go #2 ~ I don't have the money and I already told him I wasn't able to go. He was a little upset, and he should be. I would be upset too, but he'll get over it. So instead, a bunch of us is going to get together and we are all going to go out for dinner and a movie and go play pool =) It's going to be fun. And Chris can even go =o) I have to take the SAT's on Saturday. One more thing I have to stress about.....jeez. Luckily I have that day off so when Chris gets out of work...he's coming over =) Well, I am gonna go update my web page. I haven't done that lately ~x~MeLiSsA~x~ Current Mood: mellowCurrent Music: Change ~ Staind | Monday, May 28th, 2001 | 9:19 pm |
=Þ I've had the absolute best night. Chris just left and...well......=Þ We had some fun. Too bad there is school tomorrow =( And I just remembered that I have a project due on Friday that I really haven't started and I have to do community service (5hrs) by the 5th. I gotta get my butt moving. Gotta go do some homework to you tomorrow. Current Mood: bouncy | Sunday, May 27th, 2001 | 8:27 pm |
yikes oh no!!! i just realized i have sat's on saturday!!!!!! i gotta get studying.....
Current Mood: determined | 5:13 pm |
Grrrr.... I just got back from shopping with my boyfriend....and who do you think we see? One of his ex's. Man, I wish I could just....ugh. It's not worth it. I hate that fucking store. But anyway....once school is out we are going to New Hampshire together for 3 days =) Nice vacation. So all my checks have to go towards that. Tonight, we are going to the waterfires in providence, that's if it doesn't rain. I am so glad I got a sweater for work now. It's oo cold in there with the breeze coming in and it sucks! But now I can be warm. There was such a great thunderstorm last night. I stayed up and listened to most of it..well I gotta go do some laundry. Current Mood: annoyed | Saturday, May 26th, 2001 | 6:08 pm |
Yay!!!! Yay!!! I got the new STAIND cd yesterday.....It's soooo good!!! We went out to dinner at the Olive Garden and then went to newbury comics. I also go the new h2o cd and a cool wallet. I am soo happy. I just got back from working (since 12) and around 7:30 Chris is coming over and we are going out to eat and then we are coming back to my house and watching movies =) This weekend is going to be soo good. Especially since there is no school on Monday...yeah! Considering my bad day on thursday, things are starting to look sunny. I am soo hungry so I hope he gets here soon. I'll be back later ;) Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Staind ~ Pressure | Friday, May 25th, 2001 | 1:36 pm |
My First Entry =o) This is my first entry! I've had this for some time now, but I never actually used it. I am so stressed right now. To start, school is almost out and I have all these projects I have to do and it soo tough. I have to do 5 hours community service by June 8th, plus work...i work at a little ice cream shop and only about 5 people total work there, so I work alot. I have to get someone to take me to a doctor for some's probably not needed but to be on the safe side I am. And yesterday, on my way to work, I was in a car accident with my friend Chrissy. So I didn't even go to school today. Some asshole hit us and bounced to another car. I am soo friggen sore. And I have to work tonight and tomorrow. Good thing its a long weekend. I was hoping to spend some time with my boyfriend tonight....but he has to go out with his friends so he can't come over tomorrow night cuz he's going out tonight instead. UGH! men. I guess I'll just stay home and do some homework. On a lighter note, STAINDs new album came out on tuesday and I am going to get it tonight or tomorrow! I would have gotten in Tuesday, but I didn't have my paycheck then. grrrrrr. I love them. I also learned a few new songs on my bass =) Well, I am gonna get off and make some phone calls for community service. Ill talk later Current Mood: soreCurrent Music: Athenaeum - On My Mind |