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Seattle doubled its taxable sales growth rate, topped the charts for retail, dining, and entertainment, and showed the path to responsible downtown revitalization. A new report reveals 12 ways to redevelop downtown and shows how Seattle's avoidance of eminent domain meant successful, responsible revitalization.


The Goldwater Institute is honored to establish the Ronald Reagan Fellows Program to carry on the great work he began.

People pack up when taxes get too high, a new Goldwater report shows. What could that mean for Arizona?

A Goldwater report shows minority students in Arizona are far more likely to be placed in special education when they attend predominantly white schools.

A recent Goldwater Institute report finds charter schools improve test scores, especially for students who start out behind.

School vouchers are the "missing ingredient" in Arizona's landscape of education options. But are they constitutional? See our recent study.

Is statewide all-day kindergarten the answer to declining test scores? Read Darcy Olsen's recent op-ed.

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