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Below is user information for december30. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:december30 (651454) Paid User december30
the hair of the blog that bit you
Memories:9 entries
Interests:47: 3 lb. thrill, agnosticism, al franken, atheism, capsaicin, dar williams, david foster wallace, editing, education, ethnic cooking, ethnic food, feminism, health, ipa, john donne, jon stewart, lagavulin, liberalism, literature, liz phair, margaret atwood, mark crispin miller, martin amis, mary gaitskill, massage, morality, myers-briggs, overanalyzing, philip roth, politics, ragdoll cats, reading, salon, shakespeare, strength training, table talk, thai food, the beatles, the brontës, the daily show, the kinks, the rolling stones, the who, vegetarian cooking, vegetarianism, writing, yoga. [Modify yours]
People9:caraliss, crecia, cyan_blue, december30, dhe, exit9, labibliotheque, shechemist, star_nicholas
Friend of:7: crecia, cyan_blue, december30, dhe, exit9, labibliotheque, star_nicholas
Member of:8: gradschool_hell, infj, journalifegoals, mbti, paidmembers, psychology, vegrecipes, yoga
Account type:Paid Account

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