Institute for Humane Studies - George Mason University
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Program Opportunities


Accepted to a Summer Seminar?
We will be mailing more information shortly. If your contact information has changed since you applied, let us know! Check out the travel planning page for directions.


IHS has recently launched a new website on the environment featuring creative approaches to environmental problems. Features articles, links, and more.


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Be the first to know when new opportunities arise and fall applications are available. Sign up for our updates and newsletters.

IHS News


2004 Morley Winners Announced
Winners of the 2004 Felix Morley Journalism Competition have been announced. First prize was awarded to Ryan Sager, a member of the editorial board of The New York Post. View the winning authors and their articles.

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Jobs & Internships

Visit the Job Bank to find out about job openings and internships at market-oriented organizations, including IHS.

Alumni/Donor Events

If you're an IHS alum who loves to get togethre with other IHS alumni in your area, you may qualify for our new alumni networking grant.

The 2003 Charles G. Koch Oustanding Alum has been announced!

Keep September 21, 2004 on your calendars. It's the date of our Sixth Annual Founders Circle Retreat, at IHS headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.

For information about events geared toward our supporters and alumni, please contact Laura Hill at 800-697-8799 or email her at lhill4@gmu.edu.


Institute for Humane Studies
at George Mason University
3301 N. Fairfax Dr., Ste. 440 Arlington VA 22201
fax: 703.993.4890
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