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User:goldrose (61424) Paid User goldrose
Name:she said her name was Maybe
Send goldrose a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Website:buy me stuff. now.
Location:Cocoa, Florida, United States
AOL IM:AIM status MsGoldRose (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 4594000 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status that's not for you... (Add User, Send Message)
wtf is Jabber?

Welcome To Nikol
Population: 1

B9 d t- k++ s++ u-- f++ i o x+ e++ l+ c- Bloggercode! Decode!

give goldrose more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

ok so, i'm Nikol. some folks call me Paige, Shali, Rose, GoldRose, bitch, wuff...

i have a mink in a ziplock bag inside a tupperware container inside my closet.

StarDog Radio rocks my world. i am a fangirl and a junkie. go listen to them.


||no limits. no boundries.||


as you can see from the carefully selected graphic, i am not one sided. welcome to the complicated part of our segment.


please allow me to introduce myself....


first off. i post a LOT.

post in COLOR.

i post random crap
     and lyrics
           and pictures
               and things that may make you have to scroll across your screen. oops.
                 and anything im thinking.
if you dont want to see a lot of posts, dont add me as a friend.

i also post a lot of things that are adult in nature.
if sex and graphic details about such things offend you, go watch a Disney movie or something, ok?

i also rarely care about capitalization. it's my journal, not an English paper. but despite this, and my few Nikol-ese words, i hate really bad typos.

in case you didn't know, that was a warning.



im 26 years young, with the maturity level of a 10 year old boy (smell my finger?).
i am not sure if i am single or not, but i am NOT looking.
im a NY native, back from the left coast but i've found myself most recently in FL.
i am a teaching Councilist. yes, you can ask me about it. no, i don't mind ^.^
im a Deviance Aide.
im THE topless comedian! (read: i'm a really funny stripper)
right now im selling not-pr0n (welcome to Blockbuster).
im also a BDSM'er (Pro Domme & lifestyle switch)
im a lifestyle vampire
and a lifestyle wolfen
a furry (Shalindria is my most well known character)
an anime & anthropomorphic & fractal(wannabe) artist
a former pro wrestling valet/manager
a radio personality hopeful
an HTML slave
a MUCK builder
the self-proclaimed media junkie
i am the Painus In Yer Anus

as far as the important details about me on this journal....

[info]lostwolf is my stalker. neener. so be nice to me.
[info]kibbles, [info]lostwolf, [info]kaalin, and [info]protocat are my guardian angels.
[info]the_corruption is my guardian devil.
i share an apartment with [info]viror.
[info]livingmisery is my pirate wench.
i am [info]inevitability's favorite stripper and favorite blockbuster employee.

my communities:

[info]bemyneighbor-a community dedicated to the late Mr Rogers. (pro Mr Rogers, i might add. flaming sucks.)
[info]bigbluedeal-a community for movie reviews, release dates, and other movie n00z.
[info]brokendolls-a community for the broken. broken hearted, broken spirited, etc.
[info]councilism-the community for the teachings of Councilism.
[info]daystarworlds-the community for my upcoming MUCK.
[info]daystarretreat-the community for my goal in life, the DayStar Retreat.
[info]dearprincess-a general advice community. uberslow right now.
[info]fauxpenii-a sex toy community.
[info]houseofrose-a lifestyle/sanguine/psi vampire community. *NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC*
[info]uberstupid-a community dedicated to revealing the stupidity that flows like wine on the interweb.

i also moderate on [info]autoerotism, a community about playin with yerself.


I am Pansexual, Are You?

i am pan-sexual. i like straight men, bi men, gay men, straight women, bi women, gay women, drag queens, drag kings, butches, femmes, androgii, furries, TVs, TSs... i know no boundries.
i listen to all kindsa music and wear all kindsa clothes.
i have all kindsa friends.
i do not limit myself, don't take it so fucking seriously.
if you feel the need to judge me based on what bands i like or if i wear blue jeans or not, BLOW ME.

im multiracial, a nice blend of the -angry- nationalities... Italian/Libyan & German/English

(all hail the Big Black Ass!)

