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Below is information about the "eatin' veg." community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:veggie_blog (1026045) veggie_blog
eatin' veg!
it ain't just salad and tofu
Name:eatin' veg.
About:are you a vegetarian? vegan? maybe you're not but enjoy the occasional meatless meal.

make a list of what you ate today to share new cooking and food preparation ideas. let the world know that you eat much more than just salad and tofu!
Interests:57: baking, beans, breakfast, burritos, cereal, chinese food, cookies, cooking, dessert, dinner, eating, food, food preparation, french fries, fruits, healthy food, hummus, ice cream, indian food, italian food, junk food, ketchup, lists, lunch, meat free, meatless, middle eastern food, noodles, nuts, pasta, peanut butter, quesadillas, salad, sandwiches, seitan, smoothies, snacks, soup, soy, soy sauce, spices, stir frys, tea, tofu, vegan, vegan cooking, veganism, vegans, vegetables, vegetarian, vegetarian cooking, vegetarian restaurants, vegetarianism, vegetarians, veggie burgers, veggies, whole foods. [Modify yours]
Members:54: _distance_, allymcle, arbres_fails, babyburrito, carmelite, ceryna, cheerjess, colorlikeavirus, crimsontears911, eeyore_grrl, esca_utena24601, femme9wine, feveredmind, fey, foreverquatre, gamutalarm, gerifanatic, goddessofstank, godforbid, graciasadios, haela, homoderotic, invisiblexstar, karina, kazatasupa, kdm23, kinglaugh, krasota, kwanboa, merrymayhem, nerdalert, nicholas_k, nooneatall, phillywebgirl, pocketbomb, poincare, porcinea, prettytheworld, ravenskylar, sabethea, sadlybeautiful, serenejournal, stumpthegreat, tenchi777, the_inn0cence, thejinx, tickertape, ugly_mouth, underyournighty, vanilladream, violane, whenlovespeaks, wickenden, yousteppedinpoo
Watched by:45: _pluvia, a_o_i, allymcle, arameneliel, arbres_fails, cheerjess, colorlikeavirus, crazylikeheaven, eeyore_grrl, esca_utena24601, femme9wine, feveredmind, fey, foreverquatre, gerifanatic, goddessofstank, godforbid, graciasadios, haela, karina, kazatasupa, kinglaugh, krasota, mechaengel, melissamercury, merrymayhem, midnitedreams, mysiren, nerdalert, nicholas_k, nooneatall, oscuridad, paroxysmal_girl, phillywebgirl, pocketbomb, porcinea, recipechallenge, serenejournal, stumpthegreat, tenchi777, tickertape, underyournighty, veggiechef, wickenden, yousteppedinpoo
Account type:Free Account

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