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User:lo5an (123691) Paid User lo5an
Website:Logan's Page
Location:Norman, Oklahoma, United States
AOL IM:AIM status lo5an (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 112672223 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status lo5an (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I love stories.

I'm a unix geek. I currently make a living doing that sort of thing, with some programming (mostly java and python) and some database (mostly postgresql) work to fill out the day.

I don't speak Spanish or French.
I especially don't speak Arabic, Chinese, or Cheyenne.

I'm not very good at sleeping.

Someday I might become a Lexicographer, or a Librarian.

I like this poem a lot:

Such is life
Falling over seven times
And getting up six.

I also like the story that goes along with it.
Memories:14 entries
Interests:148: a.s. byatt, admiral twin, agnatology, alan moore, angela carter, archives, books, bruce sterling, carla speed mcneil, categories, christopher alexander, cognitive studies, comics, community, computational linguistics, conversations, copyright, creativity, curiousity, dancing, databases, dave mckean, depression, design, diagrams, dictionaries, doing the right thing, douglas hofstadter, drawing, e. e. cummings, e. f. schumacher, ecology, economics, emacs, emmy lou harris, english, environment, epistemography, epistemology, esl, español, etymology, fair use, fairy tales, fiction, folk music, food, foucault, français, funk, geek girls, go, google, grammar, greg brown, hiking, history, history of science, honesty, hugging, ideas, incommensurability, information hygiene, information science, irony, jacques barzun, jonathan lethem, jorge luis borges, kissing, klf, knowledge, language, learning, lexicography, libraries, library science, linguistics, local music, logic, lord dunsany, love, magical realism, mark sandman, math, memes, memory, meta, metafiction, metamathematics, methodology, miscommunication, morphine, morphology, music, mysticism, myth, neal stephenson, nehi, neil gaiman, oklahoma, organization, orthography, orwell, oxford english dictionary, paradox, pattern languages, paul auster, peace, people watching, perception, philosophy, phonology, poe, poetry, politics, puttering, python, reading, research, rhetoric, richard feynman, salmon rushdie, second language aquisition, semantics, sensuality, sex, sleep, small is beautiful, sound, spiderman, sql, stanislaw lem, statistics, stories, synthesis, systems analysis, tea, thinking, thinking really hard, this american life, translation, umberto eco, unix, walking, warren ellis, western music, william gibson, writing. [Modify yours]
Friends:81: alicetiara, antiopa, aprende_espanol, archivists, beatnikside, bibliographic, champignon, charlies_diary, ciole, dervish, detectiveni, ebon_ebb, erindneophyte, errorval, etymology, fictionfriday, frozbot, gager, glitterbug09, go, goban, goldbug, gordonzola, gustavolacerda, handmadebooks, hepkitten, ilikered, iuyterw, jdriver, jetsetjc, johnnyvega, krink, lady_gairfowl, lamnia, learn_french, leoetiquette, libraries, library_grrls, light_cite, linguaphiles, linguists, lipstick_lib, lj_backend, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljupdate, lo5an, logicophenomena, loveinapuff, manamakeri, mateolee, mayflyy, mcgroarty, melintur, mistersleepless, mongonoodle, montaque, mussitation, nemoalia, news, nezumi81, nxtwothou, obliviorss, officialgaiman, paidmembers, petrorabbit, pocheco, porcupinetie, reify, scottscidmore, simon_moon, starfruit, subgirl13, texantart, vaga6ond, valks, waylonflinn, wgm, withlyn, xie, yotogi_net
Friend of:51: antiopa, champignon, ciole, dervish, detectiveni, ebon_ebb, erindneophyte, errorval, frozbot, gager, glitterbug09, goldbug, gustavolacerda, hepkitten, ilikered, iuyterw, jdriver, jetsetjc, johnnyvega, lady_gairfowl, lake_awake, lamnia, leoetiquette, lo5an, logicophenomena, loveinapuff, manamakeri, mateolee, mcgroarty, melintur, mongonoodle, montaque, mussitation, nemoalia, nezumi81, nxtwothou, petrorabbit, pocheco, porcupinetie, reify, scottscidmore, simon_moon, starfruit, subgirl13, texantart, vaga6ond, valks, wgm, withlyn, xie, yotogi_net
Member of:22: 50bookchallenge, aprende_espanol, archivists, bibliographic, damagedproperty, deadmachinery, etymology, fictionfriday, go, goban, learn_french, libraries, light_cite, linguaphiles, linguists, ljupdate, normanites, okc_music, oklahoma, paidmembers, saucydwellings, tulsatime
Account type:Paid Account

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