no i -dont- look like Shirley Manson dammit...
OR the girl from Leon.
but if you tell me i look like a young Cher i won't argue. ^__^

where am i from?
well all's a list:

Hopewell Junction, NY
Poughkeepsie, NY
Fishkill, NY
Wappingers Falls, NY
Worcester, NY
Watervliet, NY
Schenectady, NY
Long Beach, CA
Canarsie, NY
Williamsburg, NY
Freeport, NY
Levittown, NY
Valley Stream, NY
Cocoa, FL

Memories:88 entries
Interests:149: 80s music, advice, alsatians, angels, animals, anime, anthropomorphics, anubis, ares, balance, bdsm, biting, black soap, blood, bondage, bridget, broadcasting, camping, cats, cavies, chaotica, children's rights, clothes, corruption, costumes, councilism, crucifiction, david bowie, death, demonology, depersonalization, divination, drag queens, drawing, eating, eddie izzard, edgeplay, end of days, fallen angels, fishing, food, fur, furries, furry, gardening, gay men, geneology, glam rock, godspell, goffs, gold, gothic, goths, green, green tea, guinea pigs, hair, hair bands, hair fetish, henna art, high heels, horse racing, horses, html, hunting, inxs, jasmine, jello, jewelry, kiefer sutherland, kissing in the rain, knives, labyrinth, law & order, leather, lucifer, magic, make up, manga, media, meditation, mehndi, mimosa trees, modeling, monogamy, morningstar, mucking, mucks, nail polish, oded fehr, paisley, paperwhites, piercings, plaid, pony falls, porn, pr0n, pro-life, puppy girl, rabbits, race horses, radio, rain, reading, redheads, religion, ritual, role play, rope, roses, sandman, sarah brightman, sarees, school uniforms, se7en, sensory, shakespeare, silk stalkings, sin, sour candy, spirituality, stained glass, standardbreds, star trek, stardog radio, sun, swords, tattoos, thai food, the moody blues, the navy, the sun, unicorns, uniforms, vampire, vampires, vampirism, vintage clothing, violet wands, war, watership down, wcw, web cam, web design, wolfens, wolves, wrestling, writing, young riders. [Modify yours]
People356:2_gryphon, 3rdandharrison, _thoughtless_, alexlucard, aloyen, amblinwiseass, amilori, an6elika, andeldaiel, angel_in_chaos, angelikwander, angelraven, angelrayne, angerbunny, angrydave, anubis_dot_com, aoanne, arcanixnitebane, arcanus, ares_dot_com, arianrhodfae, armand427, arphalia, artgolem, asagwe, ashley_altars, ashryn, auliya, aundray, autolycus, ayabraeden, ayiska, bander, barberio, bathsheba, batty, batty_, being_homeless, berrybender, bishounenhuntrs, blackrobes, blackthorn45, blindvision, blooddoll54, bloodystar, blue_panther, bluedeer, brend, brucette, burningblue, butterscotchvix, candiapplekitti, carbonfly, casporthos, catloaf, cenedra, chaostrophy, chef_troy, churl, collabi, commander_data, contadina, cookiecache, cozmicky, crackjackal, crazykracker, crimsonfiend, crystalshiplovr, cshiley, dabrooklyn, dacookiemonster, daemonox, dahn, dameos, dannfur, darkcorners, darketower, dealerzan, derwolfen, devcandy, dgough67, diasis, dj_havok, djenigma, dogtown, drav, drzero, duhreetoh, dv_girl, e_cutie, egypt_, eko, eldarath, endybajr, enoelie, epinephrine, ericthecavalier, esche, esm, ethanstangerart, evendeeper, fadingtoblack, fahkingnut, fahrchan, falconeio, fantasmag0ria, fireballof3, fireelemental75, fondl, forge_wolf, fumanchaw, gabby2600, gafennec, gavril, gideon_hoss, gigglingwizard, glitterdecay, godisalaserbeam, gothkat, guardiankaos, hackrabbit, harlospears, hbrika, hellion, hicks, hiddendeep, hiryu, hokage, homeless_man, humanarchy, hylian, hypersnazz, iamthesky, immortalbeauty, inevitability, infectedfeline, iron_raptor, irsmurfette, jacent, jaedakitty, jaguarundi, jedahl, jeran, jinxtigr, jnlldxn, jonesybunny, kaalin, kahoki, karynda, katajuice, katari, kategod, kattaryna, kharne83, kibbles, kim_jong_il__, kim_spiracy, kimiko_sakurako, kitsune_rei, kobold, kojoro, krag_carbine, krrayn, kwsapphire, kyrene, lacrimulae, lady_fantasy, ladyofdreams, ladyphoebe, lapisrosae, ldy, lestat_la_vamp, lionmandrake, littlefaerie, littlemisslucky, livingmisery, lordpanthere, lostwolf, lottydah, lottyphuckendah, lukescottwalker, lullaby_child, lurene, lutrine, luwana, macrae, mansond, mariusrau, maryjkelly, maynardslavegrl, mc_smeagol, mechayakuza, meepkitty, mehnea, meig, melting_djarums, meph78, mercury_realm, merrioc, mighty_max, milomaki, misscleopsychic, misterfader, mizeryschild, monette, more_light, morgan_mcfatass, mostlyhere, mr_self_destruc, mschaos, msdoremidan, mspadgett, musicwolf, mypain, naughty_imp, nduli, necessary, necrobutcher, necrophagi, necrozombiesexx, neitherday, nevecat, nghtwlkr, ninjaseg, nohbody, norseraider314, notherbunny, nowhere500, nur, nwolfsbane, nycfetphoto, nycrivethead, nycrivetquizes, nylan, obscuraviolet, ogasnor, orchids_burning, otterfluff, ourasquirrel, ozena, p0rtwolf, pacalissanctum, packardmelan, passageway, pegla, phreec, pinkblackstars, piperz, poeticdragon, poofywolf, pouterpuffe, prinlee, protocat, psychosixx, psykitty, qual, queengodzilla, quixoticmonkey, rabidbutterfly, radd, raindance, rakija, randomactofpain, raptavio, ravinglunatique, rayce, razael, rechan, reive, rev_ringtail, riencat, roachspray, roadnotes, rockitten, roon, ruronin, rusted_essence, samhain_punk, sandramort, sanguinevampyre, sapphire_d, sarya, saywa, schivnorr, scottopic, sdelaforge, sedation665, sensrhps, sh4dd0w, shadli, shatter_snow, shopclerk, siege, silverblue, silverwing, sixxywoman, skwirly, slavetosin69, sneekerbreeker, snowboom, somebunny, somegirl, spankedassassin, srakkt, sslaxx, stahi, stego_s_aurus, stickart, stickdevil, stonethecrow, stormgreywarden, subspaced50, swedishcake, sweetcassi, sweethonesty75, sylverhawke, synlock, thaily, thakur, the_corruption, the_editor, theauthoress, thidgeld, tikkimink, tim10101, toastifer, toraneko, torn_soul, tracesofreality, trash1011, trigem, tzarohell, ungodlyhell666, unika, uraniumphat, urbanwuff, vampyrex, vaz, velvetmuse, verse, viror, waxapple, wezweasel, wolfgrrl, wolfspiderrptr, words_in_a_row, wrx247, wylddelirium, wytchbabie, x_dresser, xkidmidnightx, xochiquetzal, zenithe, zenkal, zenmouse, ztrooper
Communities20:angels_incarnae, artwords, autoerotism, bemyneighbor, bigbluedeal, brokendolls, councilism, daystarretreat, daystarworlds, dearprincess, devils_panties, fauxpenii, houseofrose, kojoro_poetic, lj_maintenance, loxinabox, mlib, onlinecomic, quotefarm, uberstupid
Feeds20:davebarrycolumn, davebarrysblog, devilspanties, friday_five, homestar_rss, littlebits_rss, megatokyocomic, officialgaiman, pennyarcaderss, roseisrose_feed, rupaulblog, shitewaterfalls, sinfestfeed, someposifeed, something_awful, uwod, venusenvycomic, weebl_rss, wilwheaton, wwwords_news
Friend of:270: 78sporty, _thoughtless_, alexlucard, an6elika, angel_in_chaos, angelikwander, angelraven, angelrayne, angerbunny, aoanne, arcanixnitebane, arcanus, ares_dot_com, arianrhodfae, arphalia, artgolem, ashley_altars, ashryn, auliya, autolycus, ayabraeden, ayiska, banners_fo_sho, barberio, bathsheba, batty_, being_homeless, bishounenhuntrs, biteycircusflea, blackrobes, blackthorn45, blindvision, blooddoll54, bloodystar, blue_panther, bluedeer, brend, brucette, casporthos, catloaf, chaostrophy, churl, coen, collabi, cookiecache, courtneydidit, cozmicky, crackjackal, crazykracker, crystalshiplovr, cshiley, dabrooklyn, dacookiemonster, dahn, dameos, dannfur, darkcorners, dealerzan, devcandy, diasis, dj_havok, djenigma, dogtown, dragonrift, drav, drzero, egypt_, eko, eldarath, enoelie, epinephrine, ericthecavalier, esche, evendeeper, fadingtoblack, fahkingnut, fahrchan, falconeio, fantasmag0ria, fondl, forge_wolf, fumanchaw, gabby2600, gafennec, gideon_hoss, glitterdecay, godisalaserbeam, gothkat, guardiankaos, hackrabbit, hellion, hicks, hiddendeep, hiryu, hokage, hylian, hypersnazz, ihavefriends, immortalbeauty, inevitability, infectedfeline, iron_raptor, jaedakitty, jaguarundi, jeran, jnlldxn, jonesybunny, kaalin, kahoki, katajuice, katari, kategod, kattaryna, kharne83, kibbles, kim_spiracy, kimiko_sakurako, kinjouten, kitsune_rei, kobold, kwsapphire, kyrene, lacrimulae, lady_fantasy, ladyofdreams, ladyphoebe, lapisrosae, lestat_la_vamp, lionmandrake, littlefaerie, littlemisslucky, livingmisery, lordpanthere, lostwolf, lottydah, lottyphuckendah, lullaby_child, lurene, lutrine, mansond, maryjkelly, mechayakuza, meepkitty, mehnea, meig, melting_djarums, meph78, mercury_realm, milomaki, misterfader, ...
Member of:368: 6th_sense, 80sforever, 80skids, _hmm, absinthelovers, adultchild, adulternatives, againstnature, alt_models, ancient_goth, ancientegypt, androgyny, angelic_women, angryinch, animefanart, animemp3, annielennox, anthrocon, anxietypanic, apothecarium, artists_beware, artwords, ashirion, asian_horror, authors, autoerotism, ayb, bartendering, bbv_drones, beadwork, bemyneighbor, better_ideas, betweenrealms, bh_friends, bi_people, big_booty, big_brother, bigbluedeal, birdlovers, bisexual, black_moonlight, blooddolls, blooddrinkers, bloodsports, bloodybeauty, bodies_of_art, bodyart, boisfemmesinbed, bondagefaeries, boy_touching, boysineyeliner, boyskissing, bracelet_sluts, brightandbroke, broken_mind, brokencircle, brokendolls, brokenhearts, brooklyn_usa, bw_photography, cannibal_is_me, capricornarama, cflrockshows, charentonasylum, chemicalwhores, cher_o_matic, childrenofstars, chix4satan, chronic_health, cielo_drive, cirquedunoir, clowns_r_evil, co_workers_suck, cockrockers, cocktail_lounge, comic_creators, commentsluts, community_promo, con_costuming, concreteblond, conspiracies, corruption, councilism, cowboybebop, creativegirls, criminalmind, crimsonbeauty, crossingjordan, cult_classics, cult_film_freak, customers_suck, damagedproperty, dark_depression, dark_images, darklotus, darkpaganism, darksideofebay, daysofourlives, daystarretreat, daystarworlds, de_deranged, deadstuffphotos, dearprincess, deliriumlove, deviantart, deviantchicks, devils_panties, divination, doodler, drag_kings, dragqueenlovers, dyed_hair, eastcoastfurs, eclecticax, eddieizzard, elendor_players, elfmanesque, emotional_bliss, eroticnightmare, eroticvisions, euphoricxwaste, everybreath, evik, eyes_, fake_hair_pix, fakehair, fansub_trade, fauxpenii, fehr_addicts, felledangels, fetishconfess, fetishgoths, fightdepression, flamedames, floridafurs, floridascene, fofa, fontaholics, fourelements, fuckyoulist, furartxchange, fureverfriends, furrtive, furry_connect, furryartists, furryfems, furryreaders, furrytattoos, furrywriters, fursuitters, fushigiyuugi, fuzz_gut, galaxyfraulein, gayflorida, gentry, ghosttowns, glam_trash, glamalicious, glbt_pagan, goblincity, godspell_fans, gothboisngurls, gothfurs, gothic_furries, gothmakeuptips, green_obsessed, gwen_is_fake, hartsfaraway, haute_stuff, have_no_life, hedwigwhores, hellishfetish, hentaicatgirl, highlysensitive, homestar_runner, horror_film_fan, horror_movies, horrormoviefans, horse_feathers, houseofrose, i_am_pansexual, i_fear, i_hope, i_miss, i_want, innaughtwetrust, interfaith, interracial, irockoldmancock, italianfood, izzard_lovers, just_ask, kaosflower, kattaryna_rox, kittiemeow, kojoro_poetic, kolectiv, korova_milkbar, l_and_o, lacqueredmales, lecterphiles, lgbt, li_scene, lifestylers, livejardin, livejournalcult, lj_nifty, ljanonymous, ljbrooklyn, ljfreaks, ljladies, ljwhore, longhair, lonleyhearts, love_of_music, lovegeek, loxinabox, macabreparlor, male_dom, manga, manic, margaretcho, master_ninja, medfree_anxiety, medicational, militaryuniform, mindgarden, mlib, momlessdaughter, mtgs, mu_rpers, mu_wanted, muds, music_80s, music_freaks, musicobsession, my_cat_is_sexy, my_imperfection, my_job_sucks, mythology, neil_gaiman, neopia, neopia_insanity, neopian_adults, newage, newyorkers, nycgeek, nycgoth, on_the_town, once_winged, onlinecomic, onlyus80skids, openpaws, oriflamme, original_look, orlandofl, pagan, paidmembers, pallas_athena, parachute_x, pathoftheawoken, peopleinmakeup, pickle_lovers, pinupgirls, pocnexus, prettyfingers, prettypetticoat, pridegoth, pro_wrestling, publicassist, pure_femininity, qotd_movie, qow, queerpoc, queerporn, quotefarm, rabbit_breeding, radio, rage_away, ragin_remy, randomjournals, ravenous_dawn, redheads, relaxation, religiondebates, rennies_nphotos, rhps_fans, rockyhorrorshow, rpg_admin, rubberducks, rural_ruin, sanguinarium, scandalsheet, scarred_wings, schoolgirls, self_injury, serial_murder, serialmurder, shapeshifters, shoe_fetish, silmarillion, sinfest, skirtingdanger, som_pos, songwerds, south_fl_goth, spiralpauper, spiritcompanion, stregheria, strong_badia, strongbademail, strongbadrocks, stronghopes, stylishdeviants, suspendreality, switchhitters, switchspace, sylntdeath, synthetichair, tapestries, tattooed_goths, teafortwo, temple, the_crusaders, thebroken, thedarkisrising, thedreaming, thegreenfairy, thelostchord, themoodyblues, thequilt, thespecialppl, thriftwhore, tigerlovers, tolkien_elves, tormentedfew, transanime, transgoth, typeonegative, uberstupid, underpower, unique_fetish, urban_decay, urnottheonly1, vampirekindred, villagevoices, vintage_sex, vinyl_anonymous, wang, we_hate_jlo, we_know, windsofmidnight, witchboards, witches_quill, woc, wolf_eyes, workangst, worlddominance, worry_beads, worrywarts, wrestlehistory, wrestling_fans, wretchedlist, wwe, xenites, xfetishx, xglamorx, your_shadows
Account type:Paid Account

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